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Everything posted by KIC

  1. Very common. There are new o-rings available.
  2. or turning your bike into a 2-wheel Molotov cocktail...
  3. It's either political or we just started talking about NASCAR on here....
  4. I don't know how you got it, but you better not post the rest of my resume on here !!!!
  5. KIC


    Why not ?
  6. Ignoring what ? And WHY ? oh..wait ..that is a different thread...
  7. KIC


    Ours is not to wonder WHY ? Ours to do is Ride Ride Ride..... ( or something like that)
  8. I raise you one Queen Obama .... and call...
  9. Curious if a starter from an 84 is the same starter as a 89 ?
  10. I am ready to do the same on my 89. Thanks for posting the write up and thanks to CABRECO for taking the time to do the right up !
  11. I had the problem and it was just the starter switch was not returning all the out. It is a common issue with these bikes. Play and clean the starter switch to make sure it is working correctly. I see that is was suggested earlier, but I didn't see that you had done that .
  12. Here is a write up on the procedure. It is fast and easy.
  13. Venture birth control... look what happened..all the fast 1st Gens got together and we hot 2nd Gens.... If the 2nd Gens do the same ...we will have an over population of minibikes...
  14. I have tried NAPA, and all the Hot Rod stores. Guess I am ordering on line.
  15. The only corrective action for a slow, hesitant 2nd Gen is to buy a 1st Gen. Works every time.
  16. I am riding a friend's 2nd Gen while he is deployed to Africa. He has loud pipes on it. I really don't like them. In fact I have really quit riding it because of the pipes. Once the thrill of riding a different bike wore off, I went back to my 1st Gen. My wife wasn't thrilled with the loud pipes either.
  17. Geez.. I was thinking that if the Victorys, Harleys and Goldwings left, all we would have left to harass is the 2nd Gens...
  18. Or is it possibly in gear with the kick stand down ?
  19. The bike shops, so far, just want to sell a kit for around $40.00. The wire should sell for 69-cents a foot. One guy told me they quit selling solid core copper because it was interfering with aircraft "signals/communication". Although a 1st Gen is fast, I don't think it can take down an airliner.... So I take it that 7MM solid Copper wire is the only wire to use on a 1st Gen ?
  20. I am having trouble finding it by the foot. I did find one place that had 7MM solid tin/metalic by the foot, but not solid copper. Still searching...trying the specialty hot rod shops now...
  21. Thanks ..your the only one who answered my question...the other two misunderstood the question.... lol... Thanks for the info guys.. I appreciate it ...
  22. I know that you can buy 7MM solid wire copper spark plug wire in bulk. Does anybody know how many feet I need to buy to replace my wires on my 89 ? I would like to buy it before I take my bike apart.
  23. KIC


    So many questions as to "WHY ?" When the answer is simply "Why Not ?"
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