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Everything posted by pofarm

  1. Loni Anderson
  2. When I try to add mine it automatically puts me somewhere around Spain. I don't find how to edit my City/State.
  3. If she can do it, so can you!
  4. I put amber led dual intensity boards in my front flashers and red dual intensity led boards in my rear flashers and used clear lenses front and rear. Now I have red running lights in the rear. I used an led flasher since the self canceling didn't work, anyway. Amber running lights to the rear is illegal in Missouri. I don't know about other states. Way back when I had a pickup with red, amber and blue lights on it. The red and blue to the front were illegal and I knew it. I had them for a couple of years before getting stopped for it. "Luckily" I had amber lenses to swap them out and didn't get a ticket because I changed them on the spot. *grin* It all depends on the cops and whether they want to push the issue. It was a city cop that stopped me, not a state cop.
  5. I would be willing to help, but I'm on the other side of the state and have weird work hours.
  6. Yeah, but I'm one of "those guys" who can't leave anything alone. LOL I like tinkering and building to suit me. My other bike, an 82 750 Virago, is FAR from stock. I slapped an 1100 cc motor in it and dressed it out with a Vetter fairing, bags, and trunk. Way more spent then I would ever recoup. I built it the way I wanted it. Royal Star evolution Virago evolution
  7. Don't we always??? With all of the accessories I have added to mine in the last 3 years I have spent somewhere between $1500 and $1800 on top of the $2200 buying price.
  8. I bought my 96 with 13k miles for $2200.00. It had some bruises from being in a tornado. It had new paint and most of the damage was repaired and, other than a badly dented muffler, what wasn't repaired was minor cosmetic stuff.
  9. I've ridden in several charity runs where they request that you run 4 ways if you have them.
  10. That's the beauty of LED lights. They can be on forever without running the battery down. I've seen guys with the LED accent lights leave them on for hours at rallies without worry.
  11. Nope. It's a 96 model. My friend has an 02 Road Star. I don't believe it has them, either. As far as I know, they aren't required, at least in Missouri.
  12. I just added 4 way hazard flashers to my 96 RSTD. I used THESE LED pods and a cheap LED flasher unit that I also bought off ebay. Cost was $7.18 for the pods, shipped, $1.50 for the flasher, shipped, and a buck for the switch. Total...under 10 bux.
  13. Do what you gotta do... Better to do it now than when the site crashes. Thanks for your sacrifices to keep this great site going. Best $12 bucks I have spent.
  14. It's a clevis to attach a singletree to horse drawn equipment. It would be cool if you could find the wrench for it.
  15. I've owned 3 Hondas, a Norton, A Kawasaki, and several Yamahas. I currently have an 82 750 Virago with an 1100 cc Virago motor transplanted into it, and a 96 RSTC.
  16. Also, if it proves to be too high (I doubt it will) you can put 8" wheels on it instead of the 12". It looks to be about the same height as mine. I took the 8" wheels off mine and put on 12".
  17. I just flushed my clutch fluid. I hadn't done it and the bike has 25k on it. Don't know if the PO had ever done it, either. It was black. The lever is easier and smoother to pull now. I never imagined it would make that much difference. As far as replacing the clutch, chances are it isn't needed. Usually a slipping clutch is caused by the clutch spring, part # 4NK-16334-00-00, getting weak, not bad clutch plates. The spring is around $60.00 and easy to replace. You can also upgrade to the Barnett Clutch Spring Conversion Kit, part # 511-90-10002 for around $125.00.
  18. The ignition switch seems to be a common problem. When you replace it, also do the ignition bypass. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=75398
  19. Make sure whatever you get is compatible with the tail light (incandescent or LED). Some work with both types, some are specific.
  20. My wife and I went up there several years ago on vacation. She grew up in Saginaw. We went to Mackinac Island, then up to the UP. That's some really beautiful country! Would love to do it on 2 wheels sometime!
  21. I mounted mine with double sided tape to the right side of the battery box.
  22. My nephew rear ended a car years ago. He landed on his feet in the street in front of the car.
  23. I've had one of THESE in my front tire for over two years. I haven't had a bit of problems with it.
  24. If I recall correctly, the boards interchange left to right. The mounts are the only difference. If your board is still good you can replace the rubber pad. Part number 4YE-27433-00-00 fits either side. http://www.boats.net/parts/detail/yamaha/Y-4YE-27433-00-00.html
  25. I bought a VMX diff off of ebay for cheap. I sent it and my RS diff to RM Sportmax. He did the gear swap for $150.00. He charges $300.00 if he supplies the VMX gears.
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