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Everything posted by pofarm

  1. Then blames biker! Does not have adult content, as the disclaimer says. Does have some minor bad language. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5Rb_3GlMTM]Cop Rear-Ends Motorcycle - YouTube[/ame]
  2. I feel your pain. I ended up in the emergency room a few weekends ago with pain and blood in my urine. After testing, the Doc told me there was no bacteria in my urine, so I must be passing a stone. They did a cat scan and found nothing, so I evidently (and thankfully) had already passed it. They sent me home with antibiotics and I was fine within a couple of days. This was the third time in about 6 years I have had a urinary tract problem of one kind or another.
  3. $139 each? They sell them on ebay all the time for about $90 a pair for boards with brackets. They don't have any listed right now. Have you called them?
  4. You can temporarily fix the freeze plugs in the sides of the cylinders with a penny. Remove the finned covers and tape a penny over the end of the plug, then replace the cover. The penny will squash the plug tighter to the cylinder. You do need to replace them soon, though. They are part number 90338-11152-00 and cost under 6 bux each. Do not run the bike with the finned covers removed. You can, and most likely will, pop the freeze plugs out if you do. I can't give you any advise on the hoses.
  5. Is it 3 wire or 4 wire hook up?
  6. The Dems in this state are working on all kinds of anti-gun bills. This is a majority Republican state, so none stand much chance of passing. I stay in touch with my state and federal legislators quite often about these anti-2nd amendment bills.
  7. You need 25mm diameter shims. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=&_osacat=10063&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313&_nkw=valve+shims&_sacat=10063&_from=R40
  8. Here is some info on the pegs needed to use on the OEM guards. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=60830 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=57747
  9. Why do you want to make sure you order the wrong ones?:rotf:
  10. @ dbikers...You don't have engine guards on your bike at all? The highway pegs in the picture you posted are aftermarket that clamp onto the OEM engine guards. If your guards are missing, I have a pair I would sell. I put a set of Lindby engine guards on mine. The first picture is of the OEM guard. The second shows the Lindby on my bike.
  11. The local Harley dealer has one in their show room.
  12. I'm planning on getting out tomorrow. It's supposed to be around 70 degrees. Tuesday is supposed to be nice, too, but I have to work.
  13. According to boats.net's interchange, this will fit. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Road-Star-Headlight-OEM-/321061272697?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&fits=Model%3ARoad+Star&hash=item4ac0be3c79&vxp=mtr Pinwall doesn't have anything listed on ebay at this time. You can contact them at 330-879-9910 or email them at customerservice@pinwallcycle.com to see what they may have.
  14. I do love a good debate...
  15. Thanks, guys. That's what I was looking for. A DEFINITIVE answer to my question. It's great to have access to people who know.
  16. This is what I've been trying to find out for sure. Some say it will effect the speedo, some say it won't. It all depends on whether the sensor picks up on the ring gear or the pinion gear.
  17. Back in 1977 my dad bought a new Chevy pickup. About a year later the tranny started slipping. The dealer said the case was cracked, but didn't know why. The dealer replaced the tranny 3 times while the truck was under warranty, but never did figure out what was causing the tranny case to crack. After my dad passed away I was helping my mom get things ready for winter. That's when I found the tranny fluid in the radiator. My B.I.L. and I installed an aftermarket cooler and bypassed the radiator completely. He sold the truck to an old man who drove it for several more years with no more problems.
  18. I was told that the speedometer won't be effected because the ring gear is the same tooth count?
  19. I'm considering picking up a Vmax differential and transferring the gears over to my Royal Star differential. Thoughts?
  20. Does anyone have, or know of a how-to on setting up our Royal Star differential gears?
  21. They are available from Buckeye performance and are rated about 55 amps. The stock ones are rated 30 amps, IIRC. http://www.buckeyeperformance.com/p24.htm Some dealers may do the job, but I would either do it myself or take it to an independent shop to get it done. I haven't done it but I'm guessing it is probably a 4 hr job @ whatever the going shop rate is in your area. skydoc_17 on this forum also sells an upgrade kit that includes the stator, gaskets, upgraded regulator/rectifier, and needed wiring.
  22. Here ya go. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=10518
  23. What year is the Vmax cam in your picture? Mine is supposed to be out of an 85. The lobes are definitely wider than the RS cam, but don't look as wide as Vmax lobes in the picture.
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