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Everything posted by KIC

  1. Welcome Chuck, The parts aren't "expensive" compared to other bikes. There are used parts available, in fact I might have a front caliper available this weekend if an 83 is the same one. The amount of information available here is more than you can find at a stealership. These bikes are pretty easy to work on. Check the tech section for specific "how to's" ..or in my case..how not to.. Oh yea.. and you might want to buy BigTom a banana split....
  2. KIC


    I didn't know that either...
  3. Hey...who left the door open ???? Will somebody grab a 1/2 gallon of Super Nutty Butter Carmel Creme with Marshmallows and lure him back into the room ?? ( tell him it's snowing outside)
  4. Yes I did. So much for typing on my smart phone with .05 sizetype font...
  5. The battery resister wire is a real breeze to make and install. In fact I made a couple extra just in case. Mine took the 2.2 ohm resister.My 87 needs one but I just haven't been in town to install it yet. Good luck. Bill
  6. I should have 2 83 parts bikes in a couple of days once I get back from travel. If I have what you need I'll get it to you if you haven't already found one. Let me know. Bill
  7. Battery by-pass wire completed ?
  8. If the gas pump picture is showing, you are just low on gas . I thought it was supposed to be on until I filled up the first time . When you are off reserve, you will just show bars across .
  9. So how many of you are on-line applying for a job at Bike Magazines...???
  10. We want pictures of the garage.....not of you... ....
  11. Uhm.... just a thought....
  12. Okay..well I'm 2250 miles away from my bikes, but just want to wish you all a very Happy Easter !
  13. On my 89 I got to it through the front headlight also..if it is loose n rattling add a thin washer on the bolts to clamp the rubber spacer tighter . Mine was driving me crazy until I did that . If you pull your unit, grease the bushing while you are at it .
  14. Bert, I have a bottle of Novus scratch remover you can try. I am out of town until late tomorrow then leaving again early Thursday till the 12th. IF.. I remember, I will throw it in my 89. I am loaning it to a friend and I'll have him get it to you.
  15. Hey don't worry about it...my attorney will be in touch shortly.
  16. So sorry to hear the bad, upsetting news. We try the best we can for our children. My daughter was a nice cute engaged bank teller living at home. One day she came home and said she broke off the engagement and was enlisting in the Army as an MP. Next thing I know she is a Military Police Officer with Airborne on her way to Afghanistan. I TOLD her.. I lectured her..to be safe..think she listened..?? NOOOooooo way..had to get herself blown up by an IED. Then she went and earned her Purple Heart and COmbat Action badge. WHAT is with these kids ??? Don't they listen anymore?? Don't they understand? You try to teach them to listen... Hang in there...hopefully your son is just going through a phase... if not..there is always intervention and Dell rehab. Just hope he NEVER dabbles in the 2nd Gen world....
  17. Have you still not ridden yet ???? Look at the Yamaha TW200's . They are a fun stable fat tire bike. You can ride on any surface . And they are bullet proof .
  18. I have been successful in welding the cracks and broken tabs on mine. its easy and cheap. When you get ready to do your front forks..let's talk. just finished my 89 and ready to do them on my 87. As said, the battery by-pass is very simple. Good luck. Bill
  19. Wow..and I thougth 2nd Genner's were the whiners....that Goldwing is one loud whiner....it sounded like it was crying to be a 1st Gen.
  20. Post an ad on Craigslist with his number . Have in the aD that you "will take a smaller bike in trade for wife to ride " If that doesn't work we will have to vote him off the island .
  21. I'm seeing a negligee draped across the seat to the handle bars with a note saying you "will trade rides"... Did I actually type that outloud..?
  22. That is a great video. I just finished editing my daughter's college paper on business communication and 3 of her real life examples on dealing with issues with businesses. I am sending her the link to the story ad the video link that she can use in her class as what can happen when a business doesn't not step up to the plate on issues... Really is a good video....
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