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About tomephil

  • Birthday February 7

Personal Information

  • Name
    Tom Phillips


  • Location
    Winnipeg, Canada


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  • Interests
    Music, riding
  • Bike Year and Model
    1980 Suxuki 850,1984 VentureXVZ, 2000 Venture

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  1. We were unable to make it this year but wanted to wish all a great rally! Tom and Terry
  2. Condolences to Becky and family. RIP Bongo. Thank you Tom for keeping everyone informed. At a loss for words right now. Tom and Terry
  3. Positive thoughts from Terry and I.
  4. Thanks very much for the updates Tom. Card is sent. Wish we were closer. Tom
  5. Bob, Terry and I are keeping you in our thoughts. All the best old friend. Tom
  6. You got it buddy. Terry and my thoughts are with you while you fight this. Wish we were closer. All the best. Tom
  7. Our thoughts are with you Bob. T and T
  8. Very Cool! Thanks Bubber.
  9. I would check with your city's ride organizer. I know the new bonnies are OK as they are retro design.
  10. Not sure if someone has posted this or not. The 2018 Distinguished Gentlemens Ride is scheduled for this Sunday, September 30th. This is an international ride to support prostrate cancer and men's mental health. The idea is to dress up in fancy cloths, get on a classic bike and take part in a ride. There are countries and cities around the world who are taking part. I did it last year and it was a hoot. Here is the link to their main page. https://www.gentlemansride.com/about Here is the link to my fundraising page. https://www.gentlemansride.com/fundraiser/TomPhillips155078 If your interested, check out to see if they have a ride organized for your town. Tom
  11. Thanks
  12. Thanks Puc, Will do.
  13. Thanks Bill
  14. Na, I think you are thinking about someone else with the adult beverages... Hmmm. Yes, enjoying the new bike. Took Terry for a ride and wasnt impressed as I thought that I had cross winds gusting up to 50 or 60 klms. Got home and found the winds were gusting up to 90 klms so I guess the wing did OK.
  15. Aww, come on Bubbs. Macgyver will be with him... They sound good even without accompanying instruments. Least that's what I remember. Have a great time!
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