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Everything posted by Yamamike

  1. Peder...veggie oil might work perfectly but when it goes rancid...yuk! Just sayin!
  2. Plus it dries out pretty quickly:2cents:
  3. If memory serves me right, there is a small dowel pin on the bottom of the risers that you\ll have to pull out or cut. I moved the risers forward and the bars up for a much more comfortable position.
  4. I agree Randy...I've never used anything but automotive motor oil in any of the many bikes I've owned. Even my motocross bikes which if ridden hard are about as hard as you can be on a clutch with all that slipping coming out of corners. I've read many tests done to compare automotive oil to motorcycle specific oil...not a single one has even come close to making me change over.
  5. 3000 miles or six months...whichever comes first!!
  6. If you don't see what you need in his adds...send him a PM...he's usually quick to respond and VERY helpful. BTW...they're called forks!
  7. I know this has been discussed but I can't find what bulb models are used on the first Gens. If I'm not mistaken the tail/brake bulbs are 1157 and signal are 1156. Could someone please confirm or correct me. Thanks in advance.
  8. Truly one of a very select few. BTW Dan...he still is GREAT!!
  9. Check POR15 http://www.canada-por15.com/merchant.mvc? They're in Grimsby!
  10. Oh oh...better lock the doors Pete:stickpoke:
  11. I don't care what he was riding that was an exhibition of some mad riding skills!!! Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that's a BMW.
  12. Me too Abdul. As for the underlining...did you accidentally hit the underline button (U)??
  13. So I'm at Tim Horton warming up my hands with a coffee on my way to Guelph from Brampton and a fellow with a group of riders comes over cuz he noticed my Southern Cruisers crest. We chat for a bit...he's from a different chapter. I'm alone so he invites me to join the ride...they're heading in the same direction so I'm glad to accept. It's 2 minutes to "kickstands up" so I go out and notice a beautiful Millenium...I find out the owner is a fellow VentureRider Chabicheka. These guys and gals like to heat up the pavement!! I peeled off after only about 30 minutes but thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks Chabi
  14. Keep in mind...sometimes you can't see cracks in the carb boots or hoses until you move them. Try sraying starter fluid (or some other flamable liquid) on suspected parts while you wiggle them. For carb boots push (carefully) up on the carb when you spray the boot. If the boots are hard...check them very closely.
  15. Thanks Brian...found them localy for $7 each! Has anyone had this issue (open cicuit) while still running fairly well. I've allways thought the spark was a little week and that the bike didin't run as strong as many here have described. Have to wonder what will happen when I replace the caps??
  16. I know this is an old thread but some good info here on NGK plug caps. I found this looking for a place to buy new ones for my 83. When changing the plugs the other day I found that the cap on #2 was really loose on the spark plug stud. Time to replace it. Now while researching this I read that the cap should have a 5Kohm resistor...just for fun I check the resistance on mine and find it reading open? I pull the cap of the rear plug and get the same reading. I understand that the current can be jumping a small break but this thing should not be running as well as it does like this right?? I have two questions; 1) to Bkuhr...where the hell did you find the caps for under $5? 2) these cannot be rebuilt right? (mine are VB05FP by the way)
  17. what a waste of good pine!!!
  18. :sign yeah that:
  19. Misunderstood the comment about "1200 LEDs looking for a home" lol So where have you been getting these from? Are they reasonably priced?
  20. They should be a light brown or dark tan color.
  21. The "stink" he's referring to is probably cuz you're running a bit rich. What color were your plugs when you checked them?
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