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Everything posted by Dragracer

  1. Depends on your floor jack. I made an adapter for mine to fit the front pipe, and added 2" to it. The bottom of the tires on my bike are about 24" off the ground. It will go higher, but some other mode of lift besides a jack is needed. If someone can adapt a air/hydraulic cylinder, or a motor crane cylinder, that would be great. BTW guys, I appreciate all the compliments, but I bought the plans. I didn't design this thing. I'm not that bright!
  2. Didn't actually add it up, but I'd estimate around $150.00. Make sure to use quality wood. No pine wood, or anything lightweight.
  3. Anyone who wants a copy of the plans, send an email to me at dragracerusa@embarqmail.com . Put lift table in the subject, and I'll email the plans. BTW, if anyone can figure out how to add a air/hydralic cylinder to this, I'd love to see it.
  4. Send me your email address, and I'll send you a copy of the plans.
  5. I bought a cheap lift table off eBay, and found it wasn't safe to put my Venture on. So while surfing eBay, I found a set of plans for a wooden table that uses your floor jack for lify power. Here are a few photos. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN7766.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN7767.jpg Here's the Venture secured by the clamp. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/bike2.jpg Here's the finished product, painted, and with an over center front wheel clamp similar to the Condor. I found plans for it on the Internet. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN8160.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN8163.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN8161.jpg
  6. http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/sad010.gif http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/sad035.gif
  7. I don't know the pin configuration on a 1st gen, but on my 2nd gen, I bought a keyboard extension cable at Radio Shack. It has the correct 5 pin connector, male on both ends, and has all 5 pins connected. I cut off each end about 6", and wired on a female stereo plug. Now, if all I want to do is listen to the radio or my MP3 player, I can hook up some ear plugs, and even wear my shorty helmet.
  8. I'm 5'10", and was uncomfortable on my 99, especially coming to stops and backing into a parking spot. I installed the Baron's lowering kit, and lowered the front end 1" by raising the forks. What a difference! I can flat foot when stopped, and backing in a parking spot is so much easier. I have the Road King mufflers on the bike, and will drag them occasionaly, but the comfort from lowering the bike more than makes up for an occasional scrape!
  9. I cannot imagine your loss. God bless you, and prayers are sent from us to you!
  10. I use this on my Volusia for the standard brake light and an add on led setup: http://cgi.ebay.com/In-Line-Safety-Brake-Light-FLASHER-for-all-Vehicles_W0QQitemZ5845641351QQcategoryZ4671QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem The seller is not listing any on ebay currently, but email him. I've had mine for over a year, and it's great!
  11. BBSTACKER, did you lower the front end only, or front and rear?
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