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Everything posted by meach

  1. Thought about making my own box also but went with the tag-along for now, might later build a custom box I can swap out with cargo carrier. Almost all my planes are fairly small scratch built foamies anyway made mostly from Dollar Tree foam and hotglue, cheap electronics from HK, the largest one is a 60" cub like plane. Its on its last legs (they currently ride in the back of my truck to field. I fly at a city park (where they allow us rather than going to a true RC field much farther away). The park is surrounded by trees so limited to smaller planes for easier flying, I'm somewhat of a rookie. Flew RC glliders 40 yr ago, got back into RC a year or so ago using all electric motors. HAD a Radian I bought a year ago but it flew off into the sunset a couple months ago due to radio interference never to be seen again. I actually tied a 42" scratch built flying wing to my RSV trunk one day and it did fair, wing tips kept catching the wind and fluttering. Built a foam F-22 but have decided jets aren't for me for now, have to fly them too fast for my reaction time. HAD a 30" twin motor cargo plane I built was gonna try and ride in tag-along but I was fooling around recently and stalled too close to the ground and it nosed in, too smashed up to bother fixing will just trash it. Might build another one with some mods, it was fun to fly, even had a bomb bay for dropping stuff. Have gotten sidetracked with the HF trailer & MC lately, been way to windy lately to fly anyway, but great weather for bike rides.
  2. ahh it makes sense now, went out and looked and I see the 1/2 spring, didn't look at the springs in detail when I was putting together. Couldn't imagine removing the springs all together but ya never know.
  3. Thanks for input guys, yea I'll prob. switch to that LED kit. Haven't installed any of the lights anyway, was waiting to decide a couple things. Flyinfool - I'll have to look at the springs again as I think I have only one spring not two. If I remove the spring then axle will just mount to frame which would mean redoing fenders. Hmmm I'll have to look it over again. Already repacked the bearings, did that while axle was off. Reminded me of repacking bearings on old bomb trailers back in the Air Force days. May eventually replace with higher grade. Not going to be hauling much except for camping gear and what ever RC planes will fit in it.
  4. So I've read through several threads on the HF trailer which I have purchased but still have a couple questions. (I've read through most of the tips on mods to make.)(I even got a free multimeter with purchase ) It seems some people remove the leaf springs. Pro/con? If I leave them I can see putting carpet or something to reduce rattle. Will probably install some LED on rear of carrier to increase visibility, anyone found a good buy that works well on this trailer and suggestions of splicing into existing wiring. I might also replace tail lights with LED. I used a different HF trailer for many years that I had built a box on for hauling stuff around behind a van, great trailer for the $. thanks for any info.
  5. I had never heard of book, was chatting with library lady as she noticed I was picking up DVDs on my MC and she suggested i might like it. We found an old copy within the local library system. Looking online I see there is a "Bllue Highways Revisited" out recently where a father and son team have retraced the route and tried to find all the people in the book who were still alive, might be some interesting reading also. I'm currently heading east across Montana in the book. By coincidence he travels through a few towns in different states here and there that I've also been to.
  6. I've ridden some of those roads Cowboy took, just not in the order he did them. Lot of nice riding in them neck of the woods. I hardly ever use my Garmin Zumo cause I can hardly read what it says without my readin glasses on. I like Randys idea of just seeing where the wind takes ya. I'm reading a book right now called "Blue Highways" written back in 82 bout a guy hit the road in an ole Ford van and drove 14,000 miles over about 3 months around the country just seeing where the road took him, looking for unusual towns and people and found some of both, tried to only take secondary roads (which used to be blue in the old atlas thus the name of the book).
  7. All the talk of riding this and riding that made me itch to ride. Took about a 350 mi ride today, basically a big circle going up to Blue Ridge GA cutting up to to Murphy NC then 74 thru Andrews to Nantahala Gorge, stopped for few min at the river then Wayha Rd. to Franklin NC. Road was in pretty good shape, patches of small sand/gravel here and there I guess from deicing road over winter, then back on 64 E where we dropped down thru Hiawassi GA on to Helen then Dahlonaga for some BBQ and the slab back to the house. Weather was great, trees have yet to leaf out so views were great. Good ride.
