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Everything posted by KIC

  1. I'll start the bidding at 607.00.. Note: All funds will be paid in Indian Rupees.
  2. I forgot to change mine when i had the rear tire and final drive removed. I hav put off changing it since it looks like such a pain to get to with out destroying the existing fuel lines. I look forward to reading the info on changing it out.
  3. KIC

    Nolan N44

    cool looking. let us know if you go with it.
  4. My anti-dive sucked up the voltage. Since I had installed progressives, I disconnected them and the drain went away. It sucks your power for as long as you hold the front brakes on.
  5. Seems like everybody choked up on answering you and were afraid to plunge into the thread with an answer..
  6. I tried to watch the whole video but suffered what i say is a severe allergy attack that affected my vision. Once my eyes clear I will try it again... Great job !
  7. Dual Sport ???? I have really missed my KLR650...hadn't thought about a Dual sport Venture... 1st Gen Venture...the new KLR of the dirt.
  8. Sounds like a float is stuck and just pumping the gas out. You can try getting a can of carb spray with the little red straw, empty the carb(s) by loosening the Phillips screw and draining the gas in the bowl out from the little over flow hose. Then with the screw still open ( keep the screwdriver ready) insert the red straw as far as you can safely, place a rag around the hose opening where the straw was inserted, and spray a 1/4 can into the bowl. Do some squirts and long sprays intermittently. Then close the screw and let it sit for a while. Do the other carbs. Then go back a drain out the cleaner and try the key on to see if the carb is still overflowing. If there is something holding up the float needle this should blow it out. Good luck
  9. Just don't dress up like a Boy Scout and try to take a picture while crossing. I heard that Customs will take you down at gun point if you try to: On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/07/23/troop-leader-says-border-patrol-agent-pointed-gun-at-scouts-head-agency-is-investigating/
  10. So if you have the "T" coming off the hose and the small hose nipple on the airbox is closed off, should the "T" hose be totally closed off ? Mine came with a second small cone shape filter on the "T" hose that was leaving oil everywhere. I took the cone filter off and just put a bolt in it that wasn't "tight" so that a little air would allow the oil to flow back down and not get sucked into the airbox.
  11. some people ,like me have a "T" installed half way up the tube to help stop the sucking of the oil into the airbox. My T goes up along the left side. Since the airbox really is sensitive to extra air (leaks) I put a small bolt in the end to keep the air leak from being big. if your hose is not connected to the bottom of the air box, make sure it is blocked off. Also, in order to work on those hoses, go to harbor freight and get the set of long needle nose plyers. they are worth their weight in gold when working on the Venture.
  12. If you want to sync your carbs, i have a CarbTune you can use or we can do it at my house.
  13. Okay... that was an extra mirror that I had. Soooo...... it DOESN'T look like this :
  14. The adjuster looks like this :
  15. So Brian, is your neighbor getting a 1st Gen going to ignite the fire under your recovered butt and get your bike back on the road ?? Inquiring minds want to know....
  16. I bled my front brakes. Then I tried the strap the lever in using a velcro strip. The next day I carefully released the lever while looking into the reservoir and with some very mild pumping I saw air bubbles come up. I am not a master in physics or brake design. I do still have some eyesight left that saw some air bubbles so in my opinion it worked.
  17. David, Were you riding in Tucson yesterday ? I saw a 1st Gen on Campbell in the afternoon. Also, we can schedule a time to do you final drive unit since i have done mine and have a tidge of experience now.
  18. You can also try the trick of strapping the lever in a pulled in position and let it sit over night or for a longer time period. It worked on mine as the air bubbles rise to the reservoir
  19. quit zipping by those 2nd Gens so fast that it blows the mirror out of whack ! There is a small nut on the bottom of my extra mirror
  20. That seemed to be the issue. Rode it quite a bit today... even though it is 105 degrees :scorched:outside, and the temp gauge stayed pretty steady at 3/4 of the gauge. Thanks again.
  21. KIC

    hauling pet

    Back rack works fine for my pet...
  22. Just found the Darksider section, thanks. I thought that was for the Harley guys... Sorry, couldn't resist... Read the threads... still confused, seems like a 50/50 on getting the tire actually bought and mounted. I guess i'll let my friend make the decision on his own..
  23. Then it should be turning to the extreme right.....
  24. It seems that most of these posts are on 2nd Gen and car tires. How many, and can you fit them on a 1st Gen ?
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