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About Ventured

  • Birthday 10/07/1967

Personal Information

  • Name
    Greg Dutson


  • Location
    Canby, Oregon, United States


  • City
    Canby, Oregon


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    '01 RSV
  1. Oh sure...just take a shot at my pride and joy why don't ya... That my friend is none other than the ever famous 1977 Honda Express. That color was for only one year (they ran out of snot in the paint department). Most importantly...it was my very first bike (motorized at least). Rode it through rain, snow, sleet and hail (not really) to deliver my newspapers. Funny part is...to this day it was the most dependable POS I have ever ridden!!! It had a very simple audio system too. Whenever I wasn't pushing it up hills...I just whistled my favorite songs.
  2. Hi all, I am trying to track down a used 2nd gen amp for a project on my bike. Does anyone have one that they would sell to me or do you know of any wrecking yards that are parting a 2nd gen? Thanks, Greg
  3. You must be referring to my moped in my Avatar. It is a 1977 Honda Express. http://www.mopedarmy.com/photos/brand/22/5090/ This killer little machine was my first "street bike" that I bought to deliver newspapers. Just like you...I ran until it "ran no more" and then graduated up to a Honda C70 (whole other story). The ST I mentioned above is my ST1100 that I bought wrecked and put together for "sport" touring. Anyway, the ST1100 had many plastic body panels that were in need of repair and so I got alot of practice "welding" plastic parts back together.
  4. Northern California Coast... Hwy 101 "Avenue of the Giants". Check out http://www.aveofthegiants.com/ This road is a spectaular look into an ancient redwood forest. The road winds ever so gracefully for about 30 miles with lots of little "burgs" along the way to stop and "refresh" yourself or sut to stretch and enjoy the beauty. It is really hard to describe the feeling you get riding through this forest other than to say you feel really... small. Was there late last summer...crowds were gone and the pavement was in great shape too. SW Washington Highway 25 and 99 from Swift Washington up to the Windy Ridge Observatory at Mt. St. Helens. http://www.fs.fed.us/gpnf/04maps/files/mshrec.jpg Again...what can I say...Mt. St. Helens is a must see but to avoid the crowds and get into some really good riding check out the east side of the park. I rode up there last fall and what a sight...a little chilly late in the season but wow!!! Again, the rode less travelled and the pavement was in great shape. Excellent access if you head south to the Columbia Gorge too...but that is totally different write-up. Enjoy the ride wherever it takes you...just RIDE!!! G
  5. Performance Polymers Part No. 47809 or 22845 Plastic Welding System I have used this product numerous times to repair cracked tupperware or replace tabs on my Honda ST. It is a two part plastic welding system. Just rough up the area around the surfaces to be repaired (the more rough area exposed, the better), wipe it down with lacquer thinner, and apply a liberal amount of this stuff (don't be stingy with it). It turns as hard as the plastic and you can even carve away the excess later. It is cheap too. I found my last tube at Autozone...less than $10 if I remember correctly. G
  6. Thanks! Greg
  7. Am I looking for the 1" or 1-1/4" diameter clamps? G
  8. Excellent. Thanks for the ideas. Looks like Kuryakyn seems to have the market cornered on this one. I really like the longhorns but they are bit more money. Is the extra worth it? My old Virago came with some old Hardly look alikes and once I got them into position I never changed them. Any others I should consider???
  9. Hi all... With my '01 on its way I am already researching my first add-on. I have always ridden with highway pegs and I assume the RSV will be no different for long trips. I see alot of references to the kuryakyn pegs but are there any specific model numbers or other brands that I should be looking at? Thanks for the help guys. Merry Christmas...
  10. GOOD!!! Sounds eerily like a bad cell phone commercial!!! :doh:
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