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Personal Information

  • Name
    Greg Bradshaw


  • Location
    Carthage, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Tinkering with cars and bikes. Hunting and fishing.
  • Bike Year and Model
    1996 XVZ13AT

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  1. Guess I'll be the odd man out. Heck ya I'd try them. Probably taste like mountain oysters, more or less.
  2. Mine is a 96. The fairing and bags are aftermarket. Thanks for the offer. And thanks everyone for the well wishes. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a353/pofarm/Royal/12-27-12_1403.jpg
  3. Going to a bbq at a friend's house yesterday with another rider. He was looking for the right street to turn on. He almost passed the street, but got stopped. I tried to stop, but I guess I grabbed too much front brake and the bike slid out from under me at about 30 mph. I have road rash up most of my right arm, a small patch on my left elbow, a hole below my right knee (rock?) and my right hip is badly bruised. I'm sore all over. The bike actually fared better than I did. The right saddlebag is trashed, the right crash bar was bent back into the floorboard, the right floorboard mount is loose, windshield is broke, fairing is bruised, but fixable and the gas tank has a dent where the right speaker grill got into it. For some reason, the rear brake doesn't work any more. May have broke the master cylinder. It's still driveable. One of the guys at the bbq rode it to the house. I guess now is the time to tear it down for the paint job I've been wanting to do.
  4. I got a call a few hours ago from my youngest step daughter. She said she hadn't heard from her older sister for several days, so she sent her husband to check on her. He found her dead in her house. She was 39 years old. She had been on dialysis for the last couple of years since her transplanted kidney had failed after about 15 years. I guess her body finally gave up. I ask that you pray for my wife and step daughter. They are really taking it hard.
  5. I run a Nexen SB802, 165-80/R15 on mine. I run 40psi. I tried using less air pressure, but it felt loose with less than 40 in it. It took 120psi to seat it. As far as feeling different, I really can't say there is much difference, except that it likes to follow the irregularities in the road a bit more than the MC tire did. I have no problems cornering with it at all. I won't go back to an MC tire.
  6. A man who owned a small ranch near Sheridan, Wyoming was tipped off to the Wyoming Labor Department that he was not paying proper wages to his employees. They of course sent an investigator out to interview him. When he arrived, the investigator told the rancher he would need a list of his employees, as well as how much he was paying each of them. “Well,” replied the rancher, “there’s my ranch hand who’s been with me for 3 years. I pay him $1200 a week plus free room and board.” “The cook has been here for 18 months, and I pay her $1000 per week plus free room and board.” “Then there’s… well, let’s call him the half-wit. He’s worked here from the very beginning. He works about 18 hours every day, with no days off, and does about 90% of all the work around here. He makes about $10 per week and pays his own room and board.” “But,” the rancher interjected,”I do buy him a bottle of bourbon every Saturday night. Sometimes he even sleeps with my wife.” Very sternly, the investigator stopped him. “That’s the guy I want to talk to… the half-wit.” “You’re talking to him,” replied the rancher.
  7. 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE Richard M Lester specializes in motorcycle injury claims and has offices nationwide. Free consultation, too.
  8. 1996 to 2000 or 2001 had 28mm carbs, smaller valves, single valve springs and a milder grind cam. Later models have 32mm carbs, larger valves with dual springs, better cam profile and different rear gearing. As I recall, the transmission gearing is also different. Some have changed to VMax dual springs and cams and later model RS 32mm carbs. Changing the cams and springs is a direct swap, no mods needed. Changing carbs requires using the correct intake manifolds to match the larger carbs. The manifolds have to be milled down and adapter plates made and placed between the manifolds and heads. Then you have to come up with an air filter system that will work. Another mod is to swap year gearing with VMax gearing.
  9. I didn't realize there was a junction block. Thanks for the correction.
  10. One should be threaded with a lock nut to hold it in and the other a tang that a screw goes into to hold them into the grip housing. Can't mix them up. On the other hand, at the carb end they have very similar ends. Switch them at the carbs.
  11. I was planning on going, but lost my job. Have a new job, but no vacation time to go.
  12. EBC HH on the front, EBC kevlar on the rear.
  13. It worked for me. I got my notice and renewed a few weeks ago.
  14. I have bought many items from Pinwall and never had a problem. They always send me an item shipped notification with tracking number. I suspect your starter got held up or lost when or after it crossed the border.
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