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Everything posted by meach

  1. Got one still going about an hour or so North of me and one still out to the west headed this way.
  2. So I went to the Ural website to find out more about them and then looked up to see where dealers might be and turns out a local BMW dealer (http://www.bluemooncycle.com) here in the Atlanta area sells them which is about 10 min. from my daughters house so gave me an excuse to get out and ride, went by the dealer to check out what they had and then stopped by to see daughter & gdaughter. This dealer also happens to have a nice collection of vintage European bikes, most of which are for sale in case anyone's looking for something. kinda cool looking at all the old bikes, surprising how small they all seemed to be. They had a Ural sitting outside, looked like a single drive, their website has a 2WD 2012 listed for around 14K.
  3. pretty cool, I see two teams headed south, just in time for the coolest weather we've had this year, the apparent leader headed toward AL, lets see how far they get.
  4. You had some great weather for riding, I had to be at a wedding up in Knoxville over the weekend otherwise we would have probably been out on the bike as well with the weather so nice. However being retired now I can get out during the week and avoid the weekend crowds. We've traveled those roads many times, sometimes stop and visit friends in Andrews NC, otherwise we like coming on down to Franklin NC and heading back west on 64 then dropping down by Chatuge Lake to pick up 76/515/575 back to the house. Rarely do the Dragon anymore, too crowded with too many knuckle heads. Love riding the Cherohala.
  5. $ sent, PM with address sent
  6. Looks like some nice riding up there in the North country. In a typical year when is the best riding season up there? Looking at maybe taking the bike on a long road trip next year following U.S. 41 from here in GA up to Big Bay, MI to attend a wedding and maybe points north or west) after the wedding) depending on the actual date/season which I don't believe they have set yet. Will probably take Interstates around/thru any of the metro areas, looking forward to seeing some of the Great Lakes Region. Never been farther North than the Chicago area.
  7. A few months ago I had to decide on new vs used vs add on to an existing bike which in this case was a Honda VTX1300 which I love, it wasn't practical in my view to add on what I wanted plus I was wanting to get away from the V twin and try something different. New metrics have a steep depreciation curve the first few years and since there have been few if any changes over the years with the RSV thats what I went with. I considered both a new and used other brands, almost bought a new GW which was another story. One problem I ran into looking for a used RSV is there are not that many of them out there, at least when I started looking back in the fall which may not have been the best time of year to find one. I shopped around while I was deciding what I wanted to do and I found a well maintained 07 at a good price in another state and purchased it from the private owner this past March, nice road trip for my first ride on the bike:). My biggest complaint with the bike thus far is it being top heavy esp. with the wife and gear loaded while stopped (I know there are solutions to help with that and I will work on it in the near future) as compared to every other bike I've owned. For now I'm able to keep both bikes so the vtx is now my one or two up city bike and the RSV is my two up trip bike. Meach
  8. Have gotten more crap off my computers over the years with this
  9. A third option a couple folks have is to connect a cargo carrier to the trailer hitch. I'd like to add a trailer or carrier in the hopefully not too distant future, any of you folks with trailers try the carrier option? or vise versa have a carrier and then do a trailer? I can camp by myself with either bike I have but if two up I don't see it happening, too much stuff. We use my backpacking gear which is pretty compact but still not enough room. I did see an old harley looking bike with grizzly adams at the control going down the interstate one time with what looked like every possession the guy owned tied to the bike, everything from pots and pans to shoes, blankets, and all sorts of other stuff.
  10. hey randy, I was going thru Helen fathers day going up to Anna Ruby Falls (which they had to close just as I got there due to a potty pump failure or something) and I recognized a 1st gen venture going the other direction. It really surprised me because I rarely them.
  11. This topic on other forums can get ugly pretty fast, some of the same people on both sides get fired up, and its the same people everytime. When the time comes I might consider a CT on my RSV, been running a Michelin Hydroedge on my VTX1300 for a couple years now and I love it. Made my ride smoother, didn't feel every nut (fruit from a tree, not cagers on a cell phone) on the road I ran over. Seems to have better traction in the rain which was the main reason I wanted it. The extra miles I can get out of it is just bonus, I paid about the same for this tire as I did an Avon I had on it previously. The one negative I notice is bike will follow the crown of a road and make it harder to lean. I don't know much about tires but I know what I like.
