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Everything posted by KIC

  1. It's all that 1st Gen power, the wheelies, and the consistent fast braking you do when a DQ :fnd_(16):comes into sight.
  2. I found out several months ago that the dial air pressure guage I had been using was giving an innaccurate pressure reading. It was showing a higher than actual reading. I purchased a good digital and corrected all my vehicles and trailer's pressures. Or so I thought. After reading a current thread about tire life and air pressures, I started to wonder if I had re-checked my bike's pressures. I usually check them monthly, but with my work travel schedule, time flys and things got off of schedule. I went out and checked them. The rear was at 24 PSI and the front at 22.5 PSI. So... I filled them to 40 PSI rear and 35 PSI front. Then I went for a ride WOW....... it rolled faster out of the garage. It cruised smoooooooothly down the road. Seemed to shift a little easier, turned nicer and just seemed like a different bike. The only down side seemed that the brakes were just a little less. Amazing how just a little air like 16 lbs in the rear and 11 lbs in the front can make such a difference. Next thing you will know is that if I fill the gas tank to the top the guage would show full... Lesson: Check you gauge against another one you know is accurate.
  3. Your welcome. No problem. Don't worry about the postage. Just ride safe.
  4. When you say "link" are you talking about the flat half-moon piece the spring connects too ? I think that is what you are referring too. Do you think a different link from a 83 would work ? I can take one off of one of my parts bikes and send you the link. if it hasn't been bent it should be stronger than yours that has been bent. Or what about welding the two side by side and making it twice as thick ?
  5. So Bridgestone is the Viagra of tire makers ? Just how long can they last ? Is it true that if they stay hard after 4,000 miles you have to see a mechanic ?
  6. None of your other 47, or is it 52, bikes have a trunk rack ?
  7. I had to place a piece of ABS plastic in mine and tape them shut to keep my legs from melting off in the summer here. I want to make an ABS cover to totally block them for summer riding. I have read here that there is enough air flow out the bottom for engine cooling.
  8. More comparison: They got Dingos...We got Dingy..
  9. You gotta go back to post #3 and read the fine print...
  10. I also have a set of bars off of an 83 you can have if you need them.
  11. I'm sure some of 2nd Gens can tell you how they get the rock chips, from all the 1st Gens passing them, out of their plastic.
  12. Which is exactly why I have my own version of "Don't ask...Don't tell..":rotf:
  13. I got my Carbtune in like 7 - 10 days after ordering it. I was out of town when it showed up so I am not sure exactly when it arrived. I have heard others say it was fast delivery too. Here is a thread about fast delivery: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=69546
  14. Dan.... you have to stop her from watching "The Devils Ride" .....
  15. Thank you...She is 10 months old in 2 days. ( and in case anybody is wondering..the tow behind trailer is a joke .)
  16. Teaching my Grand Princess to enjoy riding..... ....anything with two wheels...
  17. I had a set of throttle Rockers on my BMW. I need to get a set for my VR. They were great and helped relax the hand/wrist. Helped relieve the numbness and finger cramping.
  18. So... bored sitting on the couch and watching Deadliest Catch. Seeing all that Twitter crap going along the screen. Pick up the phone..Google Twitter..and the next thing I know I have a Twitter account. Now I don't have a clue what to do with it. I don't want/need to foll a bunch of garbage..so I started thinking/wondering..anything good motorcycle related ? So... Is there ??
  19. Good point on the temp issue. It has been 108/109 here every day and hot in the garage. When it's parked in there. AND DON'T SAY IT .!!...DO NOT SAY IT...!!!! DO NOT IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM SAY IT ........!!! NO ..NO ..NO....
  20. So I received all the new gaskets and o-rings.... and all the leaking has stopped... AND.. I just know that as soon as I take it apart to replace the now non-leaking parts, "sumthin" (bad) is gonna happen...
  21. Like he said.... for what bike ? and exactly what parts ?
  22. KIC

    Air Vents

    Almost as fast as the brunette bikes go, and WAAAAaaayy faster then a 2nd Gen.
  23. So here is the best advice I have for you; Be sure to take two (2) videographers, placing one in front, and one behind you and those who chose to help you. AND... consider this a pre-order request for a copy of the video because I wanna see this !!! I smell a reality show video clip !!!
  24. And I got mine too.... thanks
  25. Brian, If you need one I have one that I can mail it ASAP. Did the kickstand arrive yet ? Bill
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