  8. One feature on another site I find useful is a place for people to keep a record of the maint, mods, etc. Its a place to keep a record that is easy to share with others. I need to update mine a little but haven't done much to it last year or so. Below are links to what I'm talking about. You just go in and edit the original post, others can make comments along the way. http://www.vtxoa.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?63-Maintenance-amp-Accessory-Log http://www.vtxoa.com/forums/showthread.php?226963-Meach-s-Machine-05-1300S&highlight=meach+machine
  9. From their homepage: "The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to develop the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite (see below). Such a software suite was previously made popular by Netscape and Mozilla, and the SeaMonkey project continues to develop and deliver high-quality updates to this concept. Containing an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client with an included web feed reader, HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools, SeaMonkey is sure to appeal to advanced users, web developers and corporate users. " A new release was released yesterday (4/2): "The SeaMonkey project is proud to present SeaMonkey 2.17: The new major release of the all-in-one Internet suite is available for download now! Building on the same Mozilla platform as the newest Firefox release, it delivers the latest developments in web technologies such as HTML5, hardware acceleration and improved JavaScript speed. "
  10. I never personally have ever owned a frame mounted, have test driven or ridden a friends for short distance but one advantage of frame mounted as I understand it is that it is less tiring over long distances. You don't realize how much work goes into keeping the bike straight from the wind constantly pushing against the forks, one advantage wings have for long distance riding.
  11. A fairly simple html editor from the early days of internet "Netscape Navigator" is still around as "Seamonkey" (http://www.seamonkey-project.org/) which I have used off and on for many years, and its free. I've used various windows versions, I've ditched windows and have gone to Linux only (except for my wifes MAC). I haven't used the linux version of Seamonkey. Many years ago used to teach a class on creating web pages using Netscape however we didn't get into very complicated stuff. I haven't had the need to do much lately. Had a web site I kept up for a while using Seamonkey to create the pages and then uploaded using ftp but eventually let it go. Not sure how/if Seamonkey deals with php, might be worth looking into.
  12. 28 to Franklin as mentioned then a different route back north or make the circle going the other way http://www.stayandplayinthesmokies.com/vendor/wayah-road-franklin-to-nantahala-nc/ Fun to stop off while passing thru Nantahala Gorge and take a break and watch the river rafters.
  13. Marketing and branding..... the American way. To the average person any v-twin cruiser motorcycle is a HD, can't tell you how many times people commented about my "Harley" when out riding my Honda VTX, I would just smile and thank them, wasn't worth the trouble of trying to explain it was actually a Honda. Like anything the value is based on what people are willing to pay and plenty of people are willing to pay HD prices, capitalism at its finest. Looked at several HD models when looking for a better touring bike than my VTX but decided to get away from large V twin ( shake & bake here in the south) and didn't want to pay premium prices anyway so went with a used RSV instead a little over a year ago and haven't looked back. Must say the first time I test rode a HD (don't recall if it was a road king or road glide) after having my VTX several years but I was very unimpressed knowing how much $ they wanted for it and it rode no better than my Honda.
  14. You have a variety of options depending how much time you plan on spending, route taken down and back, etc. Realize Tail of the Dragon is just below Smoky Mountain National Park which has a lot of options of things to do . US 441 is supposed to be reopened around mid may (after a rock slide closed it) which goes from Cherokee NC (Casinos) to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge area TN which has about every tourist attraction thing you can come up with. Ride thru the Smokys is nice if traffic not bad, as with Dragon the weekends are the worst. Couple things in the smokys are Clingmans Dome observation tower http://www.nps.gov/grsm/planyourvisit/clingmansdome.htm which is maybe 1/2 mile hike (highest point in TN) as you cross from NC to TN at Newfound Gap on US 441. Another thing to do in Smokys is ride thru Cades Cove http://www.nps.gov/grsm/planyourvisit/cadescove.htm which is an 11 mile loop road around a valley. Old homesites, etc you can stop and look/stretch. Several miles of riding to get to the cove, you can look at map and see. As mentioned Cherohala is very nice, ( we like it better than Dragon). Lots of nice roads regardless of which you go. You might want to post a more detail plan of getting to the Dragon (US 129) for more suggestions. There is a variety of ways of doing things. We usually just go for a day trip so not very familiar with lodging.
