Now for the controversy.
If you are leaking from the top of the cylinders you have two choices around the bolt rubber or the top gaskets, 1) buy all new rubber gaskets and the rubber o-ring things that the bolts go through. They are expensive.
Or you can do what I did..that is go to a nut & bolt supplier and buy very ( read VERY) thin washers that match the top shoulder bolts. Now remember..these bolts are shoulder bolts..they do not continue to tighten down..they break... Ask me how I learned that pain in the @&& lesson. But, if you put a very ( read VERY) thin washer between the bolt and the head and carefully tighten it down, it will give just enough of an extra pressure to stop the oil leak.
Now, in case I forgot to need to get a VERY THIN washer.
ALSO, invest in a 10MM ratchet box end to remove those head bolts. It will make your life a thousands times easier in removing the head bolts.
Now you can read the posts about why not to use the washer routine.....