Ok, had to sell my Harley last month, here's why:
1. The pictures of it mysteriously disappeared from my profile:moon:
2. "They" always made me ride in the back of the pack. Said parts kept falling off but I never noticed. (I think they couldn't hear the cassette music if I was in front)
3. Outright fear. When you get together with this group of grizzlies, you will understand.
4. My truck is broke....
Well, that ought to do it.
Seriously, you will love it here. Best group of people I have found on a forum bar none.
Now go drop your log-on to the H-Dforums and settle in.
By the way, DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY ULTRA SAFETY CHROME FOR SALE WE CAN PEDDLE TO THIS GUY??? Time to unload all our x-HD accessories:rotf:
Welcome aboard!