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Everything posted by Dragracer

  1. What exhaust do you have? I love the sound!
  2. Thanks! Not sure what I was thinking when I typed that! Although, yesterday, the NE WAS very rainy due to Noel!
  3. SOLD to the Man in the rainy NW!
  4. I have a Joe Rocket textile jacket for sale. Not sure of the exact model, but looks like the Alter Ego. It has the zipout waterproof lining, and removable outside panels that cover the mesh. Has a drawstring to tighten the waist. Includes the armour in the spine area, sholders, and elbows. It's an XL in great shape. $100.00 shipped to the 48 states. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9988.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9987.jpg
  5. Not bike related, exactly.....I need a 256 mb microSD card for my phone. It won't recognize the newer 1gig cards~
  6. I rode one of these about a month ago. I'd say it was one of the worst rides I've ever taken on a motorized vehicle! Low speed handling ( parking lot) was great. On the road, it was very hard to steer going into corners. At speed (55-65), it followed every bump, crack, and tar strip in the road. I would recommend it to anyone.
  7. Possibly, but I'm more concerned with the folks behind me than in front of me.
  8. OK, here we go on my cheapo lightbar. This is the stock turnsignal mount. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9545.jpg This is the mount after cutting off each end where the rubber grommet for the turn signals slides on. Also pictured is 3/8" threaded rod, the original rounded mounts that go under the stock passing lamps, and the nuts to hold tham all together. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9519.jpg Closeup of the left side. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9518.jpg Closeup of the right side. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9517.jpg The finished product installed on the bike. I kept the spacer from the original light bar. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9516.jpg This is what I used for turn signals. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9543.jpg Turn signal out of the package. I mounted it to the air deflector under each passing lamp. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9544.jpg This shows everything mounted on the bike. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9547.jpg This shows everything lit up. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9548.jpg I will most likely put an "L" bracket on each end and rotate the passing lamps 90* as I can't get the left/right adjustment I want for the passing lamps. Otherwise I'm happy with the way they turned out. Thoughts or comments are welcome.
  9. The front lolipops are going bye bye! I have some LED's in mind. Just have to make a run to the Chrome Shop in Wildwood, FL.
  10. Thanks to Bill & John for the original turn signal bars. Some of you wanted to know what I was doing, so here's a little peek. I just got started, and will post more photos if there is any interest. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9515.jpg
  11. Drive north on 75, take 275 north, ride over the beautiful Skyway Bridge, and go to Barneys Yamaha, 10393 Gandy Boulevard North, Saint Petersburg, FL 33702, (727) 576-1148. They have a ton of helmets in stock. It's about 1.5 hours north of you. The area is great for sight seeing also.
  12. All the pipe connections were tightened with 2 pipe wrenches. They were screwed in as far as possible.
  13. Looking for a 12" Yamaha w/s. It's 2" wider on each side, and I really like the width. I found a 12" Cee Bailey from one of our great members here, and am going to buy it if I can't find the Yamaha version. Anyone have one forsale? I'd take a 9" or a 12" if they have the extra width. Thanks in advance.
  14. Thank you kindly. And thanks again for all the other offers!
  15. I'm thinking of relocating the turn signals using smaller led's, and mounting the spots, or something aftermarket on the original bar. Will keep you posted. And to everyone else who offered the bar, many thanks.
  16. Yep, I belive that is it. Please send it to me at: Ronnie King 1165 N. Venice Terr. Lecanto, FL. 34461 Let me know the shipping cost, and I'll reimburse you.
  17. Anyone have one of these lying around after putting a light bar on your 2nd gen? I have a mod I'd like to try on one and use it to replace the bent light bar on my 2nd gen!
  18. Scraped the front fairing, lower right faring, and the lid for the trunk. Should be easily repaired. None of the decals are damaged.
  19. Since I don't know, is black pipe stronger than galvanized?
  20. For those of you planning to make this lift, here's an update for you. This morning, as I was lifting the bike up to the first stop, the pipe on the left front broke at the elbow. This caused the table to lean to the right, and the bike fell off! I'm not sure why it broke, but it snapped the pipe off flush with the elbow. Anyone have a 12' windshield, chrome trim under the windshield, or a light bar? http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9100.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN9101.jpg
  21. Make sure to file a non paying bidder complaint against him.
  22. When we left you and headed west on 40, we got about 2 miles past 95, and saw a wall of rain headed our way. we stopped, put on the rain gear, and decided to go back to 95, and head south. We hit a little rain before LPGA Blvd. Got off there, rode to 92, and then to Deland. By the time we got to Deland, it was partly sunny and hot. Got out of the rain gear, and had a great ride the rest of the way home. BTW, we found the 44a your were talking about. That's a nice ride! Good seeing you, Al, and Mary today.
  23. I have the instructions, as I don't throw anything away! If you have access to a fax machine, send me the number and I'll fax them to you.
  24. Here's a link to the plans I bought. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Motorcycle-Lift-Moto-Lift-Table-Plans-EZ-to-Build_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34284QQihZ016QQitemZ260155090819QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  25. Understood. No problem.
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