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Everything posted by joboo

  1. Always hate to hear this kind of thing. Thoughts and prayers sent.
  2. Thanks for the posts guys!, Wes Thanks for the pics, I was worried about what it would look like with the stock leather bags, liked the four pipes and didn't wanna go for the 4 in 2s to change bags. Looks like you did a lot of work! Djh, I agree matching the tank would be pretty cool, Mama Yammi does sell the cocktail colors in cans, but I don't have the nerve, will take it to have the paint at some point. Now to keep it from gettin all scratched up!
  3. Very cool, his and hers cases, The Florida plate is a nice touch too!
  4. This is a follow up to the post I made about the wife needing a new seat and backrest, I added Ultimate seats, a DMY trunk with lighted spoiler and rack and passenger floorboards. Probably not many Royal Star Tour Classics with this set up! The white matches pretty close would like to have had matching blue but paint wasn't an issue right away. Mounted on starboard and had the short sissy bar bent at a 60 degree angle after turning it over, Thanks to Phoneman for the idea! What do ya'll think? [ATTACH]66575[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]66576[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]66577[/ATTACH]
  5. USAA used to be available only to Military Officers and their immediate families, and the parent company still is, not the military in general (no pun intended). So many of the family members who were then eligible which made their respective families eligible. It made USAA come up with USAA-CIC which is now available to non officers and their families. They used to be the best deal for motorcycle insurance and when they added the CIC they raised the rates so high it made it more attractive to go elsewhere. I am going on my 39th year with USAA. Geico was also a closed company as Geico is an abbreviation for Government Employees Insurance COmpany. Not exactly sure what year it was opened to the public, but in the early 70s I know you had to show your Government ID to be eligible, they sucked then too which is why I went to USAA when I found out about it. I have to say I have had my ups and downs with them but they have always beat the alternatives.
  6. Paul, Not the floats, the float needles, see your post on RSTD not running. 5 from Old Bike Barn, cheapest deal going. BTW good post Brian!
  7. Paul, see your other post on "gas leaking from carbs" You need to get this fixed first, as you just found out when the float needle doesn't work the fuel pump continues to pump fuel out on the floor, don't continue to try to start it, a fire is not worth it. Change those float needles like I suggested, I believe I got a set of 5 in a pack for $10 from the Old Bike Barn.
  8. Paul, This was an issue that I had on my 96 after I had left it set up for a really long time. I had rebuilt the carbs and reset the floats a gazillion times. I used the manometer technique (tube attached to bowl drain) to check the floats and got intermittent results. I even lowered or raised according to your perspective the level to almost nothing and every once in awhile one of them would overflow. I was confused and kept digging what I finally found was that the spring loaded pins in the float needles didn't work right they were sticky. The manometer test was trying to tell me but it took awhile to figure it out. Replaced the float needles as they are cheap, four for like 10 bucks, not worth fooling with the pins and springs as they are too tiny for old eyes and bifocals. I am not a betting man but I would bet on this as your fix.
  9. She sure does look purty all shined up!
  10. LOL Condor, I have to say I don't watch either, I agree with Dan, I think he is an idiot, but I have to confess, that I DO watch Judge Judy and his show is on just before hers so I just caught the end of it. I try to take off everyday for decompression time and retire to the porch with my stogie and a brew and part of that decompression is laughing my a** off listening to Judge Judy berate the dumba**s on her show, good for a laugh anyway!
  11. Anybody see Judge Joe Brown today, it was a case about a guy who bought a 1st gen that needed more work than the guy was prepared for, but Judge Joe Brown told the guy he should have saved a few more bucks and bought a real bike like the Harley his wife originally wanted. He was hatin on it for awhile. They showed lots of pictures and the Yamaha name in big letters. It was a good lookin silver bike that looked loaded, probably see it listed pretty quick after that aired.
  12. Reach in there with a pair of side cutters and firmly cut all the audio wires directly in two, Tapes the ends firmly and take the bike out for a ride, enjoy listening to the wind whistling by!