  12. Couldn't recall where 23 was located, forgotten it's the same road as I985 then joins with U.S. 441 up to Sylva NC where we usually stay on 441 thru the smokies and 23 splits off towards Ashville and on. U.S. 23 might turn out to be the way I go this fall to a niece getting married in Johnson City, never been that way. Used to have to stop in Knoxville on the way to J.C. so always went that way. A side note: Wife and I a few weeks rode across N. Ga, passing thru Dahlonega and going by Lake Lanier to I985 and were just killing some time before riding back down I85 to Duluth to my daughters house. We were just looking on the map and going to every small town we could find along the way. Found a community called "RabbitTown" where coming around a curve there was a giant rabbit about 50ft tall in front of a small strip center. Kinda caught me by surprise.
  13. Here's you another thought, nice roads and scenic also, Take GA 60 up to Copperhill TN where you run into Tn 68 and then just follow it which goes up up thru Tellico Plains, Sweetwater, Spring City and on to Crossville where you can pick up US 127 and cut back over toward Lexington around Danville or somewhere. I used to take 68 to Crossville a lot when a friend used to live there, coming from Knoxville back to GA we pick up 68 sometimes for a change of scenery.
  14. I was at a family gathering in Knoxville this past weekend and my son who lives just south of the slide was showing me some pictures taken from the air that were recently published. When looking at the pictures you see some of the construction vehicles at the bottom of the slide area, they look like toys in comparison. Looks like the entire mountain just fell away. Gonna take months to fix this one, and they were just about to complete repair from a previous slide.
  15. Somebody forgot to tell the construction guys what a "weekend" is, as defined by NPS: "Weekends are defined as noon on Friday through 8:00 a.m. on Monday". We came thru around 7:30 P.M. Sunday and they were working, one lane closed, looked like they were getting set up to work all night, about 10 - 15 asphalt trucks sitting at Newfound Gap waiting, not sure where the trucks came in from, luckily we didn't get caught behind any or meet any coming the other way. Reminds me of driving thru W. Va. one time with coal trucks everywhere taking up both lanes around blind curves and where the speed limit is 55.
  16. In case anyone is planning a trip thru the Smokies they are repaving a portion of US 441 at Newfound Gap on the TN side. Could be a pain trying to go to Gatlinburg from Cherokee, NC. One lane traffic. Wasn't too bad as we came thru late afternoon on a Sun., might get pretty ugly during busier times. Also a lot of road torn up. http://www.nps.gov/grsm/parknews/nfg-repave-09.htm
  17. You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friends nose. Welcome, I had a 750 shadow, then moved up to a vtx1300 ( which I still have and usually ride when only 1 up) haven't had the 07 RSV but just a few months so I'm a rookie around here and still getting used to working on her not that I've had to really do anything. Did have it go dead one day getting ready for a ride, just turned out to be a loose battery connection.
  18. Just in case you aren't aware of this site: http://www.southerndozen.com/
  19. Yep, couldn't have asked for a nicer day. Nice morning ride up to the mountains, great host (thanks for the fuse Steve) a chance to learn how to work on the RSV (I'm a rookie RSV owner), meet some fine folks, see what others have done to personalize their scoots, a nice afternoon ride through the mountains on some new backroads (I think the LEO's we kept seeing were keeping an eye on that bunch of crotch rockets we saw parked I think it was up on Blood Mtn.) then a stop for BBQ and all along skirting the rains along the way, just a few sprinkles barely enough to wet the windscreen. Looking forward to the next MD.
  20. I do all my own work as well. I haven't messed with the venture much yet, changed oil and some corrosion prevention here and there. yamaha's and honda's are very similar since both are metric out of Japan. My vtx air is stock, has always ran good with good mileage so I've left it alone, and its mildly cold natured, after the first start of the day its good to go. the venture seems to be similar. I've been using the choke to start and let it warm up while I get everything set, plus I like the idea of oil getting circulated good before I take off. The previous owner had synced the carbs not long before i purchased it, seems to be getting 41 -42 mpg mostly highway, been using vtx to run around town. Do a search for syncing carbs and I'm sure you'll find more than enough info here on this site.
