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Everything posted by 1sttenor

  1. Nice Pics
  2. 2-4-D will take care of it. Its prevalent in my part of Missouri. 2-4 D will not hard most northern grasses, but will kill most weed grasses.
  3. IMHO - worthless pieces of fooey...I ride like an old man and no tire should wear out in 6K like that. I got 6K out of the ones that came on my 06. I replaced them with E3s and have 8K on them and they barely show any wear. For the $20 bucks more go with E3s or a few more - Avons.
  4. I don't have one on my 06, but the 99 had one when I bought it. The SpeedoHealer is an electronic device which will enable your bike's speedo and odometer to show realistic information. http://www.healtech-electronics.com/
  5. I'd agree with Nickle's thought, at least to start with. That also where my trailer pigtail is wired.
  6. Do you have a speedohealer? Mine is 55 on GPS with 60 indicated.
  7. I live in MO and there's a company called MO Farm Bureau, primarily for farmers obviously, but full coverage is only $289 annually. If you have Farm Bureau in your state they are reputable and very good service and worth a look.
  8. I bought my 06 in the fall of 06 because a fellow had to have hip replacement and wouldn't be able to ride it again. Because of his malady I got a new (3 months old and 1137 mi) bike for $4k off. Something like that would have allowed him to keep it. Unfortunately his misfortune was my good fortune.
  9. I never cease to be amazed at the lack of common decency exhibited by some people.
  10. Both Sweet looking rides! I need to get around to posting some as well.
  11. Just my two cents worth...what is our lives worth? We've got two fist sized contact patches, with the noted exception of our brothers running car tires on the rear. Having good rubber keeping me up and getting me home is worth alot!
  12. Nothin' like riding that new scoot for the first time. I feel like I do every time I get on "Ole Red". Congrats
  13. I guess I just getting old...splitting lanes, I don't need to get there that fast!
  14. Dale, With the weather we're having in MO I wish I was there to take the pics for you!
  15. I have a Neosho. Can't even Tell its back there. The price for the options was great and the aero design the also great. The only thing I thought was too expensive was custom painting. So I could live with white for a while, especially since I just use it occasionally! Golfing, trips, etc. Here's their site. http://www.neoshotrailers.com/
  16. Hey, you guys are getting a little close to home! After all, we have to eat too!
  17. My mom used to own restaurants. When I was about 12 I accidentally dropped one small piece of ice in one of the hot deep fryers. At first nothing happend, then, really bad things happened. I mean really bad! Over half of the grease wound up on me, the floor, and walls! I'm very careful of that now, to the point of being paranoid.
  18. For what its worth the WalMart Super Tech is also made by Champion. The guts are supposed to be exactly the same as the Pure One. Turns out that filter fits my RSV, the wife's infiniti and my lawnmower with a 27 HP kawasaki engine. I've been looking for an article where the filters were cut open. Some of the so called name brands were absolute junk. If I can find that write up, I'll post it up. OK, I found it. http://www.calsci.com/motorcycleinfo/FilterStudy.html
  19. Depending on price I'd be interested. Look great in my office!
  20. My ram mount for my GPS took two days to deliver. They're terrific!
  21. Everyone here will tell you Avons, or Elite III, a few use Michlins. I'm a Elite III guy myself. Made by 06 RSV feel 200 pounds lighter.
  22. Welcome from Mid MO.
  23. Sorry to hear about the tire, but glad you were able to keep the shiny side up. That's the definition of a good day!
  24. Sick'em Condor!
  25. Has anyone not drilled RK newer mufflers with the cat. converter? Is it necessary to drill the cat. converter?
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