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Everything posted by KIC

  1. Lou, I have an 87 that I tried to get running right. Started hard, ran like crap until warmed up, then ran like crap. Tried everything..then finally tore the carbs apart.. here is the link to that thread. There are some additional diaphragms on the side of the carbs.. Mine are shot. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=76730 Hope that isn't your problem. Bill
  2. Hope you had a big ice cream laden birthday day !!
  3. Carry alot of water. we just hit 105 today and it will stay hot for a long while. The wind will dehydrate you as you ride. Ride safe and good luck !!
  4. One other thing is that if you still have a heavy mixture of cleaner in your gas, it can make it run a little worse. Maybe dilute it, or drain it, and try straight gas for now. That way you are tuning it to a regular gas mixture. You can reuse the mixed gas later on.
  5. Just an update as my Grand Princess grows.. She still loves the bike... ( I don't know why it is posting the picture twice) ">
  6. Happy Birthday.. may it be the best 21st birthday you ever had ..
  7. Wish I could get mine to work. All the lights work and the switch seeems to move freely, but it doesn't even attempt to work. Hopefully someday my 89 will have a miracle ! Congrats !
  8. And you lose 17 1/2 points for going "2nd Gen" on us....
  9. If Boomer CPO would feed his once in a while..they wouldn't get out to bug the rest of us...
  10. Hey ..we share the same birthday... to us !!!
  11. nice bike..can't wait for the bigger picts so I can really see the details...
  12. Yea thanks... my biggest present today was my tenant calling to say the A/C blew out. :shock3:They get a $7,000.00 new toy and I get the invoice. Yammer..this is my 14th anniversary of my 39th birthday... I decided not to let them keep piling up, so I celebrate the same one ..over ..and over..and over...
  13. Boy, looking at the map makes it kinda lonely out here in the west....
  14. Here is a link I was given up in your neck of the woods for interior fabric etc: http://www.smsautofabrics.com/
  15. I think 1 or both of my 84 parts bikes have the lighting unit(s) still on them. If you need one I can send one to you. Can't guarantee it would work, but my guess is that it was when the bike(s) were parked.
  16. Brian, good luck on the restore. I started mine years ago. Ran out of money and priorities changed. I hope to finish it some day. My dad bought it new in 1960. Here is a link to my build thread. If you try the forum I am on for mine, you might get some info from the guys on yours. http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=276787&highlight=1960+GMC+Suburban
  17. Quit making fun of Yammer... he was trying his best riding that 2nd Gen.....
  18. I test rode an 85 with the 2nd gear problem, and even knowing it had it, it was a scary deal. When it popped out and revved it was a not-so-fun time..
  19. There is a shop manual in the tech section. And when searching this site, use the search drop down and click down on the very bottom under Google search, click on the one like below: www.venturerider.org That way you only get the posts and threads here. You can also bleed your clutch down below at the slave cylinder if you have trouble. Just be careful... by pumping the lever, both of mine can burp that fluid out of the reservoir. So cover and protect man...cover and protect !
  20. That was interesting. Thanks for posting.
  21. When the headlight is not on, use your finger to "pull" the starter switch all the way out. If it is dirty it will stick a little in and the headlight won't come come. Also, since you replaced the fuse block, double check the power in and out the fuse block. The do what everybody else says to do....
  22. Thanks for answering that so Brian can FOCUS on getting his bike back on the road.... Geez talk about rabbit trails.....
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