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Everything posted by pofarm

  1. Thank you! I wanted to make sure the cams I bought were Vmax and not RS. No. The right one is the Vmax cam. It has a bit more lift and a bunch more duration than the Royal Star cam.
  2. I found a picture someone posted here a while back. It is of a V max and a Royal Star cam side by side for comparison. I can't find it again. Could the person who posted it, or someone who may have saved it, repost it here? Thanks!
  3. I was doing some welding and grinding work a couple of months ago. I had a piece of metal in the bench vice and was cutting it using a cut off wheel. All of a sudden my belly started getting real warm. I looked down to find that my shirt was on fire! Being dumb, I hadn't put my welding apron on and the shirt was an insulated flannel one. That nylon liner and polyester batting sure do burn good! I managed to knock the fire out with my gloved hand. The shirt had a hole about 6 inches diameter in it. Luckily, it didn't burn through my Tshirt.
  4. 10 CENT FIX.....Inside the finned cover, in line with the plug, is a round raised area. This boss holds the plug in. Tape or glue a dime on the top of the boss and re-install the finned cover. This will push the plug in tighter and stop the leak. Many of the guys here have done this. I need to do mine, too. I noticed a leak yesterday.
  5. When I went to look at the Virago I noticed that the mufflers had pvc plugs in them. The PO explained that a mouse had been storing dog food in the mufflers. He said that one day he went out to ride it. It was hard to start (unusual), and that when it did start it blew dog food all over the garage door.
  6. You have to separate the springs. One is long and has an eye at one end and a hook at the other end. The other is short with flat ends. You will keep the long one.
  7. I guess because it would be too long to fit in the box with the rest of the parts? Really, the trailer wasn't made for real high speed operation. They are rated for about 45 mph, max, out of the box (liability reasons). They are light enough that you wouldn't notice a difference when pulling them behind a 4 wheeled vehicle at under 60 mph or so. They usually won't cause a problem behind a bike, either, if they are loaded correctly. A longer tongue makes them much more forgiving.
  8. Here is a real good article on using the HF trailer. http://www.herberts.org/wayne/valk/trailer.htm
  9. The general rule of thumb is that the tongue length, from the center of the axle to the center of the coupler, needs to be at least 1 1/2 times the length of the axle from center to center of the tires. This isn't critical, but does make the trailer pull much better and with more stability.
  10. I built mine for about $300.00. I bought the trailer used. It had 8 inch wheels on it. I bought a set of 12 inch off ebay for it. The car topper was a freebee from a friend. I replaced the tongue with a longer one and added a cooler rack. I used treated plywood for the deck, painted it black, and added aluminum angle to the edges to spruce it up.
  11. Here is a link to the stebel horns. http://www.hornsplusauto.com/
  12. LEO's haven't bothered me at all about them.
  13. skydoc_17 on this forum sells the upgrade stator, Shindengen regulator and needed gaskets as a kit for our bikes. He quoted $295.00 for the kit a year ago. May be a bit higher now.
  14. Your best bet for the regulator is the Shindengen fh012aa or fa020aa. They are high load mosfet regulators. I don't think Shindengen is making the fh012aa any more, but you can still find them. They are basically the same, just a little bit different housing, from what I understand. Yamaha put carb heaters on the 32mm carbs starting around the 2000 model year, as I recall. Someone correct me, if I'm wrong.
  15. The ebay ones are over priced, anyway. Check Boats.net. Good prices and cheap shipping costs...
  16. Take a look at this. I think it will help you out. http://www.international-star-riders.com/starcruiser/vol2-7/AirRoyal/AirRoyal.html
  17. I got a doe and a 7 pt last week. Saw this one at a convenience store when coming home. It is still in full velvet. The hunter said it was a hermaphrodite. It didn't have the full sex organs of either gender. It's an 8 pt that is very symmetrical. The rack was still pliable. I read that these dear don't have the testosterone to harden the rack and never loose the velvet. They don't drop the racks, either.
  18. I mounted my plate, using the bottom bolts holes, to the center of the frame. It sits above the frame instead of below it. I used LED license plate bolts to illuminate it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-Chrome-Stainless-Steel-White-LED-License-Plate-Frame-Bolts-Lighted-Fastener-/290780536396?hash=item43b3dede4c&item=290780536396&pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr
  19. My guess would be wheel bearings. I just had to replace them on my 96 Royal Star.
  20. As I said in my other post, The bearings are odd sizes. Bearings are normally sized in 5mm bore size increments (6004, 6204, 6304 = 20mm and 6005, 6205, 6305 = 25mm). The right side rear wheel bearing is a ball bearing with a 22mm bore and is labelled as a 60/22. I have found no interchange for it. A normal 6022 would have a bore diameter of 110mm. The left side bearing is an oddball cylindrical bearing that I have found no interchange for, either. I work in a bearing manufacturing company and have gone through their books with no luck.
  21. Measure the inside diameter of the carb throat, ie: the end that goes into the intake boots, Do not measure the intake boot.
  22. If you are worried about the 55 watt bulbs, you can get 35 watt halogen bulbs here. http://www.memotronics.com/product?pid=1124 Get a couple of spares, too. They can be hard to find.
  23. Here is a heckuva deal on a set of 28mm carbs. http://www.ebay.com/itm/98-Yamaha-XVZ-1300-LT-Royal-Star-Deluxe-Carburetors-H12-/400325027175?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item5d353b2567 As I understand it, the 28mm carbs have chrome metal diaphragm covers and the 32mm have black plastic covers. Someone correct me, if I'm wrong.
  24. pofarm

    Gun Club

    A few years ago someone bought some property adjoining a local quarter mile drag strip that has been in business for over 50 years. Then they tried to sue the race track because of the noise. The judge ruled in favor of the track and told the people to deal with the noise or move. They knew about the track before they bought the land.
  25. It's not a standard sized bearing. Go figure. The dimensions are 22mm id x 44mm od x12mm wide. A standard 6004 bearing is 20x42x12 and a 6005 is 25x47x12. The seals are 28x44x7mm. These don't show up as standard seals either, as far as I can find. The closest standard seal I found is 28x44x6mm. https://www.denniskirk.com/front-wheel-bearing-and-seal-kit.p123122.prd
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