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Lil D-Valk

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About Lil D-Valk

  • Birthday August 26

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Albion, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1997 Honda Valkyrie
  1. terribly sorry to hear the news. My mother always said your sister is your closest relative. (she wanted us to be close). Our thoughts are with you and Vickie, as well as the rest of the family. We are here if you need us......
  2. Wow.... what a huge step..... i hope the meeting and relationship answer questions for you.... it will fill the void of the unknown... all the best....
  3. I'll keep my older valkyrie's thanks... too much plastic...
  4. Congrats!! Enjoy!!
  5. Tom, Wow....people really reacting. For those who do not know.... He has had Honda Valkyrie's at almost all his rallys. My spouse and I usually join. After much, cajoling by Big Tom, I joined venturerider.org. We try to ride with our friends at venturerider.org a couple of times a year. We keep a busy ride schedule and will go all over the country to see new places and meet friends. Adding folks to an event, keeps it from getting stale year to year. Remember whatever we ride....we share the same passion for the wind. that said..... I'm going to go grab my helmet............
  6. lots to check out in the area..... church in the woods; the enormous statute, a few good restaurants, every road is steep, curvy and banked... enjoy
  7. happy belated birthday Big Tom .... We really need to get together and share a meal.....too long!
  8. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people! Enjoy your day and keep the old man in line.... Hope the knee cap is improving (stop trying to kick Tom). All the best!!
  9. no..... mine is the tourer... my spouse has the interstate...... wny group has no problem riding together.....we've done it many times....
  10. Thanks for a setting up the meet and eat Daiton. WNY'ers aren't bad if you can tolerate them... Particular Big Tom... Rock'n Robin is so mild and lady like.... Scary group...... Stay safe.....
  11. I will chat with the big guy and see if he is in....we are riding today too....definately need some wind therapy!
  12. enjoy!
  13. Hi - I can't say I am mechanical. but, i know where to locate info. http://www.rattlebars.com/valkfaq/schematics/index.html http://www.valkyrienorway.com/ or come to the Valkyrie page and ask questions. http://www.valkyrieforum.com/bbs/index.php/board,5.0.html Hope this helps!!
  14. welcome.... not all the wny members are as nutty as.... oops...... yep, they're all kinda nutty.... watch out....
  15. so tom, you clearly hate snow..... where are you going to retire to??
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