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Everything posted by Yamamike

  1. Yep...cost me $0.25 for the 4mm x 20mm hardened dowel pin and I made my own gasket. Don't think it took me more that an hour!
  2. I think we can expect something to go up against the Goldwing in the next couple years. I won't be surprised to see a full frame mounted fairing and all the bells and whistles.
  3. Unfortunately not DOT approved! (
  4. Saw the vid...now I get it!!
  5. Hey Kevin, Do you have OEM mufflers on your beast? I read on another thread that the OEMs apparently have something built-in to them to prevent this. If your plugs are a nice chocolate brown, she must be running great!!
  6. If you let folks know what your ride is............
  7. Aw...come on, if you leave now..........
  8. Anyone here doing the Ride For Dad next weekend out of Oakville?? Date is June 8/13:canada:
  9. Give the guy a break Trader...allthought (as you said) it was at times difficult to follow his thoughts, it was very far from the the worst regarding lack of punctuation. Some are just horrible. I can remember giving up less than half way through a post. It was easily 3 paragraph long with not a single capital letter, let alone periods or comas:2cents:
  10. Hey Jeff...if those puppies draw 10W, they must be superbright (no pun intended)!! If you get them, let us know how they work out. Would you be looking at the 20deg beam configuration?
  11. Yamamike


  12. Probly just need new clutch spring...had the same issue with my 83...changed springs, problem solved!! Check your plates once you have it open though.
  13. 3000miles or 6 months...whichever comes first!!
  14. That's exactly why!
  15. If it's not too deep and the clear coat is deep enough:2cents:
  16. Ace...leather mostly just protects from road rash. Full on sudden stops like that...not so much:D
  17. Dammit...where was this info in the spring of 2012 when I was putting my ol' gal back together?? This would have saved me a lot of time a cursing:bang head: Does look cool...and Fran is a hoot!!
  18. Hey Spencer...just in case you're not aware, the reason you need to capture the fluid is that it eats paint and plastic. Be careful of any fluid dripping from the reservoir and bleeder screws. When I restored my 83 last year, I changed the fluid to DOT 5 which is silicon based and does not affect paint or plastic. I did not want my new paint ruined by dripping/spilling brake fluid. The down side is that the DOT 5 is not compatible with other fluids and the old stuff MUST be completely and thoroughly flushed out. I had my calipers off and disassembled to check and clean all the seals so I was certain of no residual fluid. The DOT 5 fluid should also be replaced (flushed) every couple seasons as well but in my opinion well worth knowing my paint won't accidentally get ruined. Good luck!
  19. "You are just a hop skip and a jump away, theres no excuse to not make it to Maintenance Day (MD) to meet some of us "normal" folks. Hold on a second Jeff...you used the words "us" and "normal" together...are you implying you're one of them?
  20. "The rubber on the ISO grip protrudes above the metal. Your hands are on the rubber so it's not particularly cold." Yeah...I wondered if that was enough to insulate your hands from the metal. Thanks!
  21. Sorry for hijacking but who has the Kury ISO grips out there. I really like the look but wonder about comfort and cold weather. For comfort, I love my (OEM?) "foam" grips as well as the insulating factor when riding in colder weather.
  22. And/or the old brake lines are getting weak but that's an extreme case.
  23. Yeah you don't want to get one of those universal fit ones that velcro together...they are a huge PITA!
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