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Everything posted by joboo

  1. Ok Eagleeye you have done it now, that is seriously not a nice thing to do, second time today my wife comes running to see what is the matter with me, this time I am quite hysterical, actually fell off my chair laying on the floor laughing unable to catch my breath and being an old fart I think I actually peed alittle. I have not laughed that hard in years! You know when you get tickled and try to stop and then it happens all over again and you have no ability to stop it, well that is NOT funny to do to somebody, you should be ashamed! ( Shhh! Thanks) :rotf: :rotf:
  2. I want to replace my seat, and am impressed with the Ultimate. Trouble is, that means I have to replace the passenger seat and my wife is not one for change, she wants to know if anyone has any experience with the passenger seat. She finds no problem with the stock seat and says it is the right thickness ( GEEEZ) but other than width I can't find anything about how thick the dang thing is. I told her Ultimate offers a trial and her response was I know you need a new seat so if you are happy with yours that means I have to switch. Good grief anybody out there have any experience with the passenger seat?
  3. Never like to hear that a bike went down, Really glad you are OK Dave! Thanks for the Pics. Get better and ride safe.
  4. Thanks for the post Snaggletooth, I am always way too serious! I am sitting at the computer laughing out loud, atomic yo-yo! and my wife runs in to see what was the matter with me..Thanks for the laugh and the mental picture of your mom in the sports gear!
  5. Oh Crap! When this happens like you describe it is usually a mama squirrel havin babies, closin up the hole with her on the inside or outside is a no win either way same as if you use poison, you definitely don't want the smell that will follow. If you close it up with her on the outside or the inside you are gonna get more air conditioning than you want and not where you want it. Your call for an exterminator is probably the best one followed by a drywall contractor if you don't do these things yourself, unless you wanna wait for em to grow up and move out on their own. But like raising kids it will cause you a lot of sleepless nights. Good Luck!
  6. Thanks for the post Warrior/Honeybee! That is on an RSTD and they don't have the problem I do with the rack. They also have hard saddlebags with a different mount. Star did a nice job on that bike. Thanks again!
  7. OK guys, no laughing but a little serious help. The wife wants the backrest she sees on the grandpa bikes aka the Venture package. I am considering adding a DMY trunk with backrest which brings us a few problems, namely no rack on which to mount one. The RSTC only has a sissy bar rack that is tilted at the end and really doesn't do it for me. My idea is to get the longer sissy bar (the round one that is a stock accessory) and have it bent. Don't care if it messes up the bar as it won't show anyway, if I have to add a flat piece of stock no big deal, but I think it will make a pretty solid platform. No crap about getting the real ride as I have had this bike for 17 years and since it is virtually the same machine I don't need the intercom or the CB or the big out front fairing. I like it the way it is but gotta please the little woman, as I have kept her a tad longer than the bike. (29 yrs) I know I am asking for it...so go for it!
  8. I always looked at those fairing pieces and thought that they would be hot. One of the differences between the RSTC and the RSTD, we don't have those pieces on the RSTC and I don't have the complaint about hot feet, course I don't often ride where it is cold but looks like they would be a big advantage for that. Nice work jrsain!
  9. Thoughts and prayers for your loss, these things are difficult to hear, I hope you feel the support from our group in your time of need. God Bless!
  10. joboo

