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Everything posted by Dragracer

  1. I have on the size of a dime in my left kidney. Doctor is recommending they zap it, so I guess that's what I'm gonna do!
  2. Yep. The LED's are the turn signals. They could stand to be a little brighter. But I'm more concerned that people in the rear know which way I'm turning.
  3. Here's the complete view: http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/IMG_6561.jpg For turn signals I use a small LED setup: http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/IMG_6562.jpg Here's the rigth light mount: http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/IMG_6563.jpg here's the left light mount: http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/IMG_6564.jpg Pardon the dirt and surface rust. The bike needs a GOOD cleaning!
  4. I built my light bar using the original turn signal bar. I ran threaded rod thru it, and screwed on 2 Harley headlamp mounts. They have one threaded blind hole, and one 3/8 pass thru hole to mount the spots. I'm very happy with it. I do not know if the VStar turn signal mount will fit, but I doubt. Ask here, and I'm sure someone has an original mount laying around.
  5. Here in FL, the Lemon Law applies to only new cars. If the sticker on the car said "AS IS, SO WARRANTY", you're most likely up a creek. Sorry.
  6. Prices lowered again!
  7. Make it $55.00 to take care of the Paypal fees and you've got a deal. Paypal is rking148@tampabay.rr.com.
  8. Bump with lower prices.
  9. Age on the full face is unknown, as I bought it used. The modular is a little over 1 year old. Been worn 5 times max. I'm just not a full face guy. My wife and I just bought 2 of the Scorpion VX0-100 helmets with the built in visors. And we love'm!
  10. I too am glad you got your bike fixed, but I too am curious how a defective radio amp can cause the bike to start! And 25 hours to trace bad wiring on our bikes??? In that time he would be able to take the harness off the bike, expose it completely, resistance check all wires and switches! Me thinks they are not telling you the complete story!
  11. Here's my 99 without them, and the windshield chrome painted black! http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/DSCN0355.jpg
  12. Bump with lower prices.
  13. Don, the mirrors arrived today. They look brand new! Thanks for your generosity! Ronnie King
  14. Bump. Price now includes shipping.
  15. #1 is a M2R MR650 full face helmet, size XL. I took off the wings glued to the top, painted it flat black, and added a new flip up shield. $55.00 shipped. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/IMG_5246.jpg #2 is a Vcan 608 modular, size XL, in flat black. The helmet's shield has a scratch on the left side, but it's out of your line of vision. $55.00 shipped. http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/IMG_5244.jpg http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j204/DragracerUSA/IMG_5245.jpg Shipping included.
  16. Don, I sent you a pm. My address is: Ronnie King 1165 N. Venice Terr. Lecanto, FL. 34461 Let me know how much to send and how you want paymant! Thanks again.
  17. Thank you, Don. Pm on the way.
  18. I have this on mine, and the front is lowered 1". It was the BEST thing I ever did to my Venture. I can flat foot the bike when stopped, (I', 5'10"). It helped the handling and turning in my opinion. I also have the smaller Venom front tire. My advise. Lower it. if it doesn't feel right, it's easy to restore it to stock!
  19. I am in need of a 2nd gen left side mirror. Anyone have an extra for sale?
  20. I agree. It was a funny ad!
  21. I just received the shorty w/s from donaldj2242. FedEx played American Tourister Gorilla with the box, but thanks to Don's excellent packing job, the w/s arrived in perfect condition! Thanks for the great deal, Don!
  22. I use a Kholster (www.kholster.com) to carry either my KelTec P11 of my Taurus Millenium. Both are 9mm. The Kholster is a Crossbreed copy, much less expensive. I carry both at 4:00 on the right side. The holster makes both guns seem to disappear. I carry anytime I leave the house, and just completed a trip to KY from FL on the Venture wearing the Taurus.
  23. Thanks for the heads up!
  24. Thanks. I have the Show Chrome 13" on the bike now. I'd like a little shorter.
  25. Anyone have a 7" or 9" 2nd gen windhsield for sale?
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