  15. Well it WAS spring here but evidently someone up north left the door open, woke up this morning and looked out and it was snowing. All the early blooming flowers are like WTH.:rotf:
  16. It was in this case, if this didn't work laptop was going in "spare parts" pile anyway, hardware was going on 5 yrs old, wasn't worth $ to purchase a replacement board or any other parts, also have a netbook I can use. I made sure to put a baking sheet under in case anything dripped off:), later in the evening daughter cooked a pizza and I didn't notice any plastic aroma, I asked her if her pizza had any extra flavoring:rotf: I thought about this also so I had looked up the melting point of solder, seems it varys from 90 - 450 F. or so depending if its "soft" or "hard" solder, etc., etc. but yea it could be something else, I didn't really care as long as it worked. MB is still working fine after several hours of use with none of the previous problems I wouldn't have thought it would survive being in the oven at 400 deg. let along work fine afterwards. I had visions of having a big glob of melted plastic and circuit boards. (I did remove the CPU before baking) Other folks use a heat gun to do the same thing.
  17. I did around 400 degrees for 10 min which is what I saw some guys on youtube do. At the end of the 10 min is when you could really smell the plastic. I removed any plastic that I could, that would come off prior to baking, I was afraid it would melt my cmos battery holder but everything was fine. I put some balls of tin foil under the MB to raise it off the cookie sheet.
  18. For those that like to mess with computers, I cooked my laptop's mainboard in the oven for about 10 min. at 400 degrees, right after the wife took her chicken out (no way was it going in with the chicken), heres why: Long story short, a laptop I've had (hand me down from wife when she got new mac) started acting up lately. Been a good computer for several years as far as cheap compaq's go, been running linux last year or so. So anyway it started acting up, thought it might be overheating, cleaned and checked everything, got worse and finally would not come on at all, lights would come on for like 1 sec then cut off. Spent many a hours checking everything, finally determined it to be main board/cpu went south. While doing some research I learned that some graphics chips are notorious for the solder having cracks, etc. and a solution which I had never heard of is to bake it in the oven like I did to resolder. I figured why not, it was dead anyway. Sure enough mainboard powered right up after removing from oven and letting cool off then attaching just enough hardware to turn on, put it all back together and running great as I type this on the laptop. Now to get rid of the funky burnt plastic smell in the house.
  19. Many, many moons ago in TN you could get a MC lic. at 14 (which is what I did and have had it ever since), I guess we took a written test but don't remember but the driving test was to just follow the tester as they gave the driving test to a cage. Guess if you were still there when they got back to the site you passed. Times sure have changed.
  20. Was thinking of getting one of these myself. Looking at options. Might just get the basic trailer and build a custom box in order to haul my RC planes in with the bike:). Bought a larger one years ago to pull behind a van. Can't beat them for the $.
  21. Unfortunately a lot of elderly fall prey to a lot of scams as dementia sets in which is sad. I planning on spending every penny I have while I'm able and won't be anything left for all the scam artist. Was bored one day a while back and followed the story of a guy on a website that I can't remember now but he spent months trying to scam the scammers. Made up all kinds of phony stories, how much $ he had, how much he was gonna send em, what they had to do in order to get it, etc., etc. it was still going on when I lost interest.
  22. I have missed my Fedex packages several times, won a lottery a few days ago, my Discover card had problems, Director of the FBI contacted me due to may association with somebody or the other (surprising number of words mispelled, they could at least use spell check in their scams), and the scams just keep coming...probably gonna win the Publishers Clearing House next and all I have to do is pay tax...
  23. I just realized there are two different "Member Vendor" pages that can be accessed either Forum ---> Member Vendor or Classified ---> Member Vendor Shouldn't they be the same page? I'm looking to add a trailer hitch and knew Carbon One had them but its not listed and :confused24:I wondered why then checked the classified ---> Member Vendor and there it was.
  24. You might want to check out this web site, lots of nice folks that can tell you about anything you want to know about MC campers/trailers, etc. There is one section dedicated to MC trailer camping. http://www.motocampers.com/
  25. meach


    some recent postings here in Atlanta area, here's ya an 06: http://atlanta.craigslist.org/eat/mcy/3569297291.html: an 04: http://atlanta.craigslist.org/eat/mcy/3569297291.html an 02: http://atlanta.craigslist.org/sat/mcy/3604902778.html an 09: http://atlanta.craigslist.org/sat/mcy/3643836025.html Don't recall at the moment but you can do a US wide search of craigslist if nothing else just to see whats out there and then maybe focus on one part of the country you are willing to go drive to check out, etc., of course there are other sources well. I looked hard for an 06 bout this time last year cause I liked the color, settled on the 07 which I liked also plus $ was good.
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