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Everything posted by KIC

  1. I have a trailer I take when there are some Harley riders along so they can have a ride home.....
  2. You know what they say ..... Bigger buckets dig deeper
  3. It depends on whether it is a 1st Gen or 2nd Gen Kubota. The 1st Gen tractors have a stronger glow plug and stronger hydraulics. The 2nd Gen Kubotas have a smaller glow plug that might get warm, if the timing is right, less hydraulic power. They are slower in the grading area, smaller buckets and the front bucket lift is about half of a 1st Gen Kubota. Brian, I hope you are enlightened....
  4. Happy 1st Gen day ! You know 1st Genners last for ever...
  5. Traitor....
  6. In case you 2nd Genners want to know how much fun a 1st Gen is to ride...... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=361628880643513
  7. Talked to Rocket on the phone tonight....told him to check in and check it out....
  8. Congrats ! Grand Princesses are GREAT. We Skype every morning with our 2-year old Princess as she sits in front of my daughters laptop. The other day she wanted to show us something in her room so she said " Mommy, pick up Nana and bring to my room" . Enjoy !!
  9. I recently have been there and done that. I know it made a different to my friend and his family. Just remember the good times and know that that family will want to talk about him in the future. So keep in touch with them and share your memories. My friend's wife showed up one day and gave me his fly fishing equipment and a bunch of his hand made flies. I don't know if I'll ever use the flies with the fear of losing one of them. My heartfelt sympathies to you and his family.
  10. My daughter received the same call. She has been having some issues with her computer, but called me to confirm instead. She didn't fall for it, but was tempted. My father (86) has been attacked with the FBI virus several times from legit looking emails. That is a Biotch to get rid of, but I finally figured out a way.
  11. Nope...no DooHickey on the Venture... the only bike I know that officially has a DooHickey is the Kawasaki KLR650. And I have the special tools to remove and fix the DooHickey !!
  12. Praying for you Buddy. Just get it all done before you lose it all to ObaminationCare death panels.. .. ......
  13. WHAT ???????? :shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3::shock3:
  14. Try to put a 1st Gen name plate on it and you should be able to double your price..
  15. Dan, Will be keeping your family in our prayers. My 2 year old Grand Princess just spent 4 days in the hospital with a full body infection and high fevers. They haven't figured out what caused it yet, but she is recovering and they are still looking for answers. Hopefully you will get the answers and results you need. Just don't EVER leave her alone at the hospital. Always have somebody there to ask and observe. If I had stayed overnight with my mom, she would still be here and the mistake they made wouldn't have happened.
  16. From Tucson Arizona:
  17. Listen to the DOCTOR!!!!!!! Do your therapy !!!!!!!!! been through 3 shoulder surgeries including metal parts installed in right shoulder. Wish I had followed recovery and therapy instructions more. Good Luck
  18. yea..what he said...also I had the same problem and it was my starter switch too.
  19. Glad you are alright and your riding skills kept the bike upright. A guy I worked with hit a bear while riding up to Globe Arizona. They found him unconscious in the middle of the road, the bear dead and the bike totaled. He had numerous broken body pieces and took about a year to fully recover. It seemed that everybody called him "Oso" after that. Glad you fared better then he did.
  20. Where are the freakin' cops? I just watched a few more videos and these guys were assaulting other cars/drivers and driving like absolute idiots then they stop ? and do stunts in the streets... where are the freakin' cops ?
  21. Regardless if there was an "incident" prior to the white bike stopping the SUV, he had the right to protect his family. I think the SUV driver really showed restraint not taking out a whole lot more when things were getting scary. As I stated before, I was in a bike swarm in Dallas/Ft. Worth, the bikes are loud, they are riding crazy and coming from all directions. They pass on the right shoulder, left shoulder, they split lanes and it is hairy. Guess if yo haven't "been there" you may not understand the reality of the situation. I just 1200 miles with my daughter, son-in-law, son and 2 year old grand Princess. ANYBODY who would have threatened their safety would have payed a very dear price. You smash a window next to my Grand Princess, and it really would be the last thing you do. Not bravado, just fact.
  22. I hope they catch every one of those SOB's and throw their @$$&$ in jail. I think the driver showed real restraint in how he tried to get away. I wouldn't have. We were caught in a bike swarm driving through Dallas/Ft Worth around 10PM one night. Those idiots were crazy the way they were riding and the speed they were going. I held my lane and slowed a little so I wouldn't ride over one of them if they went down. It is a scary deal. I hope they catch every one of those dirt bags and take their license away besides castration so they can't breed more dirtbags.
  23. Uhm.that would Be a big 10-4. Yea ...the snap of a shoulder head bolt breaking will send shivers down your spine. Get a 10mm ratchet box end for the head bolts. Worth every penny for that job.
  24. What color scoop ? I have a gold and a maroon one. Your choice ...you pay postage.
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