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About Yamamike

  • Birthday 03/15/1957

Personal Information

  • Name
    Mike Laforest


  • Location
    BRAMPTON, Canada


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  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Venture Std
  1. Yamamike

    So long

    Well I've put my old gal up for sale as I've picked up a new (to me) bike. This is my first Venture (lol) away from the star in 40 years (wow that just made me feel old!). The new mistress is a 06 Vulcan Nomad 1600. I have to say I'll be very lucky to find a forum half as helpful as this one thanks to the folks who keep it going and those who subscribe to it. See y'all on the road.
  2. Hi again...how does one test this fuel pump? Is it possible to disable the pressure switch?
  3. All right...finally found my parts list and this valve Cowpuc referred to seems to be a roll over valve. If that`s correct, it would indeed be a check valve and I should not be able to blow through it...am I right
  4. OK I found what looks like a check valve about half way down the breather hose. Is this what you`re talking about Cowpuc. I have to wonder if it`s actually a filter since it seems to have very little restriction whether i suck or blow on it!
  5. Thank you all for the info...a few more questions arise from all this but first here's what I've done so far. drained tank remove petcock...no filter screen at all and no reserve feature remove fuel level sensor to have a look...this baby is super clean and no sign of water New questions; will the petcock from 84 and on first gen fit? not saying the filter should not be replaced but if it was dirty, I would this the problem would be there whether the tank is full or near empty where is this flow valve
  6. I seem to remember seeing a post about the suction screens in the fuel tank? My 83 runs a little rough when the fuel gets down to 2 bars on the gauge. Any suggestions?
  7. Hey fellow Canuks out there. Anyone have a valve adjustment kit available to rent/borrow? When I started the process of synchronizing my carbs after rebuilding them, I thought I was looking at worn valve guides! But with helpful tips from this forum and a local bike repair shop owner (KMM Powersports), it seems I just need to adjust the valves. Thanks in advance! Mike
  8. Thanks for the thread and tips!
  9. Hey all, I purchased the carb kits below to overhaul the carbs in my 83. It has all the correct o-rings and gaskets but I was not sure about the needle and seat so did not want to drill out the old ones just to find they don't fit. Going on advise from this great forum, I used pine-sol to soak the (completely dis-assembled) carbs for 48 hours. They cleaned up really well but during the cleaning process I found that #1 carb was badly pitted where the throttle plate seats. This meant I had to use a spare carb and cuz I had to get the beast back together and running for a charity ride just two days away, this carb only soaked for about 8 hours. With carbs re-assembled and mounted on the bike, it was time to hit the start button. She fired right up but would not idle without choke even after running about 5 minutes. I increased engine speed with the main idle adjuster and got it to idle around 1000rpm and got down to adjusting and syncing. All seemed to be going very well and suddenly #1 was way off. So I went from almost purring to crap a couple more time and then I pulled the vacuum gauge hose of the port and engine speed went up to about 1500rpm. That's when I new I had a problem! Then fuel started to pour out of the #1 overflow. I'm hoping I just need to replace the needle and seat but now I wonder if I can use the ones in the kits I have. Has anyone out there used the needle valves from this kit and how did you get the old ones out? http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTAyNFg3Njg=/z/Bf8AAOxyVaBSseZS/$_35.JPG?set_id=880000500F
  10. I'm waiting on delivery of a set of these kits. Wondering what most use to soak the carbs in after dis-assembly for cleaning. Used to be able to buy stuff by the gallon...soak parts overnight and re-assemble next day. Mike
  11. heated
  12. I know the subject of tires has been discussed at length but I will require a new front before next season and I'm wondering if there are any do's and don'ts as far as mixing brands. I currently run Kenda Kruz front and rear and the reason for replacing the front is cupping. I'm not sure if the cause was balancing or pressure but I will certainly be monitoring the new tire very closely and getting the new one balanced properly. Any suggestions?
  13. That looks like waaaaay too much fun. Can't possibly be legal! Mike:sign green with env
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