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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    David Aubry


  • Location
    Cocoa, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2003 Venture
  1. I glad you like it after our long talk on the phone about the Venture. I am the one that rides with the SCRC Space Coast when we met at Dotties. Hopefully we can meet up one day when I can get back on the bike after this shoulder heals up.
  2. Thanks , can't wait .....
  3. Craig, Is the diesel deal any better thats what I will be driving?? We will be leaving Cookeville, from there down to Atlanta is about 210 miles, I am good for about 400 on a tank, maybe fill up on the north side of Chattanooga if possiable. How is down by Macon, are they in good shape down there?? Like I said I will carry a couple of 5gal jugs with me just in case. Thanks for the info, Dave
  4. We were going to go up I-26 to I-40 from I-95 to the Piegon Forge area, then across Tenn and back down I-75 to Florida...
  5. How big of a radius is this gas problem from Calhoun?? Going up to Tenn next week and then coming back down I-75. Will be in the 4-wheeler. Might throw in a couple of 5gal cans as spares.
  6. Hopefully Star will have this type of idea for 2010, but that is another year away. If Kaw has these at the Daytona Bike-O-Fest next month I might just have to demo one for the heck of it. It will be interesting to see what the price will be. But I enjoy riding mind more since it has been paid off for a while.
  7. Good thing I didn't get rid of our cassetts!!!! I guess now I can save a few more $$$ for when it does happen, maybe next year......
  8. According to my dealer, his Yamaha rep called the other day and mentioned many changes in the line up for next year and also said there were major changes in the Venturer for 2009. So on Sep 08 @ 6pm Yamaha will update the web-site with the latest for 2009.
  9. Stopped by to see my dealer yesterday, and he said he had just had a call from his company rep, among other new changes in the Yamaha line for 09 he told him you will see major changes in the Venture, well lets hope. Probaly won't trade :mo money:this year but sure intersting as what they might be. The big day is suppose to be Sept 9th, well what a yeah now the same day as my birthday....
  10. I put the tall one on with the tint, never noticed the gas cap reflection. I love the tint I think it helps cut down the glare at night. Made a 2200 mile trip in June not a problem, never had a problem with the stock windshield either.
  11. There will be nothing on the 09's untill the dealer show during Sept in Las Vegas. Yamaha always keeps the wraps on petty tight until the show.
  12. I had it done by a friend of ours, it didn't take him 15 -20 minutes to the job. But what a differents it made, less lugging, starts better. The bike was almost 5yrs old with 23k on it, this was the first time that I had it done. Looking back I should have done it earlier. :think:Don't have a clue what the dealer would do for 1 1/2hrs, one hour of that must have been on break. This guy is ripping you off.
  13. Ohio & KY sounds good. Just down the road from Columbus you also have the Air Force Museum in Dayton. AMA also has Vintage days in Jul..
  14. I have a 6 1/2 ft bed and it works fine just need to leave the tailgate down. Most loading docks will mate up to the tailgate with in a inch or so. I had a 6x 12 trailer and it filled the trailer up pretty full. Not much room to move around, two bikes would be very tight. I since have bought a 7x16 v-nose, so I have room for two bikes very comfortable with extra room.
  15. Put the XXL on our 05, tinted, with a vent about two months ago, since then I went on a 2200 mile trip. With the XXL it really blows the rain off very nicely, I Rain-X it with many coats and it works great, but I have used this stuff on our vehicles for years. The Tint helps during the day, at night I think it takes out some of the glare from the on coming headlights, the tint I didn't even notice it being there at night. Vent works good, at least now you have a air stream coming in instead of stale air from the motor, The only problem (the only flaw in the windshield) in the rain :snow:you have drops coming thru the seal when closed, I got a piece of clear plastic tubing and slit it, so when it rains I put of the seal part and no rain comes thru. The black plastic tubes for under the edge on the windshield, I have lost one all ready, I would put just drop of glue on them so they don't come off easily. For those of you worried about changing the windshield out, it will take 10min max. You just need a set of alan wrenches, two screws on the inside of the fairing to take off the chrome trim in front at the bottom of the windshield, but be very carefull during removal & reinstallation not to break it. Once the chrome piece is off you can see the screws holding the windshield on, change out and you are done. I would buy another if this wears out...:thumbsup::thumbsup:
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