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Everything posted by Yamamike

  1. Careful guys...some newer nail polish removers are no longer acetone!! Make sure before using.
  2. Here's a source in Ontario for Q-bond! http://www.redstallion.ca/index.php?show=products&key=idProduct&id=117&pg=&manu=41
  3. Hey Bongobobny, Please elaborate...there are MANY epoxies out there and not all created equal. What brands have been used successfully? PS; thanks for all the input!!
  4. So I've read some of the repair methods/suggestions...if I understand correctly, these parts are made of ABS?? If that's correct, can I use ABS pipe material (used in plumbing) as "filler"?
  5. OK...either I'm going blind and have skipped right past the section multiple times or it just ain't in the service manual I downloaded from this site?? I'm looking for a step by step to make sure I don't mess anything up during disassembly. I've found a couple for Gen2 but not Gen1. I'm sure it's been posted before but I can't find that either...maybe I should look for a search tutorial first:confused24:
  6. Trader wrote "When you jumped it...hopefully it was with a NON running car....so just the battery..not the alternator....I've read on here that jumping with a running car can fry our electrics." Just an FYI...that can happen to ANY vehicle! If the boosting vehicle is running and the boosted battery is really flat you get a spike that can cause damage to one or both vehicles.
  7. Thanks again guys...sure glad the mech in me was wisperin in my ear to double check!
  8. If you connect to your computer with the USB cable, you should be able to download Itunes to your computer. The only thing I don't like about the Ipods is that you must use Itunes to download and/or delete files.
  9. OK so just to make sure I'm on the right page...the splined washer goes where it's shown in the attached photo?? Still seems awfuly loose on that shaft to me Ride safe, Mike
  10. Unless you have a bad or tight intake valve...have you adjusted the valves? Ride safe, Mike
  11. Waytago Saddlebum!! Do you also do the Ride For Dad? I've been thinking of doing the Movember one as well...I've shaved my head for cancer research awhile back. You wanna talk about feeling naked?? Ride Safe, Mike
  12. Gary, Unfortunately this won't work either cuz the air inlet for the fork tubes is on the side of the tube just below the top clamp of the tripple tree! Ride safe, Mike
  13. Thanks bkuhr!! Guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow! Ride safe, Mike
  14. I think I dun done a booboo! When i removed the clutch to fix the missing shifter pin problem, the idiot in my head was not listening to the mechanic in there and did not pay attention to where the thrust plate (item#2 in parts list). It's a washer with splines on inner diameter. I consulted the parts list to make sure I was re-assembling in the proper sequence and that shows the plate/washer between the primary (item 1) and secondary (item 3) clutch baskets. My problem is that if you do this the washer goes past the splines on the shaft and is very floppy on the shaft. That just does not seem right so I installed it after the secondary basket. If this is incorrect then I suspect I'll have some major slippage (or worse) happening. HELP!! Ride safe, Mike PS: I woulda attached a copy of the parts list page in question but I ain't figured that out yet!
  15. I agree with all the live let live comments 100% but feel I should point out that severe road rash can (and has) kill people...just not as quickly (and as often) as a "busted head". Ride how you want but just be aware of possible consequences! I'm just sayin'. Ride safe, Mike
  16. MiCarl, Not so much the oil pump I'm worried about as all the linkages and gears in there but it should stay down where it is (unless I drop the bike or something:shock3:). Found a 4mm x 20mm dowel pin at one of my hardware suppliers for work and ground it down to the right lenght. Put it in, bent all the tabs back the way they should be and guess what...it goes through all 5 gears:dancefool:. Put the clutch back together and she's ready to roll...sadly I'll be out of town for the next couple days so I won't be able to take her out for a spin to confirm. Ride safe, Mike
  17. OK...tried two different type/size magnets and almost got one of them wedged in there! Thought I was gonna have to do more disassembling but finally got it out. The profile of that oil pan is not exactly flat!! Lotsa places for that little pin to hide. I'm just a little worried about leaving the dang thing in there. I did find a source for metric dowel pins so I'm gonna replace it, put her back together and make sure everything works before I order the VMax parts. Ride safe, Mike
  18. HUH...I've been using Rain-Ex on my windsheild for 5 years and don't see any discolouration. Ride safe, Mike
  19. Hey Relic, Where do you get this stuff? Ride safe, Mike
  20. WOW...that baby looks like it just came off the showroom floor!! Ride safe, Mike
  21. Good info...thanks for this! Tonight I'll be making sure everyone I know sees this!! Ride safe, Mike
  22. You don't really need meds unless the bickering gets real bad! Ride safe, Mike
  23. Yeah but I still like it. Ride safe, Mike
  24. Took the cover off and lost zeero oil:). Now I'm stuck (no manual Jason)...not sure how the linkages come out to aloow removal of the segment? Sure I saw a post showing this but can't remember what thread. BTW...the segment looks waaaay smaller than I expected from the photos I've seen. Ride safe, Mike PS; Has anyone been successful at reteiving one of these dowel pins from the sump?? I'll have to bring home my magnet from work tomorrow.
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