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Everything posted by Yamamike

  1. turned to stone...now we just stand here with pigeon poop all over us and
  2. Isn't the light turned off in crank mode? Or do you want it manually controlled for other reasons?
  3. I realised, they were stopped when I passed them. Now I'm
  4. I've always done the high beam thing but this makes alot of sense! Thanks for this!!
  5. Been on the island a few time but never on a bike. The entire province is at the top of my bucket list of places I want to ride. I'm green with envy over here!!
  6. Have to assume this is a second gen...what about the fork brace? Are they beefier on the second gens?
  7. Changed your mind huh...
  8. Bags, I'm sure you're aware but throwin it out there anywho...tires do have a shelf life. M2C
  9. If I may steal this thread...anyone out there have Kenda Kruz on a 1st Gen? I had them on my Virago and felt the same way as Stache so I bought a set for the Venture.
  10. Ummm...don't you mean threads:whistling:
  11. One man's funny is another man's stupid!
  12. Larry, Many insurance companies have separate divisions for motorcycle insurance.
  13. IMHO...if you can put this in your helmet and it does not sit too high on your forehead, yer helmet's too big fer yer head!
  14. Uuuuhhh...by the way Gary...does your wife know what her ironing board's been used for lately:stirthepot:
  15. Thanks again Gary...don't know why Goof Off would not be considered good for this. I had no issues with it. It did not affect the paint or plastic at all.
  16. Lookin good Gary!! I got the pinstripes off with one of those glass cleaning knives that uses a razor blade. Then I found what makes the quickest work of getting the glue out is a peice of Scotchbrite (light grey) and Goof Off adhesive remover. I agree about the decal remover. I also plan to tape the rim like you did...what kind of tape is that?? That sounds like alot of paint...how many coats of primer and colour did you put down? Thanks for the info!
  17. OK so now I realy have to get my a$$ in gear and finish preping this baby for paint. Anyone out there remove the aluminum "frames" around the inside edge of the bags and trunk? There are small screws around the inside of them but with these out it's still very solid on there and I wonder if they're glued. I'm afraid to break anything if I pull any harder than I have.
  18. Go for the one peice...unless of course you might ever need a bathroom break:stirthepot:
  19. If this young lady is determined to get a crotch rocket then perhaps you shopuld try to steer her towards one which is easy (forgiving) to ride...beleive it or not the Yamaha R6 falls nicely into that category. Just because a cruiser has a low seat does not necessarily make it easier to ride than ALL crotch rocket. You can kill yourself just as easily on a cruiser if you ride beyond your capabilities. M2C
  20. Are you certain it's going into neutral? Put her on the center stand and check by rotating the rear wheel by hand as you shift into first and then neutral. If it still does not go to neutral, it's possible the shifter spool may have been damaged if it the shifter was forced when you dropped her. If on the other hand you find it is in neutral, raise the front wheel of the ground and see if it turns...if not, your front caliper is seized. That would explain why you dropped her in the grass!
  21. Word to the wise...for those who have not seen this show yet...whether you're hungry or not, have a napkin or towel ready! You WILL salivate profusely!!
  22. Yeah that ^. The trade-off to the extra rolling resistance it the stability of dual axle.
  23. Bongo Bob said, " This means the rear brake starts to close and brake slightly before the front so you don't nosedive as much." If I'm not mistaken, the opposite is true...the front is actuated first to prevent rear wheel lock up. Or am I wrong?
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