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Everything posted by Dragracer

  1. The Harbor Freight lift will hold the Venture nd it's stable? Do you use the 1000 or the 1200 version?
  2. I'm in the market for a motorcycle lift table. Anyone know where the best deal is? Any used ones? Any bike shops closing and selling equipment??
  3. No problem. Right back at ya!
  4. Thanks for the PM, but I'm looking for the 9" factory or 7" aftermarket. Take care.
  5. Joe, you could have at least waited until I replied one way or the other!
  6. Are you in St. Petersburg, FL??
  7. Anyone have a factory or after market shorty windsield you'd like to get rid of??
  8. Anyone have a spare one they'll part with??
  9. So far, all is well. I signed up using Freebirds link, accepted the $25.00. I then hooked up my internet bank account, and it was verified just like Paypal does. I then transfered the $25.00 to my checking account. it's there as of this morning. So far, it looks legit! I at least got $25.00 out of this deal! I hope others start to use it, as Paypal didn't like my firearms activity!
  10. I just signed up!
  11. Also, most cars are now equipped with at least one on-board computer. The PCM (powertrain control module) handles most all the engine and trans electronics, including the cruise control. If the PCM detects a sudden increase in rpm and/or vehicle speed, it will dis-engage the crusie control automatically. This doesn't mean you can't loose control of the car, it just means you can concentrate on steering and braking, not hunting the cruise control on/off switch.
  12. Pull the left neck cover, and snip the tie that holds the cables together under it. This should give you plenty of slack to install the risers. i did this on my 99.
  13. Here's mine. The barrel would be a little overweight for the luggage rack! http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN0356.jpg
  14. I too would like the dimensions. Length compressed and expanded. Size of the upper bolt mount, and dimensions of the lower clevis. I was at a swap meet last Sunday, and there are some shocks out there that look close. Anyone wanna take time to do some measuring for us???
  15. On my 99 the major culprit was the throttle cables. They run around the fork in the front, and travel down the left side under the neck cover. There is a tie under the left neck cover I took off, and it gave me sufficient slack to put them on.
  16. Ditto. If he can't find the plugs, I wouldn't want him raising my hood!
  17. Just for your info. If you have any kind of extended warranty, and the chip is found in the onboard computer, your claim will be denied. The Inspectors sent out by the warranty companies look for chips and reprogrammed computers. Trust me, I know! I am one of the Inspectors! BTW, the Jeep DOES have spark plugs! All gas engines require something to introduce a spark into the combustion chamber. Diesel ignites using high compression. Some of the newer engines have individual coils on each spark plug. This eliminate plug wires, and may make one think there are no plugs. Gas engine=spark plugs.
  18. I have one I wear with my 1/2 helmet. I'm satisified with it. It's not adjustable in any way. The helmet straps hold it in place very well. Sound quality is good. If you have a small head, you may have fvitment problems!
  19. I have them on mine, and I had the chrome cover. They will hit, but they will cause no problem. The cover gives easily, and I rode it for quite a while with no problem. I painted the bike, and reinstalled the original black plastic cover. Guess what??? The bars hit the black one also. Put them on, and ride. You will not have any problem.
  20. I have tha Barons kit on the rear, and the front lowered 1" on my 99. I ride 2 up most of the time. You will scrape the exhaust more often. Most noticable coming off a raised driveway, like a gas station, but it will also scrape on occasion if you do an aggressive turn on a twistee. But the comfort of the lowered bike greatly out weighs a little scraping!
  21. I used to drag race, and have used this company to cut and respline axles. http://www.moserengineering.com/ I would think any older small truck or car axle could be shortened and used. The older trucks (Toyota, Datsun, etc.) had very small rear axle assemblies.
  22. Anyone have an XL modular helmet they don't like/want?
  23. Steve, glad to hear you're OK. I just wanted to say I was in Hopkinsville, Thursday & Friday for a funeral. I didn't realize there was a Venture Rider there, or I'd have looked you up. I'm from Hooterville originally. Transplanted north, then south to FL. Maybe we know each other, or rome of the same people. Ronnie King
  24. As much as we love St. Augustine, no! This weekend is the Homosassa Seafood Festival and Craft Show. We will be attending that instead!
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