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313 Omer

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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Omer Yasarlar


  • Location
    Lincoln park, United States


  • City
    Lincoln park


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 yamaha venture

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  1. Happy Birthday Carl
  2. Sorry to hear about your wife, best wishes and a speedy recovery
  3. I know I had to do something, later today sorry for delay
  4. I'll take two
  5. 1 large paypal on the way
  6. Dan sorry for your loss my condolences to your family
  7. Congratulations on the new move
  8. I am interested I can send payment today if available
  9. Thanks to saddlebum for hosting the M&E it was great met some new members. I felt really welcomed. I wish in the future to make it to many more M&E and even some rides thanks
  10. My calendar looks clear I can make it
  11. I am going to the show so you can count me in, if their is no major snow storm that is.
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