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Everything posted by deepforkriver

  1. Would love to have it Gary. On my phone now but will PM u Thanks! James
  2. After you add passing lamps, here are the LED replacement lens. Take off rubber case, fits right in. $39 each http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200407598_200407598 Once you do that, you can add this light bar under the trunk. It's run/brake so brighter when braking. I got mine from Atwoods farm supply but you should have a Northern Tool close to you, and this one has chrome on it!. $24.95 http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200466784_200466784 If you like sheepskins (Love em) these guys have first quality, great customer service and price and ship to Canada. http://www.sickafus.com/shearling/sheepskin-motorcycle-seatcovers.html Check out the baggershields. Discount for now, gotta hurry tho. I bought the tallest and love it. http://www.baggershield.com/ I've got more, gotta run for now. James
  3. yeah, but just think, you got all of it out of the way for the year! Now you can ride and not worry about gremlins!!! Your Done! Seriously glad it was not bad. Hate to think of the "what if's" with son, etc.... Angels watching over you guys today. Ride Safe, James
  4. That is a beautiful bike. Very well done. The solid white with fishtails and www tires is classic. The pic with Red White Blue bikes together is priceless. Really liked the pics. Thanks. P.S. Also like your use of accent lites on the lowers and on the fairing. Remember where they were from? I love the old school low ride classic look and they really work well. James :thumbsup2:
  5. Mailed them first thing yesterday morning. Hope they work for ya Ride safe! James
  6. deepforkriver


    They have changed searchtempest a lot because of the way craigslist reports to google, but I muddle thru it anyway..... http://www.searchtempest.com/ http://www.ebay.com/ http://www.valkyrieforum.com/bbs/ Have Fun, James
  7. Larry, This look like what you need? Let me know, James
  8. Larry, Let me look when I get home tonight. I bought a 1st Gen center stand to fab a bracket for my 2nd gen. I think it came with the arm and spring. If you need the arm and spring, It's yours for the shipping cost. James
  9. Wow, Truly one of the most sobering things I have read lately. We will be praying for him. Thank you for the update. This just reminded me to make my background picture on my phone a picture list of all the "ICE" or "In Case of Emergency" contacts so they dont have to know my password. On an IPhone, we press the Power button and round home button at the same time to take a screen shot or picture, then set it as background. It will always be there. Thanks Owen, James
  10. I am impressed with his silicone work. Here's what we do. There is a thread right now on what to do with old helmets. I say we get the previous owner, give him an old helmet painted with a bullseye on the back, and tell him to start running. Sounds like good pellet gun practice to me! Holy cow! We can each take turns at a maintenance day......
  11. If he is selling a Harley then he should already have a skill set of at least a 7 then.... :rotf:
  12. Gary, There are some characteristic problems in the Valk clutch like the rivets legging go in the clutch basket when they are ridden hard. However, the valk also has a common characteristic of letting out at the end of the pull. So, it is difficult to tell not sitting on the bike to know what's wrong. Of course mileage and previous owner would factor in. There are similar issues with Venture clutches like weak springs etc that have plagued the Valkyrie. I am sending a link from the Valkyrie riders forum we are part of. I am also sending you a link with some pictures of a clutch with rivet problems. While the Valkyrie is addictive, it is not for someone that does not like to maintain their bike routinely and have a medium to advanced level of skill. The clutch replacement will end up costing several hundred, require specialty tools and a 7 out of 10 skill set. Pictures of rivets: http://www.far-riders.com/albums/thumbnails.php?album=68 website to search: http://www.valkyrieriders.com $3k with bad clutch on a valk standard (not interstate or tourer) is a buy it now price Let me know if I can help further Best, James
  13. Yes, I have looked at all the ebay listings and Mustang seats. I am not sold on any of the out-of-the-box seats. I am sure I will find a stock pillow top. Thought someone might have one with a rip or scuff needing redone... If not, Russell Day Long will get my business unless Ultimate decides to make a venture seat. Thank you for the links! James
  14. Thanks for the reminder. Put probably 600 miles on it with the Baggershield. 200 today with pretty strong winds. I have not put many miles with passenger so can't give you that update. Things I like: The wider shield. It is probably 2 inches wider on each side, 4 inches total. Gives you much more protection overall. Thicker shield. It fits up great, a little stiff on first install but conforms and is easier to attach second time. No problems there. gives you a sense of protection having thicker shield. I had to get used to the clear on top and smoked on bottom. On first ride, it kinda funneled your vision to the clear area and seemed to make you focus in that area. After second ride, I didnt even notice it. I like the way the top shield hides behind the lower smoked shield. I find the top clear shield tends to flex when removed and try to "flatten" out a bit, which makes is a little testy to get it lined up with bolt holes, but really, this is not a deal breaker at all. I think once the shield is used a little longer, it will conform to curve and be easier to switch back and forth. It can be a little stiff to get lined up just right. Over all on a 1-10 I give it an 8. Which is really high for me. Lots of things to love about it. With the clear shield up, I have very little head buffeting at 70-90 mph which is what I was looking for. With the clear shield down, you can most definitely tell the difference, but I rode 30 miles before I realized I had forgotten to raise the clear. So, overall, I am very happy with it. (Other than a week after I ordered mine, they decided to have a "March madness sale" and offer 40 or 50% off or something like that). It gets curious onlookers and interested bikers wherever you park. I would buy one again. Happy so far. Again, If I can get the wife to take some video, I will post it. Hope this helps you make up your mind. James
