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Everything posted by deepforkriver

  1. Now Dan, i know u guys eeked out a win last week against Bill and Harry but you may be a little too excited about your chances. We are bringing our defense to the game today unlike last year in Dolly Wood and u forgot to put Tavon on the Team this year? Best o luck. Not gonna be pretty for the mountain men.
  2. Ya Jeff Hostetler and an onside kick. Darn penn state transfers. Hated onside kicks ever since. To say that we were stunned could be an understatement. What? But dad!!! He started it!!! I gotta go. He makes me polish the trophies when i start bragging. Seems like it takes forever with those glass crystal ball things on them. Think i hear the party line beeping in. Neighbor needs to use the phone.
  3. Yup, Dan, there are others, Some of which will be watching Saturday at 6:00pm central, WV get an old fashioned SOONER A$............. welp, guess I better not stir the sports pot on this forum...... Learned that lesson early on... :stirthepot: Easy Big fella, all in good fun, Again, welcome to the Big 12 and good luck.
  4. Buddy, Been a while since we met at the meet and eat but i have been keeping up with your health issues since then on the forum. Wishing u all the best and great health for years to come. We are trying to plan on attending in Mena, but schedules are not cooperating. Hope to see u again soon. James
  5. Whats that leather stuff he wears in the heat????
  6. Gosh, at first glance i thought this was freebirds thread. My bad
  7. You can pick up the same light from atwoods farm and ranch. Online shopping at atwoods.com only shows current newspaper flyer. They are run/brake light bars and are a breeze to wire in. Ask me how i know.
  8. NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! Do it, lose it! No meds. Be healthy!!!!! My mom has to keep her weight in check also, But we love her for doing it! Go Go Go!
  9. Tricia, Have not been on forum much lately and didnt know of your problem. I am sorry to hear of the diagnosis. HOWEVER, I can tell you there have been MANY advances to treatment of your problems. My grandmother passed in 92 from same. Couldn't get much help or meds to help. This is a genetic problem fyi, you probably already know. My mother was diagnosed 13 years ago (8 years after her mother passed) and it scared her to death. Admittedly, the first few years were rocky as the med. advancements were not what they are now,, etc. BUT, the last 10 years have been wonderful for her. She is 74 years young, and while she now recognizes her limits and has to rest when she overdoes it, she is able to have normal quality of life, even taking 8 cruises in the last 10 years, even to Israel and south america. While everyone is different, I know, you can beat this. You must, without fail, stay on the doctors and get regular checks on pressure, ekg's etc. If your meds dont work, change them. When her pressures fluctuate, she can manage all of it with meds. She gets tired of taking 7 pills at dinner, but hey, if that's all it takes, so be it. Hang in there!!!! keep us posted and prayers you will have many many years ahead of you. Medical advancements with this problem are incredible. You are gonna be ok!!!! James
  10. Everybody please be safe!!!!
  11. Oh, I have to use that as my signature....:rotf: Can I?????? PLease please please:rotfl:
  12. Mornin' Miles, I may have missed it, but I am looking for a recent update on the F6B. Having owned and ridden it for 4-5 weeks, added some aftermarket goodies and seat time to Tennessee and back, what does it lack, what does it need... How about the fuel mileage, considering it is on stock tires(is it? ), you went thru break-in, etc. Ergonomics, bar placement, foot placement, tight clutch, you know. Now I know, having followed some of your post, that you were not averaging 55mph on the trip to Tenn. I will consider that with your mileage Thanks for your input If you have covered these topics, my apology James
  13. Looks like you guys are gonna have some great weather. Have a great time! Oh yeah, be sure and take your members list or laptop/Ipad. Gotta get in touch with that members map! Ride Safely! James
  14. I agree. What a weekend this has been. So glad to hear you are ok Bill. I think the death toll in Oklahoma is 12 from this weekend. They are still looking for some in a family of 7 that took shelter in a low lying ditch, they were swept away in a flash flood as the tornado came thru. I think the mother and father and one child have been found. 3 trained professional chasers were killed in their vehicle when the twister took an unexpected turn. 3-4 in a weather channel vehicle were tossed 200 yards into a field. All lived with cuts and broken bones. Every basement in downtown OKC is full of water. What a weekend. We are thankful you and your family are safe and not harmed. Lots and Lots of people across the midwest that need our help and prayer. Thanks for checkin in.
  15. :250::rain2: WHEW that was close..... again.
  16. Found this a minute ago. Has a ding or two, but price is not bad. Have no connection to it only thought of you when I saw it. http://tulsa.craigslist.org/mcd/3794361081.html
  17. Wait a minute, wait just a minute.... I just figured out why Napa was out of blinker fluid.......It's all on your shelf!!!!!! You bought all the dino AND synthetic, didnt you... fess up.....
  18. You know, I bet one of those there Hardley batwings would bolt right up....:stirthepot:
  19. WOW! What time is the turkey dinner? Mostly, glad you are ok. 20lbs at cruising speed has more force than most people think. Gotta love those baggershields. Good Job.
  20. Hoping you guys are safe! Thinking of you all. Wondering about Colesgrandpa (Raymond) and Playboy (Vincent) News just reported no significant damage near Ft. Smith. I really hope they are right! Praying for you guys. James
  21. News just confirmed up to 24 children killed at the elementary in Moore. News conference at 7:30 pm. I am sure prayer for the many many families would be appreciated.
  22. Buddy, You cut that one close! I am back in Bristow after a weekend in Tulsa. Grandson in Children's Hospital in Tulsa, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law still up there with him. F4 went just north of Bristow and is weakening. It looks like there are more storms just northeast of you by Norman. You guys stay safe and we will too. Looks like we are in for a long night. The Norman storm is tracking our way too. Be Safe Buddy, James
  23. OIL, haha He said OIL and TIRES, haha He said TIRES But no one has tried to sell this man some SAFETY CHROME??? WE ARE SLIPPIN....:confused24:
  24. Been to Branson/Eureka Springs many times. Let us know when you are planning to be in Arkansas, may get a few members to ride over for a day and meet up! Ride Safe, James
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