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Everything posted by deepforkriver

  1. IT IS NOT PERFECT, and has a few light scratches, but if you are just needing an extra, I got one u can have if you just pay shipping. Just PM me. James
  2. Anyone from here? [ame= ] [/ame]
  3. Ok, had to sell my Harley last month, here's why: 1. The pictures of it mysteriously disappeared from my profile:moon: 2. "They" always made me ride in the back of the pack. Said parts kept falling off but I never noticed. (I think they couldn't hear the cassette music if I was in front) 3. Outright fear. When you get together with this group of grizzlies, you will understand. 4. My truck is broke.... Well, that ought to do it. Seriously, you will love it here. Best group of people I have found on a forum bar none. Now go drop your log-on to the H-Dforums and settle in. By the way, DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY ULTRA SAFETY CHROME FOR SALE WE CAN PEDDLE TO THIS GUY??? Time to unload all our x-HD accessories:rotf: Welcome aboard!
  4. we have one mcd's in 30 miles, and you can bet, THE ICE CREAM MACHINE IS BROKE! ALWAYS! Gave up. Have not been back in months. :bang head:
  5. I would be stocking up on BBQ SAUCE!!!!!!! and blankets.. be safe.
  6. Very Nice interview. I used to be able to do jumping jacks like that..... just sayin....
  7. But, where do you put the cassette?:think: Dont answer that!
  8. Ya know, I didnt notice my map till now, Would Big Tom be in the SPOTTY or BREEZY region of VR.org? :crackup:
  9. Ya know, I didnt notice till you said something about Tom, but the radar DOES look like a big ICE CREAM CONE:cry: No dont say, the entire SOUTH?? :snow2: Make it go away.....
  10. it has 3 wire hook up. lights, brake, ground. I will try to get more information on the exact product, and maybe a phone # for supplier. Here is the website for atwoods. http://atwoods.com/
  11. If u decide to sell the ones u have let me know. Thought about getting them reupholstered?
  12. Ditto bell/patch
  13. Right. Carbs only. Sorry i didnt be more specific. I was also wondering, knowing we have a fuel pump inline, about the RSV's and any problems with them loading up from the head pressure of the tank. Maybe the pump acts as a valve also.
  14. For $18 i just had so share. I found this LED light bar at ATWOODS farm and garden here in Oklahoma. Dont know availability and their website does not list items, only locations and hours. I was elated to see it hanging on the shelf, couldnt wait to get it home and try it out. After removing the back square inch or so of rubber covering where the helmet locks are, I found the light bar aaalllmmost fit perfectly hole to hole. So I quickly fabbed up tabs and put it on. It is sealed on the back side but I want to fab a mounting plate for it. I wired into the run/brake wiring behind license plate and voila! Man was i happy! While I have some perfecting to do to my quick tabs I mounted it with, I could not be happier! You want to talk about LIGHT! My son is trying to find a way to mount one on his Valk! :rotf:haha Just passing it on. Do what you want with it:cool10: James
  15. I have dabbled in knives, do not consider myself a "serious" collector. But also cannot pass up a nice knife. I have a knife that has ALM on blade that I personally know the maker of. He is a train engineer in the Oklahoma area and makes these beautiful knives while on the line. (or used to years ago). I have included a pic of his and a few others (sorry not as steady as I used to be with camera). Best of luck finding your maker. James
  16. Best Regards to Everyone, not just wingers!!! ( I am admittedly a X-winger) While helping my son I felt this post may be applicable to more than just Valkyrie riders. The Valk is prone to sticking a float and loading up, when you hit the button to start, It will blow out tranny pieces from the starter to the water pump.:yikes: Well, we bought a Dan Marc fuel control valve that when relayed and powered to accessory, it opens the valve to allow fuel to go thru. When the key is off NO FUEL. This is most helpful for never again having to turn your fuel petcock off. Maybe this is an old issue and has been thoroughly discussed. But I couldnt find it. Hope the links come thru ok. I am sure there will be some chime in and tell me the reason we do or dont need this valve. That's ok. I welcome all input. Here to learn. Here is a link to the valve: http://www.dan-marcrvparts.com/12vofuva.html The cost for his valve was around $25 plus shipping. That's cheap insurance. Here are a couple of pics of his Valk when we had it apart Sunday. http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t477/jamkcur/IMG_20130216_153413_zps71330ec3.jpg http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t477/jamkcur/IMG_20130216_162147_zps33994ba4.jpg
  17. You set us up didnt yaoouuu:no-no-no: Drum roll please........ How much?:mo money: and. How many you makin.... or step by step pictures and part numbers please:fingers-crossed-emo
  18. Nice. Where'd ya get it?
  19. Ya guys it is cracked thru where the flag is in the picture with two cracks going up from there. The chrome coating is covering the cracks but it is bubbled there. Yes there are a couple tabs broken but that doesnt bother me like the big DING on the front. If I can find another reasonable, I will PM you Martin.
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