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Everything posted by deepforkriver

  1. First of all, I am not going to go into detail about ATT. Only to say, I very very very much with passion, dislike everything about them. whew, ok having said that, I too was informed I HAD to change to UVERSE. Long story short, after they required to run my credit, etc etc etc, They DOUBLE BILLED ME. My blood pressure is rising again, hang on............. ok, I'm back. They continued to bill me for home phone/internet AND Uverse. The little lady said she was glad I notified her, they could do nothing until they had xx amount of people call and complain. I'M JUST SAYIN, WATCH YOUR BILLING, THEY WILL SCREW THAT UP NEXT!!!!!!
  2. Welcome to the Big XII, cant wait to see how your team travels! Boomer! I just couldnt keep quiet.....
  3. Did you have to subscribe to xm or pay $ to access the xm? Great find!
  4. Hello All, Just posting to let you know I got the gremlins out of the Venture! And she purrs like a nest of breeder snakes! Ordered a pickup coil from Pinwall from a 07. Put meter on it, checked out good. (great service and shipping) Spent the afternoon re-assembling almost the entire bike (had to check it all!). At first, would not start, but put kickstand up and BOOM! She sprang to life. GOOD NEWS! So now I just need to either bypass the kickstand switch or replace it. Probably bypass. But still, a very nice ride today in 72 degree awesome Oklahoma weather. Thank you everyone for your suggestions, phone calls and help! It is very much appreciated and a venturerider.org member for a long long time to come!
  5. Ok, pulled the pickup coil, put it on the bench, skinned back the wires right next to coil and put the meter directly on wires. Same readings, no good. Ordering one tonight. Lordy I hope that's it. Ever pulled the side cover without pulling the pipe? yeehaw,. Goose. You have been a wonderful help and we appreciate it sincerely. Have talked on the phone to some of you and emailed some, thank you as well. I will update after new pickup coil is installed and we crank the beast! Best to all and a MERRY CHRISTMAS!! James
  6. Ok, so after 2 late nights running wires, we found leads for pickup coil and are getting 65-115 reading on meter with meter set on 200k. Cleaned plug caps (springs were corroded badly) and got good reading thru caps. Still no fire to plugs. Any ideas?? Kickstand switch is working properly, kill switch is working proper, bike is apart, all seems to work right except reading on pickup coil. No fire to any cylinder. Have all lights, radio, etc. Anyone have suggestions? kicking our tail.....
  7. Ok fellas, I am a little tired but here goes. Turned on the key and nothing but neutral light and radio. No crank, no headlight, nada. Buddy came by, we checked every single connection to the ignition switch per manual with meter, all good. Ignition good. Fuses good.. Found white connector and wire on starbird side outside battery box that had disconnected. plugged in: wham. cranks again. back to where we started. Lights: check. everything: check. NO SPARK. so, I suspect the pickup coil. Too tired to crawl under and over anymore tonight to locate plug for pickup coil. have schematic on how to test tho and will tomorrow night I hope. We gave it a thorough check and all else looks good. Anyone have links or shortcuts or pictures to the connection for pickup coil? Looks like it could be a bugger to get to.... Thanks again, you guys are the greatest and have been so helpful... Soon to be riding again! James
  8. V7Goose: Thank you for the offer! The response here has been wonderful! Quickly, little more backgound. I heavily suspect an ignition/coil problem. After buddy on here bought 01 Venture and let me ride, the search was on! I currently have a Harley and wifes Virago, and am mechanical to a point, saying that I can do about anything on the bikes. Troubleshooting wiring/electrical on the other hand, is a weakness without extended thought and brain drain. Buddy with 01 was a Yamaha tech for several years. He is more than willing to help but I needed direction as I know little about the Gen II. and wanted to fix myself. My Venture has 49k and prior to my purchase 2 months ago, just returned from trip Arkansas to Las Vegas, with full service prior to ride. Being anal as I am and mechanically conscience (Like bikes to be perfect mechanically) I did tune up limited to plugs, oil, air, etc. and the problem has progressed to not starting at all. It was a problem as soon as I got it home, but would start after 30 seconds of trying... If I cannot get to the bottom of problem, I will be happy to trailer it to you! I am close to T-Town but it's no thing to get it there. My friend and I can always use an honest mechanic to help and it sounds like you come highly recommended. I will be looking into it on Friday. Will report back with findings! p.s. Harley goes up for sale in the Spring! we are looking for a carb sync tool to share if you know of anyone wanting to get rid of a good used one)
  9. Thank you for your help! I will try this at first opportunity! Love the bike! Will report back as soon as I give it a try. Thanks again! James
  10. Hi all, thanks for letting me post. Bought a 99 royal star venture couple months ago. always had a little problem being "cold natured". Since it's cold, I decided to change oil, etc. and try to chase down problem with starting. It is getting worse. I have run battery down several times. Here is what I know: New plugs, getting plenty fuel, good compression, good battery, everything else seems in order. Pulled rear new plugs and no fire/spark. No loose connections at coils. When bought, key was bent slightly, straightened that out, but ignition never felt correct. Also, it's getting worse as I said, now it wont start at all. Thank you for any help in advance. I am limited on technical knowledge.
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