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Everything posted by KIC

  1. I just lubed my final drive when I switched the rear tire. I'm thinking that we could pull your final drive off without pulling the tire all the way off to make it a faster job. OKAY..Gurus.. what if we 1) empty all the bags of weight 2) put on center stand 3) small board under tire to barely support it ( this all saves the front tire removal) 4) remove the left exhaust pipe 5) remove the easy 3 nuts holding the final drive 6) fight like crap to get the fourth top inside nut 7) remove the final drive ??? That is the question...will there be enough room without removing the whole axle and rear wheel.. I know we wouldn't have to take the wheel from under the bike, but removing the whole rear wheel thing includes the brakes and other exhaust etc.
  2. There are two purposes for bleeding, one to get the air out..but the other is to get the old fluid that might have water ( condensation) in the system. So bleeding and adding new fluid as you bleed, cleans your system.
  3. Unless the Previous Owner (PO) disconnected your front brakes from the rear, they are connected. I bled my rear, then the valve in the fairing area, and then the back again. This was also because I wanted to clean out the brake fluid. Welcome to the forum. Join so you get all the benefits. It is worth many times more than the $12.00.
  4. Another article on it.... http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2014/06/19/harley-davidson-unveils-first-electric-motorcycle/?intcmp=obnetwork Now you won't just need a trailer, you'lll need the world's longest extension cord....
  5. I bought your tool when I did mine. I have used it several times. It was well worth it !!
  6. Thanks for the replies. I have tried to talk him into the progressives and will see if I can do that. I do have the bearing nut tool from when I did mine. It was worth it. What makes the fairing removal such a PIA ? Any "special" tools I should make sure we have ready ?
  7. One way for it to keep up with a 1st Gen... if being pulled by a Shelby Cobra...
  8. How about the bulbs in the back..did the PO switch the bulbs around in the back of the unit ?
  9. I had the use of my friends 2002 RSV for a couple of months while he was deployed. It had a scary wobble when it ran over asphalt snakes. When he returned, I had him ride his following me exactly behind my 2nd Gen then we switched bikes back and forth so he could feel that my bike rode over asphalt issues with no problem, but his felt like it was on ice. I think it has to do with his triple tree bearings. How hard is it to take off the 2nd Gen fairing and get to the bearings on a 2nd Gen ? I have done it on my 1st Gen but it looks different on his.
  10. My 89 has the same plug. Found it tucked up behind the frame. Guessing what ever it is it isn't needed. Guess when I have some time I will check for voltage and if it is hooked up to the key on or off.
  11. We should do that. it would be interesting to ride a different 89 and see if there is a difference. I had my friends 2nd Gen for a couple of months while he was deployed and found all the issues i his bike. I felt bad when he came home and I listed all the things he needed to check and fix. After he rode my bike while following me on his, he felt the major difference in the handling. He even saw from behind how much I fought his bike while he was just cruising on mine. Riding yours might be a payback for me and I will have to fix mine...
  12. Ride safe. Them people up there drive crazy..
  13. What most 1st Gen owners find, when they hear a whine while riding, is that there is a jealous 2nd Gen behind them that can't keep up. Once you lose the 2nd Gen, you lose the whine...
  14. The newest device to rip us off.. https://www.youtube.com/embed/l7OadDz3Ums .
  15. My understanding is that the 83-85 uses different mounting brackets than the 86 +. I'm sure others will chime in, but I would be patient until you find out which one actually fits your bike's year.
  16. About 15...and a tarp...and a stick.... http://twentytwowords.com/guys-cant-stop-laughing-at-15-construction-workers-trying-to-stop-an-out-of-control-concrete-grinder/
  17. Prayers are with you my brother. I will pray for God's grace to cover you and your family.
  18. Cool video.. Pray for these guys... Bikers are on their way to Mexico to do what the government will not: Free Our Marine. John Harrington of Shield Tactical is leading this cause, as his plan is to go to Mexico where Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is being kept for making a wrong turn, and declaring his lawful U.S. weapons. http://universalfreepress.com/watch-guess-who-is-on-the-way-to-mexico-to-get-our-marine-back/
  19. I heard the fastest way to remove bags on a 2nd Gen is to ride on a straight road and let a 1st Gen ride past ...they always blow the bags off the 2nd Gen. .... just saying...
  20. Well you asked......
  21. I know that mine is one of the best looking around here... :rotfl:but I wasn't down south..
  22. Three 1st Gens or 157 2nd Gens... at least that is what the scientific calculations show. That's my story and I am sticking to it
  23. Did somebody cut down the center stand due to an issue with their height deficiency ?
  24. Here is some reading with pictures as to what to know about the stupid way they have the bypass mounted and why up is down and down is up and you will be confused..
  25. Now for the controversy. If you are leaking from the top of the cylinders you have two choices around the bolt rubber or the top gaskets, 1) buy all new rubber gaskets and the rubber o-ring things that the bolts go through. They are expensive. Or you can do what I did..that is go to a nut & bolt supplier and buy very ( read VERY) thin washers that match the top shoulder bolts. Now remember..these bolts are shoulder bolts..they do not continue to tighten down..they break... Ask me how I learned that pain in the @&& lesson. But, if you put a very ( read VERY) thin washer between the bolt and the head and carefully tighten it down, it will give just enough of an extra pressure to stop the oil leak. Now, in case I forgot to mention..you need to get a VERY THIN washer. ALSO, invest in a 10MM ratchet box end to remove those head bolts. It will make your life a thousands times easier in removing the head bolts. Now you can read the posts about why not to use the washer routine.....
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