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Everything posted by KIC

  1. Just reschedule it and don't tell, I mean accidentally, forget to tell a select few....
  2. We are scheduled to hit 109 for the next 2 days. Says it is gonna rain today, but there isn't a cloud in the sky.
  3. Ohh.... I should have read further... I think it is a bounty fee......
  4. Who would have thought Dan was worth so much....Saw an article titled: Microsoft Said to Agree to Buy Yammer for $1.2 Billion
  5. They won't work on your 86. You would have to redo the whole muffler bearing set up, the fuel injection into the turbo and the mess. Guess I will have to take them for my 89. So just ship them to me please.
  6. I think it should include cranberries, daisy's and gorilla glue to start off with....
  7. I have played around with a soldering iron and ABS plastic scrap. You have to have the same type of plastic to use as a filler. You melt the plastic while adding the additional filler plastic and it holds. I made some new side taps and soldered/welded/melted them onto the the existing side covers. They look pretty good. Used a pair of dikes to cut and trim the taps. Used the other side's tabs as a pattern. This HF system looks interesting but at $80.00, my cheapo iron works pretty good. Go to a plastic manufacturer in your area ( makes signs etc) and ask for a piece or two of scrap ABS. I got a big piece for $2.00
  8. Here is the info on how to make one of the switches a garage door opener. This is a different option available : [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dR6t2zCLaA]Automatic Motorcycle Garage Door Opener - YouTube[/ame]
  9. Geez..talk about pressure... Here is the write up on the garage door opener conversion. There is also a second option shown here: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dR6t2zCLaA]Automatic Motorcycle Garage Door Opener - YouTube[/ame]
  10. Geez..you guys are falling like flys.... take care and remember...even a gimpy 1st Gen is faster than a 2nd Gen ..
  11. So do you wear it while walking on wet rocks ? Hey...just asking....
  12. I was looking for a definition of a word/phrase and found this.. thought I would pass it on.. a little interesting reading in some spots.. http://www.squidoo.com/Biker-Lingo
  13. That's OK. I understand not wanting a 2nd Gen to even remotely "taste" a 1st Gen. It would then develop a personality conflict of wanting to be a 1st Gen, but looking like and running slow like a 2nd Gen. Last thing we need is a slow, confused, cross-dressing 2nd Gen. It might wind up looking, and running, like a Hardly...
  14. Brian, It seems that most (90% ?) of the 1st Gen bars are at the same setting. I would just figure that that would be your target audience on the group buy. I think once a price was out there, for like 20, you would be able to gauge the actual purchase amount. If you get enough at that amount, and more want them, the price could lower a little and bring even more buyers to the table. Just a thought. Bill
  15. how do you recalibrate them ?
  16. Congrats...so does he ride ?
  17. So it seems to be leaking in the morning when it is cool. Once I ride it, it doesn't leak. Expansion and contraction... just like my wallet...
  18. Brian, What is the status of these ? all 4 of mine had the same 11 1/4ish measurement with the bars in what I consider the normal position. I would be interested in 2 of these for the 89 and 87. You gotta quit teasing us with these cool things and tell us the feasibility of having them available. I know you are planning your trip..... just don't forget about those of us out here...
  19. I am very interested in one of these. I have instructions somewhere on how to convert a garage door opener using a button/switch. You can hide the opener and just push the button. This would be perfect for that. Actually... I will need two..one for the 89 and one for the 87. Bill
  20. It has been sent to Radian last Saturday. Sorry it took so long.
  21. If you want, I can send you my Carbtune and just send it back when you are done. The sync is pretty simple.
  22. mine shows about 5 MPH faster than my GPS at higher speeds..like from 45 on up. At 20 - 40ish it is 3-4 MPH higher than GPS. Seems to stay at the 5MPH variance at least up to 95ish ...
  23. Yes.. I ordered 2 of those o-rings with the order. I just wasn't sure if we were talking about the same ones. Thanks guys ..as always I appreciate the help. On a side note... I took it out for a ride today..and it didn't leak. On again..off again... dang gremlins...
  24. Which one are you talking about ? What number ?
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