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Mike Mercury

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About Mike Mercury

  • Birthday 07/03/1956

Personal Information

  • Name
    Mike Maurice


  • Location
    Sainte-Catherine Qc., Canada


  • City
    Sainte-Catherine Qc.


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    Motorcycle travel
  • Bike Year and Model
    1991 Venture Royale, Concours 14 2008

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  1. Take a look at Classified, I have a Voyager kit on sale for First Gen
  2. I guess I'm the only guy with this problem. Found the problem, 16 months ago I made a crankcase vent modification (SMALL CONE FILTER) and this filter rubbed with motor the vibration on crossfluid pipe after time sawed it's way trought the steel pipe, strange but this is wat I found, replaced the defective pipe assy with one on spare motor. http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l61 ... 143439.jpg http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l61 ... 142739.jpg Mike:detective:
  3. My 91 VR was doing good putting over 40000 km since April 2012, after complete overhaul and mods. Last week after a good ride, a puddle of motor oil on right side, oil level seems right and no problem with bike before this situation, after wiping oil clean, check my crancase vent filter, dirty but not soking in oil, start the bike and found a dripping pipe between the cylinders, on the rear right cylinder, the crossover oil pipe dripping 1 drop every 10 seconds at idle. I did not want to remove my carbs but I think the nut with 2 crush washers was not as tight as the other side, so I removed nut. Anybody ever had this problem, could it be something else, imput would be apreciated, I'm looking for a good permanent solution. Thanks:stirthepot: Mike
  4. The potholes are there in good numbers but the problem is not the road, it's the number of tax collectors(police) the city's need more revenue and hired hundreds of police officer for repressive tax collection duty, security issues are rarely the reason for arrest because it is much easier to give tickets with a radar gun or camera for not having stopped for 3 seconds and recorded, worse we learned of high quota requirements for officers patrolling. The bottom line is REVENUE not security, this is the way here and I guess the mandate given by the citizens.
  5. Hi, I am from the province of Quebec, these are trying times here, the economy is not performing on level with the rest of Canada and the Socialist policies embraced here are hurting everyone who lives in this province. People believe that our health insurance is free, well not if you take in account the very high level of taxes in this province(income, sales, gaz, etc.) to pay for inefficient civil servants with over powerful labor unions(+50% of budget of whole province to cover cost of health care) and the performance of the health care is a real problem, high waiting time in health care facility's, long surgery delays and poor overhaul performance. Corruption is a part of society everywhere in the world and that's why small governments should be the rule, but here corruption is at such a high level, it becomes art, and we are swimming in the biggest corruption scandal ever seen here, as bad as thee USSR before it's downfall. Yes the government does protect us a lot but, at a cost where our liberty's and well-being are being taken away from us and the future of our children is compromised as the debt of our province is over 300 Billion dollars, for a mere 8 million citizens, nothings peachy here. And for us bikers we get the Royal treatment, all the red tape and high cost of licence and plates would depress anybody from the states but the real problem is the negative treatment we receive from our powerful officials that rule as if we are a nuisance on this society. The worst part of it all is the quality our roads, when riding anywhere, I love the quality of the roads in Canada and specially in the states where the quality of pavement is generally very good, the roads here are truly sub-par and this is one reason I ride all-over except at home and with a liter of gaz at 1.49$ well you do the maths for 40000 kilometers a year it's very expensive to have fun. With separation of Quebec from Canada a possibility the long term bike riding in a communist state,does not look good. Mike
  6. I would take one if possible can Paypal immediatly Thanks Mike
  7. Hey Gary, Really appreciate the efforts in trying to find a solution for my Ignitech TCI on my 91 VR. Just so you know, I have been in a 3000km ride this long week-end, riding fully laden 2 up with trailer, the bike was great with no problems pulling this load at 3500-4000 RPM in fifth gear. I am still trying to find riders in this neck of the woods but I will be coming at Free bird's MD next Thursday and will meet you there, maybee answers will come. Mike