  16. NOW THAT sounds fun!
  17. And if you have a bowl of household cooking flour, put your part in it AFTER you have polished it. Rub the part around with your hands and all the polishing compound will magically disappear to leave a clean shiny part! Use air hose to blow what's left of flour off part. Got that from a body shop friend years ago. If I could add, not to press too hard against the buffing wheel on aluminum but to try using different compounds, coarse to fine. Just what I've learned... p.s. works great on bottom side of floor boards... James
  18. I NEED A NEW NEW NEST FOR THE BOYS. I have researched intently, ridden different saddles, and want a 2nd gen pillow drivers seat. Does anyone have a nice, soft, pillowy, charmin like seat they will part with reasonably? It does not have to be perfect cosmetically, as I ride with Tina, my (Tina Turner) sheepskin covering the seats. If I dont find one soon, a gelding I will be... Sorry if I posted in wrong spot.... Move it if needed Don.
  19. I am not sure about the candy a$$ run. If they still do it, I have not seen any info in the last few years. You are right, the east side of the state from OKC east has great day trips and tons of over-nighter places to stay. While the southeast corner of the state gets lots of attention for the twisties and beautiful mountains and scenery, there is a very diverse landscape from one side to the other. All a matter of preference. I have met guys from PA that take their yearly trip to Wyanoka OK and the sand dunes west of OKC to ride quads and dirt bikes every year for two weeks. We are very fortunate to be just west of Tulsa and can pick and choose which day trip/terrain we feel like. Oklahoma has a bad rap of being tumbleweeds, dust and plowed fields but really has very little of that in the west and a huge opportunity to ride beautiful scenery, but SHHHHHH, we don't want outsider types in this red fly-over state..... Of Course, our family here at VR is always welcome!!! Ride Safe, James
  20. John, Thanks for the good info! We have a meet and eat on the VR.org calendar for April 6th at 2:30 north of OKC. We welcome you and ANY other riders to join in on the fun. Would be a great opportunity to ride route 66 from Tulsa to OKC/Edmond area and jog north to Mulhall. Just register at the calendar and hope to see you there!!! Ride Safe, James
  21. I know I know, not exactly what we are looking for here, but still, a 73 750 commando. http://tulsa.craigslist.org/mcy/3650125055.html
  22. You could put "NOT A SECOND GEN." for all the haters...:crackup:
  23. Ok Steve I just walked over and took a few, but I dont think they are going to be what your after. The first few pictures are from a valk interstate rear fender. The plug is going only to blinkers as interstate has tail light in trunk. If I remember from the standard, there are two of these, one for blinks one for tail. The next picture is of the wiring harness from a standard. I do not have the box plugs from it. But these plugs are what goes to the rear of the bike. Hope this helps some. James
  24. Hey, If pictures will help, we can snap a few.... Let me know if we can help. James
  25. Hey m61. Ya we have a couple. In fact there is an entire wiring harness to a valk tourer hanging in my sons garage next door. In talking with him about ur request, he suggested u first try a forum he is a member of called valkyrieforum.com It can take a couple days for them to allow u a logon but u should find technical help there. If no help, feel free to PM me and we will help any way we can. Ride safe, James
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