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Everything posted by Yamamike

  1. Hey Jeff...what "extra" LED's do you have? I'm thinking of making the change but can't find any at a reasonable price up here.
  2. It's a beauty but holy crap that's a lot of coin for one wheel.
  3. I agree with the last 2 posts 100%. Althow(lol) you could part out the 85...it ain't much good to ya.
  4. I agree but FYI...the hydraulic brakes you refer to require more maintenance and are a HUGE PIA to bleed. They also require some getting used to due to the way they are applied. They can be a little "jerky" under light braking which might be spooky in corners. Just M2C
  5. I agree...the accident report would give you the most accurate location. Should be easy enough to get a copy from your insurance company. Or maybe the police department either where it happened or you local department.
  6. Hey Earl...the guy who hit your house wouldn't be insured by the same company as you, would he? That could cause you grief! If not, your insurance should be going after this guy, not you!!
  7. Snaggletooth...you've got that wrong! You should have said "Nothing they say means what they mean!":rotf:
  8. With fuel coming out you exhaust...you'd better check your crankcase as well! You likely have fuel in your oil also. BTW...you might want to use some epoxy when you put them back together.
  9. The biker did not slam his brakes, speed was quite low...NO reason for him to be rear ended by anyone who is PAYING ATTENTION!!!
  10. Don't know about you Gary but I can't wait to see the end result. It's gonna look amazing!!
  11. That's correct!
  12. "Oven in next to last picture is going to replace my smaller oven in garage that I use for powder coating. This is a full size, one I have now is a built in style and couple of inches narrower. With replacement unit, I can get motor block in oven and cure powder coating on block." KEWL!!
  13. Just like brake lights...you have say 75% of LED on for "dim" and 100% for high. IMHO
  14. I think there was also a post mentioning that the tranny case was marked if the fix was done by a Yammy dealer??
  15. Love the Can-Am...they sell quite a few of them up here! If and when I make to move to 3 wheels, it will be a Can-Am. As I've mentioned in another thread...they are way more stable than any trike with 2 rear wheels!
  16. Yellow is prettier:whistling:
  17. "I wear a helmet 99.314159 % of the time, because that is also where my headset is for listening to music or the CB. But...I also believe that the wearing of a helmet should be the individual riders' choice, if they are over the age of 21." LMAO...I'd like to see the mathon this!!
  18. Just make sure you don't put those nails in yer pocket...that could hurt someone...........
  19. LMAO!!!
  20. Gonna open a can of worm here...everyone seems to be siding with the guy in the SUV! Not sure why...he's the one who is raging (at first anyway). Unless I'm not seeing the lane marking correctly, the guy in the car is in his lane and the SUV is trying to squeeze in where there is no space. There was however space behind the car...all he had to do was take his foot off the gas for a second and pull in behind him. The guy in the SUV had no right of way...it would have been nice of the guy in the car to back off and let him in but he was not required to do so. IMHO
  21. Sorry for high-jacking but does anyone have a junk Gen1 windshield with a vent to part with? Looking for the type that can be closed.
  22. Yamamike

    New Bike

    No pics...didn't happen!
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