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Everything posted by 09RSTD

  1. Heat Demons are highly recommended. They install internally inside the actual handlebars. This keeps them protected from the weather and helps to increase the longevity. They have a very nice Led display that come with them. They retail for $150. I might add that all of the heated grips that i have used have left something to be desired. They have no way of warming the back sides of our hands where they are prone to get the coldest due to the wind hitting them. My personal prefference for cold weather hand comfort is one of two options. 1st preference is the heated gloves that I have. They are Gerbing brand and have heat elements all the way to the fingertips and around the backside of the hand as well. They dont get as warm as heated grips do but they do abetter job of warming the whole hand as opposed to just the palm. My 2nd preference is heated grips with handlbar muffs. Handlbar muffs with heated grips work great at blocking/deflecting the wind and keeping your entire hand warm. There are a few drawbacks to this. Handlebar muffs can be a pain getting hands into and they can also block your mirrors. The second drawback is that the source of heat is still the handlebar grips; thus making the palms of ours hands warmer than the rest of your hand. This doesnt seem like a big deal unless your heated grips are not warm enough at the liw setting and to hot at the high setting. I had a Buell with heated grips that had this problem. Low was not warm enough but high was HOT!
  2. Wow! I am really sorry to hear about your bad experiences and being taken advantage of. I am just glad that you are the person you are. Congrats onthe new jobs for the whole family and good luck to you all. Hope the new jobs and new location are all that you hoped they would be.
  3. FYI the Vaquero will depriciate just as fast as a Venture. Better buy that Vaquero used.
  4. In many ways this is very true. I believe that there are certian tires to steer clear of and certian tires that have a better reputation than others. What is your personal favorite tire Art? You must have one that you prefer.
  5. 09RSTD

    Lost Lid

    LOL!! This made me laugh so hard only because it sounds like something that I would do. I would forget to latch the lid and them be convinced that it must have gotten stolen. Truth is though, Venture parts are really not that desirable anywhere other than on this site which is full of good folks who wouldn't even think about ripping off someones pride and joy. Hope you able to get another lid soon. :rotf:
  6. 09RSTD


    Thanks for sharing. Do new cars these days have functioning turn signals or are they just for appearance? Seriously, I really wish drivers would at least give me a warning before they try and take over my lane.
  7. AMEN Brother!!!
  8. Who really cares!!
  9. I completely agree with above statement. I also would like to add that once you have gone to all of the work of getting to the steering head bearings why wouldn't you replace them with new one and then not worry about them ever again. I know steering head bearings is a job that I don't ever want to do let alone do it more than once.
  10. If you really like the red 2011 now is a great time to get one. The dealership that I bought my RSTD from is selling a red 2011 for $13,000. I test rode a Vaquero when I purchased my RSTD. I liked the Vaquero a lot but when I rode the RSTD it was exactly what I wanted. I had owned a 1998 Royal Star previously and when I rode the 2009 it just felt absolutely wonderful. I was truly impressed. I guess my old 98' must have been tired or something because that 2009 felt so much better to me.
  11. 09RSTD

    MC AD

  12. I have never had it happen to me and I log onto the site from multiple locations and computers. Very Interesting.
  13. Now that would be some useful information. Not a day goes by that I don't desire either a "Hot Eat or Cold Treat". My Yamaha can go for months heck maybe even years withour needing a Yamaha stealer.
  14. There are 227.367 Yamaha dealers in the United States. That is an average of 4.54734 dealers per state. :rotf:
  15. Im pretty sure that if this was a race he didn't need to worry about any oncoming traffic. All I could think about was wondering if the deer was seriously injured. Betting that deer won't be crossing any highways without looking both ways again. :rotf:
  16. From the pictures it sure appears to have carburetors. I think the owner is just confused beacause of how smoothly this machine runs! You can see that he has the chrome ball milled accents.
  17. ENJOY!
  18. our government is more interested in "saving the economy" through spending multiple billions of dollars bailing out a bunch a financial institutions whom for the most part got themselves in the mess they were in. This money could have been spent to create jobs and maintain the safety and sanity of the people whom make our nation great. How many law enforcement agencies are operating with tight budgets due to the government not providing the funds they need to operate effectively. God bless the USA! We need all the blessings we can get.
  19. Maybe you could start a raffle to benefit someone special or to help out the baseball team. Get the kid to sign a bunch of baseballs.
  20. 3M is best stuf on the entire extended planet. I hope that you never want to get those side badges off again though. You'll be forced to grind them off with a grinder.:rotf:
  21. I just purchased three more. That would make 21 more tickets. Good luck to all!
  22. I once chased what I thought was an electrical problem and finally found it to be a bad battery. The battery was fairly new. Most auto parts stores have the ability to check batteries and the ones that I have gone to do it free of charge. Motorcycle batteries are fairly inexpensive. If the bike is still under warranty that would be the way to go. If you have more than one dealer in your area do your homework on the dealership. Have heard people on this forum that have had both really good and really bad experiences at dealerships. Good luck.
  23. WOW!!! That is absolutely awesome. Very quality work.
  24. Buy a 2nd Gen! :rotf:
  25. I wanted to make sure and point out that even though motorcycle tires maintain excellent traction in wet conditions that road surface is what should be of major concern. Wet asphalt, concrete, and especailly anything metal such as expansion joints commonly used on overpasses and bridges provide less traction when they are wet regardless of what tires you are using. Also anything that is painted or tarred can be slippery when wet. As far as standing water goes just try and be proactive and avoid it if you can otherwise just ride through and stay relaxed. As far as keeping your glasses and faceshield clear here is my experience: Don't let your glasses get wet. Keep you visor down enough to let air flow without getting your glasses wet as they are nearly impossible to clear without stopping and make much more difficult to see through. Hope you are planning on wearing a full face helmet. Otherwise I wish you much luck in keeping clear vision. As far as gear goes I hope that whatever you have will keep you comfortable. The most dangerous thing about riding in wet weather for long periods of time is getting wet and uncomfortable and losing your concentration on things that matter. Wet hands,water running down your neck, a wet crotch, and wet feet while riding in the pouring rain going 65 MPH and trying to focus on the road conditions and everythin going on around you is extremely difficult. One last thing to take into consideration. A very large concern should be given to all the other vehicle that you are sharing the road with. They to have less traction in wet conditions but rarely adjust they way they drive. Take extra notice of the vehicles around you to make sure and be preparred for someone else to do something entirely stupid. A car zooming past you who splashes water up on you can be very startling if you are expecting it. Have a great trip and stay safe. If you go well prepared riding in the rain can be nearly as enjoyable as riding in dry conditions.
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