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Everything posted by KIC

  1. Hi all; Wondering if any members are close to Imperial Beach/San Diego CA that could run by and check out a 1st Gen ? I have a friend that is interested in one and though I have volunteered to drive over with my trailer to pick it up with him, it would be good if somebody familiar with 1st Gens could just see if it is what the owner/seller claims. So..???
  2. Yea...but at least you tried.... gave us all a laugh, and now you can move on while one of us pulls the next laughable stunt...
  3. Uhm...that one was investigated and determined to have been a photo-shopped fraud.
  4. I will tell you how I soaked my 87 after it was parked with gas in it for 2 years by the previous owner. I disconnected the gas line to the fuel pump. added a line to the fuel pump and using a small funnel I poured a very rich SeaFoam/gas mixture into it and let the gas pump, pump it in. But first I drained the bowls using the connected drain lines. Then I drained it again to make sure the Seafoam mixture was in. Let it set for 48 hours. It will run like crap when you first (finally) get it started but a fresher gas/SeaFoam mixture from the gas tank will help. Good luck.
  5. I have heard really hard to find, and very expensive when you do. I hit mine by accident with a power sprayer and blew the right side out. Good luck on finding some.
  6. WELCOME ! At 42K it is just getting broken in. Spend some time on the forum here and you can find out a lot about your bike. The search function works best this way : Top right in the lower blue line click on "Search" Drop down to the bottom where it states " Google Search" Click in the little circle that has the www. venture address. Type in a few cue words on your search and click the "Google Search" button. You will get a lot of info on your questions. If you can't find the answers...just ask here and you will get answers, comments, jokes, harassment, your thread hijacked by at least one if not more.... and you will love every minute of it... Then you pay your $12.00 to join and enjoy every minute and penny of it..
  7. After having to easy-out one of the screws..... I flushed the fluid and added new fluid and it now shifts like a dream... Good Deal ! Thanks guys. :happy65:
  8. it's the little things that turn out to be the problem. Just luck as to how you find the problem, and in what order the "problem" is on the list. I usually find it is the last thing I would have checked to fix the "problem" . I am chasing a carb problem with my 87. New diaphragms, plugs, clean the jets etc.. found out the previous owner hooked the cruise control vacuum line to the #2 cylinder port and left the vacuum line disconnected. not of this affects or changes the running of the bike. It still runs the same crappy way. I'm sure it will turn out to be some stupid little thing... Glad you got it running.
  9. Good talking to you tonight. Got the 89 fixed too.. Hey the link below still doesn't work for me but your original one from the first thread does: http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0dW2uviFRmfVBIi65A9vRaQ1osJHe2jOq so use this link. Take care my friend and ride safe..
  10. I lock up my bike trailer with one of these Masterlock hitch locks. If I am at a hotel type setup I also chain the wheel to the trailer so it cant be easily rolled. Most people wont make a scene at a hotel if you make it inconvenient for them to take it easily.
  11. Thanks for the pictures... now I know !
  12. There are so many simiar relays and stuff in one little area. Anybody have a picture of a 1st Gen stock TCI ?
  13. Wow another bi-generational joins the exciting world of the 1st Gens..
  14. First of all I have Googled for a picture of a stock TCI. What I have seen doesn't match what I found on one of my 84 parts bikes. Is this a TCI for an 84 ? Does it work on any other years ? It has the Yamaha numbers 41V-85830-00 on it. When I Googled it it shows up as an "Obsolete control unit assembly" Just wondering.
  15. Ride safe my friend..and the Spot page link is not working for me. Good luck and i look forward to following your trip.
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG TOM !! I hope you get that fast 1st Gen that you have always wanted ... we know it is on top of your birthday gift list....just over the banana split !
  17. I had bled it sometime back, but not a complete change of fluid. I will do that..thanks.
  18. My 89 started ..oh about 2 weeks ago, where it seemed that when first started the clutch would engage "very early" upon the slow release of the clutch lever. But it seemed to return to normal after a shift or two. Yesterday, when I pulled in the clutch to shift into 1st after starting it for the first time, it almost seemed to move without releasing the clutch. Upon releasing the clutch, it immediately engaged, i mean it did not take anything at all to engage 1st gear. Again, after several shifts it seemed to be okay. Haven't seen any leakage of fluid and there appears to be enough fluid in the reservoir. So..??? any ideas ? ( and no... I'm not buying a slower 2nd Gen! )
  19. WELCOME Just wanted to tip you off on the search method that works best here. Click on Search..upper right just left of your your screen name. Drop all the way down to where it says "Google Search" Click on the http://www.venturerider.org and type in your cue words. That way you will only get the threads in this forum. It's all you need. Play with it and good luck ! You also nee to join since it is the best $12.00 you will spend and you need be able to see all the pictures etc.....and the rest of us won't bug you about joining the family...
  20. Ride safe my friend.. and don't push it trying to keep up with the 1st Gens...
  21. There is always a face to the name, and a family behind it....RIP HEROES... 978 MP CO Afghanistan.. Thank you for your sacrifice. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqjRNEcX5V0&feature=share]978 MP Co Honoring 6 Heroes Died 7 8 2012 - YouTube[/ame] :337::337::337:
  22. Others can chime in, but have you put in a claim for the damaged gear ? I have heard from others that insurance replaces damaged riding gear as part of the policy.
  23. I agree. I have had some close calls, and those close calls have kept me more vigilant. You have to stay around here...you have too many cool ideas and you are one of the few I haven't pissed off yet. Good luck on the healing. Bill
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