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Everything posted by KIC

  1. KIC


    Interesting concept .. ever wonder WHY ?
  2. KIC


    WHY not ???
  3. Tell your son "Thank You" for his service. Also tell him that there are still plenty of us Coasty's around to help em' out when the crap hits the fan....
  4. KIC


    WHY ????? WHY not ???? If you don't know WHY I would ask WHY, Then you have to ask yourself WHY not ?
  5. KIC


    Ours is not to ask "Why?", but to ask "how fast and how far ? "
  6. Why does a pin hole in the exhaust cause popping ? I would think that even on deceleration there is positive pressure in the pipes and not a back pressure that could affect the combustion in the cylinder. The 2nd Gen I am bike sitting has a very bad case of back firing when decelerating. I am going to sync the carbs for him, but will also look for the other causes.
  7. Since it is poetry, we know it’s not for real. That riding this bike has been a real thrill. The wife says the bike has a lot to like, so warmer feelings towards 2nd Gens just might spike. Although the straight pipes make the bike obnoxious and louder, The difference between them is like Manhattan and new England Clam chowder. I’ll continue the ride, comparing the two, But I will never admit which one I like better out loud to you.
  8. Definitely ride through Zions... you will like that... alot.
  9. Oh... In Arizona Blizzard conditions means it in the 70's, which we are, and we are going to Dairy Queen for a "Blizzard" treat....
  10. Thanks for the editing tip and comment my poetry ego it did not dent I corrected the original line, yes I did so now it will rhyme within the poetry grid.
  11. So I rode this 2nd Gen on a trip across to the next town. The loud pipes caused more than one driver to frown. I learned 3 things about the bike, two negatives and one I liked. On the freeway at 75, the gas gauge will lie. With this lie, the bike will die. Without some gas, the power goes away. Looked like coasting and pushing was in order that day. But wait, what is it I see ? A chrome gas petcock on the left side with glee. Flip that puppy up, and start it I did with a starter button flip. And off down the freeway I continued my trip. I will pass on the best wishes for his service.
  12. Hypocrite, yes I am A Gen 1 lover I am I am I rag on Gen 2’s for fun and jest All the time knowing Gen 1’s are best But there comes a time when reality is real When you get a chance for a free ride deal Hypocrite, yes I am, but what a deal to it I ran I will ride the 2nd Gen with a smile and glee What the heck ..the ride is FREE …!!! SOOOoooo my friend that has a 2nd Gen ( yes I lower my standards for friendship if warranted) has gone and got himself deployed for 2 months. He called and asked me to babysit his 2nd Gen for that time period since he did not want to leave it parked and not ridden. So, I loaded the 87 on the motorcycle trailer to make room and took in the foster child. It’s a free ride for 2 months while I take mine apart for some much needed maintenance work and upkeep. https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-7juC4R75S_k/Ux5-mresUmI/AAAAAAAAB34/qstYnC4BqHo/s800/Daves%25201.jpg
  13. KIC


    I'm leaving the comfort of our 82 degree days :sun:and heading out to North Carolina for a week.... Checked with Orbitz and could not order decent weather with the trip. Yuck...
  14. Here is some information that was given to me when I was looking at my 89. Just take out the 89 and look at the other information. Good luck ! Bill CHECKLIST for 1st Generation VENTURES.doc
  15. My original post really didn't attack the car, but the fact that it seems that 7 out 10 near misses are from Prius drivers. Just figured there must be a buyers pre-requisite that you had to hate motorcycles or something..
  16. Bum Steer closed down some years back. Was always an interesting place. Of course the highlight was watching the bathroom doors that had the opposite names on them.. with a little bitty arrow pointing to the other door.. MEN --> And then they had that full size Cessna hanging from the ceiling on the 2nd floor.....hmmmm ... always wondered how they got that in there...
  17. I have noticed over the last 6 months that a majority of the stupid drivers who either change lanes without looking or pull out in front of me. It has caught my attention that about 50% of the time it is a Prius. One day alone I had two almost cause an accident..yesterday I was in the right lane on a major street when a Prius, who was 2nd in line at a stop sign to my right, pulled out behind the truck in front of them without stopping at the stop sign when it was their turn. Of course that little piece of crap car didn't accelerate faster than a tricycle. I am getting real tired of Prius owners !!!!
  18. He wanted to keep it a secret, but he found his trike.....
  19. Sold for $148,100.00. I had four Honda 750 fours back in the day.... never paid more than a grand for them used. Cool bikes though.
  20. One trick to try is to get a can of spray Seafoam or Techron and then open the drain screw and drain the gas out of the carb bowls. Then place the little red red tube up into the drain hose and then cover the end of the hose with a rag and give a good spray. close the drain screw. Do each carb. You should use about a can for the job, so you are squirting 1/4 can per carb. Let sit for a little while and then drain the bowls and turn your key on several times to cycle the fuel pump and refill the carb bowls. This might dislodge a Piece of crap in one of the bowls that might be keeping the float from shuttling off the fuel flow.
  21. We did know what it was, but then they flashed that pen thing in our eyes and .... ......What were we talking about ?
  22. It is still illegal as far as the Feds are concerned. If you hold a Govt. Clearance and use it, even in a "legal" state or with a "medical" card, you will most likely lose your clearance on your PR or SSBI. If you use it and try to get a clearance, chances are, you won't, or at least not with out a whole lot of grief.
  23. Unfortunately, I can't get any more pictures. My son works part time at an auto parts store so it was a one time thing when it was brought in. He took the pictures and sent them to me. The aircraft part makes sense, just thought I would throw it out there and stimulate the frozen brains of our eastern family...
  24. So my son was brought this "thing" and the guy was wondering what it was. Nobody has been able to identify it. Anybody have an idea what it is ? I have no further info, not even sure if it is a auto related or anything...
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