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Everything posted by Yamamike

  1. I'm 5'4" and 160lbs soaking wet...the first couple times I thought there was no way I would ever do it but as some have said...it's all technique. I think the most important part of the technique is sticking you tongue out ant to the left (not right) Seriously though if I can do it with vey little effort, so can you. Trial and error! You'll get it!!
  2. That's just what I'm looking for!!! I want to build a trailer to tow behind my 83 which can double as a trailer that can haul a motorcycle. You know in case I ever go on a loooong ride with someone on a Harley.
  3. That is cool...long as ya gots trees to attach to! Just sayin.
  4. Always a good idea to grease o-ring when installing...I would suggest the you use non petroleum based grease though just in case they are made of EPT. Otherwise they'll swell and could break down.
  5. Whatever tent you get, I would recommend the following; 1) Follow instructions for waterproofing (if applicable) to the letter! 2) Make sure it can stand on it's own if required (no pegs). 3) If it comes with plastic pegs REPLACE THEM with metal ones!! 4) As mentioned previously...use a ground sheet. 5) If you do get caught in the rain, take the first opportunity to dry that puppy! My sister returned a brand new tent she had borrowed from me years ago. "Oh yeah, we dried it!" Two months later when I opened it up before a camping trip to make sure all the poles and pegs were there, I could have made penicillin with the mold! 6) HAVE FUN!!!
  6. Yeah well...grass is green here too it's just covered by a few inches of that white $hyte:(
  7. Hey Dan, That ain't naked...she's wearin a top! This is naked! LOL BTW Hoss...is that an intended typo in your sig? That's what my wife called my Virago too!
  8. :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  9. Why...too young?
  10. To all the Toronto area members...please let me know if you know a young mechanically inclined person looking for a full time job. I work for a small company looking to train someone in industrial engine and pump assembly/repair. We are a distributor for John Deere, Kubota, and Ford industrial engines and Flowserve pumps located in Mississauga.
  11. Not only that but you'd piss of everyone in the on-coming traffic with the wide beam. Just sayin.
  12. Better to drink the wind than make it:stirthepot:
  13. New or used?
  14. That sh!t head made me cry!
  15. Yeah...weak fork brace is the usual suspect and these babies have flimsy braces considering the size/weight!!
  16. Hey Trader, With your set-up, I'm guessing you open the valve on the hose going to each carb individually as you move from one to the next??
  17. It's the old squeaky wheel thing! Glad you came away with a good deal!
  18. We have something similar in Collingwood (Ontario) at Blue Mountain Ski resort. One of these days I'm gonna try it!
  19. Carl...from what I've read recently, all of these are available in both synthetic and non-synthetic but the only one which is silicone base is DOT5. I got all exited when I saw this thread and found I can get it locally. I was thinking I'd change over to it cuz it won't eat paint! I was wrong...the only one that does not eat paint it DOT5 (silicone based).
  20. Ummm...doesn't the triple tree clamp do that?? I suspect any circlip would have more to do with the air inlet "clamp". If there's no issue of oil, I'm hoping sliding the triple down over the air inlet hole would be sufficient.
  21. Any suggestions on how to plug these holes? Epoxy??
  22. I'm considering Progressive springs for my ol' girl and also want to lower the front end. If I remove the air ride system (as many seem to suggest with progressives) what will I find under the "clamp" on the forks? I want to raise the forks in the triple clamp but will I have to plug any holes which allow the air to enter the fork to prevent loss of fork oil??
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