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Everything posted by deepforkriver

  1. Well maybe someone with more recent experience will chime in. If not, I will take the CB off and check it out tonight. You would not believe what I have done to beef up the trunk. The 99's like we have are terrible on cracking the trunk bottom. So, in effort to stop the crack and cure the rattle or so I thought) I fabricated a metal trunk pan bolting it inside the trunk under the forward face brackets where the pocket's attach and to the latch mechanism under the black plastic cover and to trunk mount holes on bottom. I will look for pics tonight. Used thin sheet of mild steel from tractor supply, $13, made template and got to cuttin. Also added a piece of 18ga steel under trunk/on top of rack. Will redo it to be full width inside some day, but as of now, my trunk does NOT bounce or move. Have plastifix on the work bench too (thanks Rod) and will fill dem' cracks soon!!
  2. I think i remember the cb unit is a box in a box. If so, i bet the unit itself is rattling in the hard plastic box that bolts to the trunk rack. I just had my trunk off and did not look. I have the exact same rattle and it drives me nuts and only thought of this after reading your thread. Maybe someone can verify the box in box of the cb. I will look for pics when i get back on computer.
  3. :rotf: Man this gettin older sure brings out the onry in a fella... That's MY story and I'm stickin to it:whistling:
  4. PLUG
  5. Guess I need to back down on the testosterone injections..:crackup: Kinda set me off, my apology I will go back to my corner now:buttkick: James
  6. Ok, so had to chime in. In 2002 we owned a small dealership in Oklahoma. I can tell you first hand, whether you are dealing with Yamaha, Honda, Kawi, Suzuki or others, the dealer is charged based on what "level" he is with said brand. One star thru five star. Heck, they will make you pay COD until you are approved at a "level". Level's are based on SALES. Nothing more. So, for instance, we have the oldest Yamaha dealer in the United States about 25 miles from us. http://www.knmotorcycles.com/p/About-Us-12 Bought bikes and parts there when I was a young-en. Also where wideopenrod worked. Even tho they started in California in 1957 or so, moving to Ok in 1971, based on their sales, they pay more than a "Mega Dealer" for parts, bikes, etc. because they just dont move that much parts/inventory compared to mega dealer and markup and out the door prices are up to them. Another example: Our friends own a Honda dealership in Stillwater Ok. It is a midsized dealership but not a Honda Supercenter, as Honda has opened in the last few years. 50 Miles away in Shawnee, Ok someone opens a supercenter. Supercenter gets 8 F6B's and Stillwater can't get one from Honda around the release date for the bike. I say all this to say, we are moving to the "big box" dealerships that are given significantly better pricing than your mom/pop dealerships, like it or not. And what one dealer pays for parts is not necessarily what another pays. Discounts are strictly up to the dealer. MSRP's are per the manufacturer. (Had to edit to say, it is not that the smaller dealers are charged more, they are charged full wholesale. The mega dealers are charged a discounted wholesale, based on a rating) So shopping dealers in the case of this thread may turn up different prices and of course different discounts. Ride Safe, James
  7. Oh boy, this just may end up being the longest thread ever..........
  8. Ya know, considering this fella had already purchased his trike kit, and was really not asking for anyones opinion on it's "looks", I find your comment not useful and to be honest, rude. I am certain he is a big boy and can speak for himself. So I am just speaking for me. I find no help in your personal opinion of another members choice or preference of taste in trikes. James
  9. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=64335 http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=75772 Hope this helps, James
  10. Ok, so is the Lil-D's valk interstate? Nice ride! Could anyone keep up?
  11. C'mon folks, If you have not added your locations, now would be a good time. You do not have to pinpoint your exact location. Just drop a pin on the city you live in if you are more comfortable with that. Rally's are planned, rides are being posted. Would be nice to have members on the route to visit with! :thumbsup2:
  12. I currently work for a fair size steel fabrication shop and from your pictures I can say I have seen worse come out of our shop than that. I know how difficult it can be to bend and fit steel OR aluminum and I would say you did a very admirable job. Very Nice! Excellent place to store insurance, billfold or any other necessary's. You get the two thumbs up award for today!!! :thumbsup2: Now get that sucker on the road! Be Safe, James
  13. :crackup::crackup: Hey, a certain someone with a Honda Davidson said he was riding his bike up there Sunday and we could just hook a chain on and pull it up roots and all....
  14. I think it was Static I tell you.... didnt you just get new septic system and garage door????? You didnt happen to hit the garage door opener at about the time the explosion happened did ya???....
  15. If that's the case, I will not be there Sunday.....
  16. WONDER IF HE WILL SHOW.........
  17. I think it was just static....:whistling:
  19. IMHO, You would know a lot more than I do about this as I am relatively new to the Venture/RSTD. Thank you for your input. In comparison to raising the rear of bike, which I have done and it helped a lot with low speed maneuvering, how do you feel the handling of your RSTD was affected? Was is lighter in the front? More stop to stop response? I have a RSV and am constantly trying different things on trial and error just to find different setups that are more comfortable. Risers on the way. I have gone back to stock level, new tires, and it is fine. But I cant help but feel it could be better. I have considered lowering the bike all the way around just for saddle height. I still feel like I am ON the bike, not IN it. Previous goldwing was the most comfortable bike ever. I have not given up on RSV, just seeking that perfect long range setup for one up/sometimes two up. Thanks Miles:bowdown: James
  20. From another website discussion on the same subject using 800 lb bike only weight (goldwing): "Dunlop states on its site that rear Elite 3 should be inflated to 36 psi for solo riding and light to medium loads on any touring bike and to 40 psi for two up and heavy loads, no mentioning of front tire in either case other then reference to owners manual." Take that for what it's worth. I dont know of the trustworthiness of this data. I know there are tire pressures listed on the bike. I do not run Elite 3's therefore will not give my recommendation. But someone on here does? James
  21. Run what the tire manufacturer recommends. I have read TONS of post with opinions on this and keep coming back to manufacturer recommendation. I am very certain others will chime in any time, with two up riding, one up riding, with trailer, without trailer, etc. But for cupping, warranty, tread wear, etc. I keep hearing to run what they recommend. Just my Ride Safe, James
  22. So, did you install different links? How much did it lower? May have missed your explanation but would like to know more
  23. Us too Margaret. Just wishing we could fill up the LEFT side as well! I know there are more of us out here..... cricket cricket....
  24. No wonder you guys are edgy, east of the Mississippi is looking a little CRAMPED. Are you guys sweaty that close together? 220 entries. WISH WE COULD GET MORE MEMBERS ON THE "MEMBERS MAP".... just sayin.
  25. Heated jacket liners, HUH, now who wears those? Alaskan's? Guess we never thought of that down here IN THE FLATLANDS AT SEA LEVEL below the 36th parallel.
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