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Everything posted by Barry.B

  1. 0k guys everyone knows that a 2004 midnight special is the bike to buy specially if it is cromed Tell your brother he did good . Can't buy any better Barry
  2. I will take one please don't know when my bike was done last Barry
  3. They look real nice and you got them on e-bay for 21.00 dollars each from where . Barry
  4. Congraduation You deserve it
  5. I have a 85 venture royal star venture Brown and a 04 mm Like them both but have to sell the 85
  6. I know you guys get alot of snow I lived in Newfoundland for 6 years and Halifax for 8
  7. I heard it is calling for 10 to 12 inches of that white stuff
  8. Has anyone heard about a big snowstorm that is suppost to hit next weekend sometime.just wanted to know I am getting really tired of this winter
  9. I had the same problem 2 weeks age I thought I flooded it so I decided to change the plugs so I changed the 2 back ones and went to remove the gas tank so i went to shut fuel off and I notice that it was already off so I turned it on and what a surprise it started without killing the battery again . then I looked around to see if anyone was watching
  10. Hi everyone the reason I don't post much is there are more people here that has more knowledge about the venture then I do and I am learning alot all the time .Thanks Barry
  11. I sure would like to get one for me 04 venture if I could Please Barry:
  12. I have it mounted on my right handle bar with the bike antanna mounted on my front right signal light.I love it you don't have to change stations on radio.: Barry
  13. Thanks Bob that was real nice to hear Thank you Barry:thumbsup2:
  14. Sense I bought my 2nd gen I don't ask many question because it runs so good but I do have a 1st gen in garage that I have to work on this winter to try and do some work on 2nd gear and the starter up grade to 4 brush system . Someday I want to sell the 1st Gen . and pay for new flooring that my wife wants done right away. Sorry for not asking more question to all the great people on this sight. Barry:
  15. I was parked down by the arena in gravel parking lot Barry
  16. HI Ground Hugger It was cold running along lake Erie I started the drive at 6;30 and I got back home at 9:30 back to Amherstburg Barry
  17. I arrived at Port Dover around 12:00 pm and left there at 4 it was a cool day for sure .There was alot of people there Barry
  18. I'll be coming if it is not pouring down rain . Did it one time I had to dump the water out of my boots when I got home . I took the day off work to come and have fun. Barry
  19. Is Anyone going to Port Dover Ontario on September 13 for the day?
  20. That was awesome Barry
  21. Is your coil in the freezer behind the back panel by your fan froze solid if so check your defrost element see if is working . This will make your fridge run warm to . Barry:scratchchin:
  22. [attach]75850[/attach] First Picture is My wife Donna and myself [attach]75851[/attach] Just a old picture of me Barry
  23. It is good to hear that Randy and Beth are still around the area sense I am the one that bought their Bike from them . The Bike 2004 midnight venture is a beautiful bike and it was well taken care of . I am hoping sometime to get to some of these get together s to meet some of you folks . till then ride Safe Barry:thumbsup2:
  24. I got the air out and now the fan comes on at 210 degrees which is higher than I want wish it could come on around 190 but it come on that is good . Thank you for all the help . just need to bolt fuel tank back down put on a couple covers and I am ready for the warm weather Barry
  25. Thank you I will see if the rad is full so there is no air bubble by senser . Barry
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