  21. What ever you run into the "AUX" can be played thru bike speakers which have two up front and two for passenger in which front/rear balance level can be adjusted. You're in the same situation I was in about 6 months ago, I also have a vtx1300 which I love but has my wife has started riding more with me and needed something better for her. Looked at a variety of options out there, ruled out several (BMW, Kawa., etc) looked closer at: Goldwing - just didn't fill comfortable, used to riding my vtx cruiser i guess, HD Ultra Classic - too much $ for the ride plus I was looking to get away from the V twin, met a fellow vtx rider who also had a venture so I looked into it and eventually bought me an 07. FYI My take on the similarities/difference between the vtx & venture. There are a variety of mods that can be done to the bike to suit the specifics of the driver better. Both are set up as cruisers, the stock venture is top heavy and I find myself doing the stoplight wiggles trying to keep the bike balanced as I come to a stop. You'll hear about the "whine" of the gears and for some the "chirping" which I understand varies from bike to bike, I'm new to the venture so not real sure how mine compares to others but the more I ride it I get used to the sounds. The venture 4cyl is a higher RPM engine which at 70 makes a lot more noise than my vtx (stock pipes that have been drilled). My wife loves the venture ride compared to the vtx (mustang driver & passenger seat), I'm looking at having the stock venture seats modded, mine is killing my rear after a couple hours. I'm 6'2" so I have highway pegs to stretch out otherwise my knees would be killing me after an hour or so. The venture has several electronic goodies compared to the vtx such as self canceling turn signal, emerg. flashers, cruise control, radio, cb, (probably only vehicle on the road today with a stock casette player:rotf:) We just purchased a set of J&M headsets we need to try out on a trip. We've kept the vtx for now, its much easier, better (at least for me) riding around town. Good luck in your search, that 09 price you posted looks great. Paid $8500 for my 07 which was a good price after shopping throughout the eastern U.S. Not that many ventures out there compared to other bikes.
  22. Hello all, I'm a new kid on the block when it comes to RSV, just bought it a month or so ago, (my first time riding it was driving it home from Jacksonville, Fl) would like to try and make the MD this Sat. however weather saying 40% chance of thunderstorms, I guess we'll see towards the end of the week how it looks. My wife was thinking about coming, she wanted me to see if other wives will be there, also has anyone that is planning on coming had their stock RSV seat modded by Rick Butler?, i'm thinking about having it done but wanted to try one out first, the seat is killing me. I'm used to my mustang seats I've had on my last couple bikes, could ride all day with no problem. Looking forward to meeting some other RSV riders. Meach
  23. Common issue on most metrics, usually around 10% thus faster you go the more it is off. Using a CT on my vtx reduced it down to about 3-5% off, my RSV which I recently purchased seems to be about 10% off as well (according to my garmin gps). For the vtx there are different fixes on the market, not sure whats out there for the RSV, probably similar. I tend to go with the flow of traffic anyway so don't always pay attention to the speed limits and don't worry that much about speedometer being off, heck without my reading glasses on I can't really read what is says anyway. As to why they are off I've heard different stories over the years, one being that it is intentional due to some long ago lawsuit. A google search would probably bring up why.
  24. Both look good, how much weight can each of you carry. Been thinking of ways to carry extra cargo and stuff? Can you tell much of a difference in balance while riding?
  25. Unfortunately I got distracted going thru a busy interchange going thru Atlanta watching for traffic, signs, etc, knew I was low on gas but then It ran out and as engine was dying I couldn't find the reserve knob by just feeling so I had to pull over and look (its farther forward than my other bike), had to wind it out getting back into traffic. Yep, blue on black. Nice color, I hear its one of the faster colors. thanks, surprisingly nimble for their weight once you get going, I had learned with my vtx to be careful at slow speeds such as making u-turns, etc. Hate to admit this but I turned my vtx over in the middle of the street in Aspen, CO making a u-turn, nothing hurt but my pride. Thanks, might try to do that, would like to meet other RSV riders. Thanks to others for the welcome. Meach
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