    my other ride

  11. joboo

    From the album: my other ride

  12. joboo

    my 96 RSTC

  13. joboo


    From the album: my 96 RSTC

  14. joboo


    From the album: my 96 RSTC

  15. I started reading this from the beginning after VX1000SE asked if there was anything new, I am totally hooked, articulate and well written, cannot wait for the next installment, this could be a best seller! Go lil beaver!
  16. Sorry man, I agree with your confusion, what I tried to clarify in the followup was, yes initial setting 1000RPM ... this will change as you get it adjusted and then bring it back down. What I read was you made several adjustments to idle as your sync adjustments were being made..hence the procedure to clarify. The asterisks denote order of response. Freebird just posted his procedure link again today for another guy with pictures and all. Works for the ventures and is very similar to the royals, the royals don't have the ais, the carbs are smaller and more touchy and the RPM has a range that seems to be a little lower. The 1k is also a starting point for the RPM but it does have a range that spans over 100. These things all have their "sweet spots" tempered by personal preference. Attempting to set them all to a factory standard nets average results. I wish some of these other guys would throw their 2 cents at this so you could get direct help on your exact model.
  17. I also have to warn you that there are other things it could be other than your procedure for sync. I did have an experience similar to what you are describing and after tearing the carbs off again found 2 problems, I found some pin holes in one of the diaphragms and that I had accidently bent one of the floats, turning over the carbs without the float bowl attached. Don't really know which thing it was. Well, I'm sure the guys here are having a good chuckle at my attempt to help on a subject that has been beaten to death on the tech pages, but what the heck, we all had to learn at some point! AND I make no apologies for the USMC joke!
  18. Donation sent, Get Better Dan!
  19. I am assuming that you are talking about the multiple gauges rather than tube type of sync tool. I suspect that some of the unique attachments may be valves to control needle bounce as well as the ability to use the gauges for other things. Not sure about your multiport attachment and what interaction with the other attachments. I am also a little confused about your idle adjustments. In my experience ( which is not all that great) the starting point is about 2 1/2 turns but I have never had all of them be the same when finished. Turning them out another half turn each in all likelyhood won't give you the smoothest idle, they will all be slightly different. The other thing I wasn't clear on, you talk about the idle adjustments in the same sentence as the sync, don't want to be insulting but if the pilot circuit (idle) is off from the beginning, meaning that you opened the pilot circuit to set the idle instead of using the main idle adjustment, then your sync adjustment is going to be off. This should show up on your gauges as carb #1 is fixed and the others are synced to it. You indicate that it did well at the higher RPM settings which use different jets at different RPMs. You may be getting a false indication when you are between idle and main jet draw because of the idle settings, especially if the gauge attachment is slowing the vacuum response. What are the readings at idle? If you start at 1000 RPM to sync, you will never get it right. the throttle response comes from the low end which you are leaving out. I have to assume some of these things from your descriptions, like things fell into place after speeding up idle and checking beginning at 1000 RPM, suspecting it was done because of needle bounce or lack of it because it was too damped.
  20. You guys and this carb sync thing....Jeeez!! It is so fast AND easy AND inexpensive AND simple anyone can do it! I learned from the masters here on this site and I am going to post a pic of my gizmo for you. The full instructions and pictures of sync screw locations for the various models are already on the site so I am not gonna beat that horse, suffice it to say that $5 worth of tubing from your local DIY store, and some old oil or tranny fluid and you have it. I drilled some holes in a board and some bread tie wire to hold the tubes but you could glue it or use clips to hold it. Warm up the bike good first, turn it off, hook the hoses to the vacuum ports, fire it up and level the fluid in the tubes, vary the throttle and adjust until the fluid returns to level at any stable setting not accel or deceling and no choke. Usually only three screws to mess with and they don't need much adjustment after you have done this once. Next step is kick yourself in the ass for avoiding something so easy and one of the things that makes all the difference in the world how your scoot runs. Last step, kick back, fire up a good stoogie, pop the top on your brew, and pat yourself on the back for a good job and saving yourself a pile of dough. Thanks again to all the guys on this site who make this easy!
  21. Not to argue with anyone, but I live in Sarasota/Bradenton area and we have 2 Home Depots and 2 Lowes, After one of my retired military buddies asked me to get something for him at Lowes and I came back and gave it to him he asked why didn't I use my military discount. I told him that I had already asked all four store managers and was informed it was up to the individual stores for the discount policy. The stores in Tampa offered the discount ( military bases there) but the local ones here do not, shame because we have a LOT of retired military here in old folks paradise.
  22. Don't think I have ever had to use full choke, I made the adjustments from off to make sure when the bike was on the pilot circuit it was only on it and when it needed choke it got just enough and evenly to still have a very smooth but slightly faster idle which is what allows you to ride it sooner instead of having a rough choke that is too fast to ride. Keeping the carbs synced after tampering with any adjustments is also real critical on these because of the smaller carbs and jets. Using the plastic tubes mounted on a board, I can sync these carbs in minutes once it has been warmed up. Using some of the tweeks the guys share on here you can keep your bike running better than when it came out of the showroom.
  23. A little off the subject, but I wanted to comment on muaymendez's post, my 96 was exactly the same, and still pops on decel. I was really annoyed at the warmup time, have had the carbs apart a zillion times. The last time I paid particular attention to the choke which on the CV carbs is an independent circuit. The cables and rods can cause the choke to be completely off from one carb to the next. The choke has its own diaphragms and ports and they should all be matched to operate to exactly the same position on each detente pull of the choke. The cable that operates one side has keepers but if not lined up, bent a little or not tightened down in the right spot can cause two of the carbs to choke before or after the other two. The rods have the brackets with a set screw but these get a little bent over time as well. Once I got em so that they were all the same and really smooth, (the choke knob actually pulls really easily) I warm up the bike for a few minutes, the idle smooths right out, I ride at this point and I leave the choke out one or two clicks for another minute or two before closing it. No more 15 minute wait!
  24. Sorry about your trailer man! I have lots of trailers for different things on the ranch and I use locks on every one of them. Master Lock makes a couple that are pretty cool, one has a ball with a u shaped piece that goes over the hitch and the other one has a shield and ball combo made of stainless that slides and it is very visible.. great little deterrents, they would have to make alot of noise to get em off. I got mine at Tractor Supply.
  25. You are right Tooldood, after rereading my post, it did come off a little negative and thin on info. I pointed out not to be out after dark which is still the best advice but the day trips are awesome, the country is a beautiful place. The best places are the beaches. The hard part for a lot of folks is that it is a poor country by our standards and relies heavily on the tourist trade.There is a lot of crime and tourists are taken advantage of. My advice was meant to simply be careful as I put in the heading. To combat the problem, all inclusive resorts like Sandals, Hedonism, Plantation and many others have made beautiful places for a relaxing vacation that don't require anything but airport transportation. Some offer the day trips with experienced guides to the offsite areas of interest. The last time I was there, I hooked up with one of the "drivers" at the airport to be a guide for the week, he actually lived in Ocho Rios where the resort was and he was happy to be kept on retainer so he didn't have to hang at the airport which was a 2 hour trip. There were enough of us in the group to keep him busy. We got to see quite a bit off the beaten path and even I got nervous in Kingston. The resort brought in lots of local entertainment that was really awesome and the bars were always open. So as in anything it is what you make of it...just be careful and have a great trip and like Tooldood said Irie!
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