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Everything posted by KIC

  1. Thanks guys... you all are HEROES !
  2. Great video...takes guts... also shows you that most people don't have a clue to what is going on around them... [ame] [/ame]
  3. Dang... I had my $10,000 all mapped out on how to spend it....
  4. We need to send Big Tom a 30-day waiver while he quits smoking.
  5. Hang in there Big Tom ! We know how hard it is. So if you need to virtually kick somebody, instead of the dog... I'm here for ya ! Pulling for ya !
  6. Feel free to jump in at any time... just duck and veer left.....or right...
  7. Was invited to a church sponsored event tonight. It was put on by Full Throttle Ministries. They have a yearly "Blessing of the Biker's" event. The Pastor rides and has the Full Throttle Ministries outreach from their church. After everybody gets there, and there had to be 400+ bikes, we lined up 3 abreast and they had three Pastors that prayed over each bike and rider(s). Pretty cool full blown event.
  8. Went to a pretty cool event tonight, Full Throttle Ministries, Blessing of the Biker's night. This was there. A biker's last ride:
  9. Thanks for posting. I haven't heard my wife laugh that much at a video in a long time.
  10. And I apologize to all the 2nd Gens for all the jokes and jabs done in fun in the past...and promise not to do it again until the next opportunity presents itself.. You only insult the ones you love...to insult...
  11. Research shows that it is only 2nd Gens that cause the problems..... 1st Gens are just too nice to be mean . :stirthepot:
  12. Yepper... Pyramid seals:shock3:. Caused me a lot of grief. OEM's went right in and the clips went in with no problems.
  13. I wish the moderators would just delete the post (or posts) and not the whole thread . I have seen good threads disappear because of one or two posts.
  14. Here is a picture of the OEM and the aftermarket seals. The aftermarket does not have the thinner area for the C-clip. I fought getting the clip and washers on until I realized the issue ( thanks to this forum)
  15. I fought getting my forks back together using after market seals . Finally realized they were a little thicker than the OEM seals. Bought a set and the forks went right together. Save yourself time and stress ....buy OEM.
  16. We'll see if it makes that 2nd Gen any faster on the ride up Mt. Lemmon Sunday. What time yo going up ?
  17. I saw that this morning... pretty cool......no information on mileage or if it would fit into a second Gen to make them faster..... :stirthepot:
  18. That sounds fun.. and I don't think I have any plans. I will let the others know too and could probably get a small group of 4-5 to go. Cool....
  19. Looks nice. We have to get together so I can see it in person.
  20. This is one decision you won't regret. I cherish every mission as an opportunity to show the ultimate respect to those who have earned it, but not asked for it. Don't worry about the newbie status. There aren't any "us and them's'".
  21. When I first got my 89 in December 2011, I was getting low 40's ( 42-44). Now I am at 34 -36 and still battling to regain my low 40's. 49mpg is a fantasy for me
  22. Is it true they are now giving $12.00 refunds now.....?
  23. This from the guy who has a Starship as an icon..???
  24. KIC

    Fix Cleaner

    try spybot and CCleaner at CCleaner.com. Also check your start-up menu and make sure "everything" isn't loading.
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