  8. It took me 2 months to get my new V88 TCI version working (thanks to Gary), changed program from VR 90-93 if I remember, to new vmax V88, to V80 new venture, to new V80 new Max(I got confused after a few times) and finally worked on I believe V80 new venture, and when started downloaded new version V88???? After 3 small rides it went kaputt and never got it to started again. Mike
  9. Hey Gary, I sent Ignitech TCI via Canada Snail Post, you should get it by early next week, so they tell me. Before sending to you this morning, I tried again the problem unit and although it fire for a few milli-seconds to light up, just kept turning with mo results, this week-end 500km through NY and Vermont, with original TCI and again 300km today with-out a glitch. I must admit the Ignitech unit seemed to work cleaner, crisper, with more power and better fuel economy, so I hope the problem will be found and settled soon. Mike
  10. I wouldn't change plugs, I am travelling with old TCI and very happy with this choose and play system, alternate system is the way to go. Mike
  11. After working with Gary to get my new Ignitech TCI working on my 91 VR, I was happy with the initial results, crisper accelerations, no more backfire when cold or deceleration, a total of 3 small rides of about 100 km each, on third trip after a 30 minutes run, a stop for coffee at Tim Horton, we leave and after 1 kilometer, puffing and bucking then no more motor, after 5 minutes checking gas valve and putting on reserve, start up and ran 500 feet and stop, 3 more start and die, but I made it to a gas station, removed Ignitech TCI, installed original TCI with original vacuum and ran to home 60 km away, without any problems. Its a good thing I kept TCI and vacuum connection available, otherwise it would of been towing time. Mike
  12. Finally after 4 weeks of cold, windy and rainy days, I rode my bike for a total of only 1000km, I am happy of the results my winter work gave, the new Ignitech TCI gives the motor a better response and feels more potent mid-range, clear to red-line. The R1 brakes are great, with power to spare and better feel for control braking, the handling is very good with the progressive springs up front. But a dark cloud, each time I ride the bike, a smell of gas is present, I looked for leaks, none, as soon as I stop the motor the smell goes away, I go for a drive and there it is again, high speed, low speed, the smell is always there and the smell seems to be coming from carbs. I took the air filter out and the smell does not seem to be present when running, seems to be coming elsewhere. I hope I am wrong, but the problem may be my floats(high adjustment?), I don't want to remove the carbs again, I simply would like to ride, specially after all the efforts rebuilding my 91VR. No gas is seen leaking but the smell is always present when riding, Is there other possibility's? Mike
  13. I will be there with Francine, I'm from Montreal, would like riding companions, if any on route or in the general area. Mike
  14. My 91 VR project is behind me, I finally got to ride my new touring machine and was really impressed by the quality of my ride, many of you where telling me how good the Venture was and with your help, I must agree its a great ride. The motor seems to purr between 4000-5000 RPM and growl above 5000, without noticeable vibrations or hesitations, no back-fire and very smooth. The bike handles better than expected, with proper damper adjustment and air pressure my ride is solid in long sweepers, with no noticeable speed wobbles at +130 km/h, sharp and crisp in rapid curves, I am impressed for a 21 year old touring machine. Braking is top notch with R1 calipers and new rotors, it's all about control and power. Comfort is good, I also love the cruise control, ease of operation and constant speed hold make's it a big plus and helped me get 42 MPG on my first two tankfuls, riding two-up with a 800 pound bike is very good as long as I am concerned. 3 months of hard work and love to bring back life in this machine, with many modifications such as, K&N air filter, fuse upgrade, complete front fork rebuild with progressive springs, complete brake overhaul with R1 calipers, new rotors, stainless brake lines, complete carburetor restoration and mounting computer on top of air filter. One last upgrade is left to do for this year(maybe), is Ignitech computer upgrade to replace my 21 year old black box, I did receive unit and will be installing unit next week with Dingy's help(Got a new laptop), this should also help to increase response and control of motor operation. Mike
  15. Really looks great, I was happy with my collector repair process, but after looking at those pipes my collector box looks like a piece of crap. The BOSS told me my repair was cost effective!!!!!! Mike
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