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  • Location
    AZ, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1996 RS
  1. Thanks for the suggestions. I was looking at purchasing a new shift pedal assy but I will try using the blue loctite to see if that works.
  2. I just purchase a 96 RS XVZ1300 and have noticed that the toe/heal shifter is physically loosening up from the post when shifting. I have pulled the whole assembly back to the tranny and cleaned/greased all the joints since it appears to have never been done. The washer/screw that secures the shifter to the post didn't look right so I replaced with hardware from BB. After all is said and done the thing is still loosening up? The shifter assy is a bit out of round but not too bad so I have not replaced it yet. Is this a known issue with these bikes? Anyone else experience this problem and if so what's the fix?
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