I just wanted to report that I got the floats adjusted, installed larger pilot jets (4KM-14142-17) and set mixture screws at 2 1/4 turn out. Fired her up today for the first time and she's running like new. I have been battling the pilot circuit for a year now putting up with bogging at take off, having to leave choke on for a while in morning, popping on decel, and rpms not dropping back when shifting. Even had to increase idle adjustment to get it to 1000 for no apparent reason. Today I had to drop idle from 2000 rpms to 1000 rpms, no popping at all (plugged AIS years ago), no bogging when cold, the choke acts right, and running smooth. I have danced around pulling the carbs and tried everything else in the book. I did not find anything plugged or abnormal. Air box over #1 & 2 carbs may not have been seated good from previous work. Saw where someone else had te same problems and went to the larger pilot jets. Not sure what fixed her, but I hope this info helps at least one person. Follow Goose's instructions on removing the carbs and adjusting the floats. I've been afraid to ride much while she was not right, and now I feel like a kid with a new bike.
Thanks to all for help. Older than dirt and still learning.