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About Jonesboy

  • Birthday 07/10/1945

Personal Information

  • Name
    Floyd Jones


  • Location
    Visalia, ca, United States


  • City
    Visalia, ca


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    riding, shooting, fishing
  • Bike Year and Model
    Yamaha 2005 RSTD
  1. I run 40 in the front and 42 rear, yes pull all the weights and re-balance or use dyna beads.
  2. Thanks for the response guys, will be on the road in the morning. Thanks again.
  3. I'm helping a friend fix up a 96 4 piper and if some could post some pic's on how the muffler mounting brackets mount to the frame and mufflers I would sure appreciate it. The guy before welded drag pipes to the header pipes and the muffler mounts are due in tomorrow. Thanks for your time.....
  4. What was the question???? A pin hole will cause some poping on decel, but these bikes are prone to poping.... So, did I stump you with an answer??
  5. X2, this is what I did.......
  6. X2, made a big difference
  7. They are just there to keep the buzzing to a minimum. I've never road without them, so can yea or nay.
  8. I put a HD faring on my Roadstar, has the same windshield brackets as the early Royals. Go to www.roadstarclinic.com and in their tech section they have pic's on how to do it. I checked out that route and then did my own thing. Once you get the fairing in hand you can tell what you need to do, took me two months of procrastinating. Once I started I was done in a day and a half. Good luck on the project.....
  9. Yes there are some on Ebay, but you can make your own in about a half hour, from the photos on this site. I made mine out of flat stock from Lowe's 2"W X 1/8" T. I'm sure someone here will put the link in for you or just do a search.
  10. Just sent mine in, 05 RSTD, $84........ must keep the food stamps going as the roads out here don't see it.
  11. For $10 Harbor Freight make a pipe expander set and that makes it easy to slip on, just do a little at a time...
  12. My son lives in Canon City and says somedays the smoke is like fog, he's 40 miles from the Spings. Do go back as it's a great area...
  13. Do you know the history of the bike, like last time clutch was replaced if at all???
  14. Have never done this, but they have a rubber o-ring for the petcock.
  15. I found 3M at WalMart......
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