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Everything posted by Yamamike

  1. I disagree...I think his head is somewhere else!
  2. I see a few folks riding unsafely in that video...there was bound to be an accident the way some of these people were riding.IMHO!
  3. "AM I ON THE EDGE OF CRAZY?????" Dude...I think you've gone waaaaay over the edge into the abyss.
  4. Man...I just finished my lunch and you've got me salivating!!!
  5. Hey...you saw it on the internet so it must be true............
  6. Ummm...I hate to ask but what's a "low country boil"?
  7. Very nice!! Just don't get caught in the rain...spray of the front tires would be messy:o)
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong but using different size jets front and rear is to allow for hotter running rear cylinders in an air cooled engine. I don't think this would apply to liquid cooled engines.
  9. I think you're right Mel! If it looks like the PO did not wire through a relay and fuse, I'd just start from scratch and make sure it's done properly so you don't have any issues down the road (pun intended). IMHO
  10. Just FYI...it may well not affect the operation but keep in mind there are wires, fuel hoses and a fuel tank that could be affected if hot exhaust gases are in the immediate vicinity. Just sayin......
  11. Me three!
  12. Ditto!! Love em. I just have mine bolted directly to the clamps without the extensions. This limits the adjust ability but they're perfect for my short legs.
  13. "This has nothing to do with the drivers, but the number of times the material is transferred from truck to truck on it route across the country." I'm with ya Shamue...I work for a pump distributor and I swear sometime the forklift operators in the transfer facilities have competitions to see who can roll a piece of equipment the furthest before damage occurs:whistling:
  14. Ummm...scuse me...she? Who is "she"? I think you forget the fact this is a linked system...not a question of using the brakes correctly.
  15. That's about a 25% reduction in contact area on the pads dude. IMHO, that's way less than optimum...bordering on dangerous.:backinmyday: PS; Keep in mind...with that kind of brake efficiency loss on the rear brake...you run a much greater risk of locking up the front.
  16. You guys still messing around with that crap...that's nasty s--t. Not only bad for the environment but it will kill you...or your kids. Just sayin:backinmyday:
  17. Seriously...share! No need to feel embarrassed (even if you do get some ribbing:whistling:.
  18. Sorry to hijack the thread but are there any of you out there running Progressives with 5W oil? I have 10W in mine and I find the ride quite harsh on smallish bumps, rail crossings, small pot holes. I installed the Progressives with no spacer and removed the air system to allow for lowering the tripple clamps on the forks. I know my Kenda Kruz's have stiff sidewalls and likely contribute alot to the harshness but wonder if switching to 5W will help. I see in some threads, guys suggesting reducing the amount of oil...I don't see how that would help soften the ride??
  19. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
  20. If it has not been done before, you should run quite a bit of fresh fluid through there to make sure you flush out ALL the old fluid.
  21. Should be a #4= all of the above:rotf:
  22. Have great trip...I'm green with envy over here.
  23. That brings up one of my pet peeves...you'd think the parts store would put muffler grease and blinker fluid at least sort of in the same area but nooooooooooooo. Ya have to look all over that dang place usually find blinker fluid with the rubber hose benders or something. Sheesh! Is this what's called highjacking a thread:o)
  24. Love the sound on the Monster Ovals but I think they might be too loud for long trips?? Thanks for this!!
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