  13. Stache, East and North, Wow! Expand that map! Ride down to Florida and warm up! What do you get up there ...about 28 days a year of ridin weather?
  14. Too Bad the speedbleeders all are not the same size, I have the 2 on the front brakes that are one size, the clutch is a different size and the rear brake is a third size. Just be aware when ordering for your bike to get the right ones.
  15. Welcome, Just south of you, give me a shout when you are down this way and we'll ride!:TEAL:
  16. my guess is the slave cylinder has a problem, would match your symptoms.
  17. Years ago my Dad went to the Doc for RLS symptoms, The Doc was seriously an old timer and he didn't believe too much in some of the modern day diagnosis and pharmaceuticals. He told my dad to eat a banana or a few grapefruit slices and drink a glass of quinine water before bed as the kicking and jerking were the result of a chemical imbalance in the muscles. He just said don't overdue the grapefruit as too much potassium is not good for older folks but a little is good. The quinine had something to do with thyroid enzymes if I remember correctly. It worked great for him, but who knows. The cost and the risk were worth a try, especially if you are miserable enough to seek medical attention.
  18. RSTDdog gave you the best answer on your previous post and was an even better explanation than I gave you, which is they may not be an exact fit. Wes also said the same thing and we all agree the rebuild is the same. The bleed on these is a real PITA and you will get several different ways to do it. You said on your previous post that you changed the slave and I can tell you from experience that you must be PATIENT! I have speed bleeders but took off the one for the clutch after replacing the slave because it would not bleed correctly, I put the original on and then opened it about a turn and a half, then used a very large syringe like you would use for a meat injector with some tubing and with the top off the master, VERY SLOWLY pushed fluid into the bleeder until the bubbles stopped in the master. I then, put the speed bleeder back on and pumped the handle till I got no bubbles out that end. It will still feel a little loose till you put the top back on the master, pump the handle and make sure you have the correct feel, you should be good. The brake is almost the same, just be aware that trying to push out those bubbles too fast breaks then up into tiny little bubbles that you will have to address again the next day. Patience is indeed a virtue my friend! good Luck!
  19. Mine is old but still has the arrow that is actually part of the metal, if you look closely you will see it pointing toward the long end or the ON position. There is also a slope or slanted end that in the picture is toward the RES, this is the back. Hope this helps!
  20. Awesome! Right choice!
  21. The NK numbers are Yamaha's numbers. The first number you listed is not correct the first digit after the 4nk is missing which was originally a 2 but has been replaced with a "W". I could not find a direct match to the second number you gave to your model year so my guess is that there is some difference, bolt matching or something maybe not in the cylinder itself but something doesn't match exactly. You also say you have a 97 royal star but no model so for future help, please be sure to specify, cause they don't all use all of the same parts. You also don't say what was wrong with them other than ruined so don't know why you wouldn't rebuild the masters, it is easy and much less expensive. You did the right thing in replacing the slave on the clutch and if you can do that job the master rebuild will seem really easy. Good Luck and stay Safe!
  22. Tom, Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
  23. Well, I'm sure you are gonna get lots of opinions on this, but my 2 cents says that the boost in octane you get from the seafoam might cause you some other issues in hot engine, discolored pipes, hot plugs ect, after it does the job in cleaning up. My personal feeling is that the stuff is awesome for cleanups, coping with the ethanol in the gas in SMALL doses and a must for storage, but running it routinely in large doses may cause other unwanted problems. Why wouldn't you try a higher octane of fuel or a mix of higher octane, pump half a tank of regular and a half tank of higher to see if you get the same results or maybe even a hotter plug? I think I am gonna leave this to the experts here but couldn't resist my 2 cents worth. Gonna be interesting to hear!
  24. Congrats Golf, I too have joined the PGR and live near 3 National Cemeterys so I am sure it will keep me busy. I come from a big military family and am a Vietnam Vet myself. Dragonrider you sure got it right. I for one am glad to see the support of our troops today compared to my time and will feel proud to stand for those who have served as well, especially those from my time. PS Great work on the holders for the big flags Fuzzy!
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