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Everything posted by zagger

  1. Since you are installing lots of Vmax hardware, you might want to consider putting in a set of the Vmax boost valves. I did this and operate them with a bicycle shift lever which has 5 "clicks" from closed to fully open. The bike does seem to enjoy running on "1 click" which means that all four valves are just slightly opened. Since I didn't do any engine mods which would help consume the extra gas and air, fully opening the valves doesn't really do very much. The main problem for installation is that these valves raise the carb height by a couple of inches. On my bike, that didn't matter since I don't have anything above them besides the individual air filters. Just something to consider. zag
  2. I also used Red-Kote to line the inside of my gas tanks. My Honda Sabre 1100 has two extra tanks that I made to extend the range on long trips and both needed Red-Kote to protect the bare metal inside of the tanks. It is good stuff but a little thick coming straight from the can. I diluted it a somewhat with a solvent (the can says to use methyl ethyl ketone(MEK) or acetone) so that it would flow easily into all of the small, tight areas. Then I let it vent for awhile to let it set up solidly. I did this about 10 years ago and everything is still good. zag
  3. Watched the vid and was impressed. I was ready to see about getting a Corvair but discovered that they aren't made anymore. WTF? zag
  4. I don't want to offend any of you motorcycling folks with comments about our obvious international situation. So I will just stop all posts from now on. Good luck to you guys. Out of here. zag
  5. Hard to see how anything could be safer for gasoline than a milk jug tied to the side of the bike. Of course, good luck does play a role. zag
  6. Total protection. zag
  7. CDC (Center for Disease Control) sent out Corona Virus test kits that were already tainted with the virus. You just couldn't make this stuff up. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3837858/posts zag
  8. I'm thinking about some barrels in my yard. https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/us-stocks-april-20-2020 Of course, I would need a friend with a refinery to make some gas, etc. Anyone have those connections? zag
  9. For what it's worth - I like my Arai helmet. Like this one: https://www.araiamericas.com/node/224 I like having the chin guard a little further out (like the Arai) than the normal full face helmet so that you aren't breathing straight into the chin guard. I cut out the vents to provide better airflow. Although I really like the visor sun protection, I did cut it back a bit from the stock size. As I recall, I also installed a tinted shield. Although it is expensive to change your mind, it might be good to pick something to try and see if it works for you. zag PS I'm not a fan of hinged chin guards since I'm concerned that it might hinge up or down right when I'm doing a face-plant. I like the components of the helmet to be rigidly fixed.
  10. No, but I did just finish running to the dump and piling brush beside the road in front of my house. My wife planted a "dwarf" cedar near our garage and when it got up past the garage roof, we figured that the "dwarf" claim was a lie and we had to cut it down. Lots of brush to deal with. On top of the usual ginormous piles of garden junk from my wife. Fortunately, our village just reopened the dump this week. My garage was completely full of stuff that needed a new home. Now I just have bikes, lawnmower, and snowblower. zag
  11. I haven't seen anything yet. What is the schedule supposed to be? zag
  12. Thank you cowpuc. I appreciate your honesty. zag
  13. This should be a discussion about Covid-19 since this mess is affecting all of us in important ways. I certainly don't see any reason to drag in other topics. Maybe just boredom? I'm starting to wonder when warmer weather will come and if travel restrictions will be lifted so that I can get my bikes on the road. zag
  14. More pieces in the puzzle. https://thediplomat.com/2020/04/did-xi-jinping-deliberately-sicken-the-world/ zag
  15. Well, thankfully we are not shut down completely and the dump is open again today. My wife has a bunch more garden debris that needs a new home. Pretty pathetic that my life now revolves around dump hours! How exciting! We still have giant piles of brush but, supposedly, the village is going to send around trucks with chippers next week. zag PS I am still delivering meals to old farts that cannot get out of their homes. Gonna make another run this morning. The community center now sets everything outside - big insulated bags with color coded tags and lists of the addresses.
  16. Just got back from two trips to the dump. All garden stuff goes into the composting part. Other than restricting the number of cars in the dump area, it wasn't a problem. Got rid of my wife's gardening junk and a bunch of cut sod. Next week we are supposed to have brush pickup and that should get rid of the big piles of brush inside the garage and outside. zag
  17. I have zero idea why religion is having any input into this discussion. We are living through a time when a country who is searching for more control has either purposely released a virus to the world or done so through incompetence. Apparently, it appears that the virus contains genetic aspects which could only have been derived from a laboratory. If that doesn't give you a moment to think - I don't know what would. I'm hoping to survive this and I hope the same thing for all of my VR friends. Gonna spend the afternoon hauling my wife's garden junk to the dump. Should be a zoo since it has been closed for months. Only one car at a time into the drop off area. zag
  18. Spend an hour and watch the video (post #1 ). Pretty sobering. zag
  19. Well, it seems to me that we are all trying to deal with a life/death issue. Where I live, everything is shut down and neighbors get online if anyone stops at our house and a car is in the driveway. I guess we will eventually find out how many Venture riders are left after this. Since news is obviously censored, I thought it would be good to pass on the latest findings to my friends. I guess that I don't see the political aspect, unless you are in the Chinese ruling party and don't like the obvious evidence that the virus spread was both created and concealed. Now the reports are 21 million dead in China. This isn't a republican/democrat thing - this is just simple survival. zag https://web.archive.org/web/20200406190917/https://n5ti.com/health/1233/
  20. That is the dilemma, isn't it? We take actions which make sense in our "free world economy" viewpoint, but the results may slowly crush us. I think that I would immediately return all essential manufacturing (like manufacturing of medicines) to the US. Even something simple could be a problem since our capabilities may have become so poor that we are not able to deal with anything. Pretty scary situation if the producer decides to turn the screws. I would cut those boys off regardless of the cost. The alternative is slow suicide. What a situation! I have nothing against the Chinese people but I completely distrust their government. Years ago I built my own electronics company and happened to bring my kids to a northern Wisconsin ski hill. An old Chinese guy was working to clear tables in the cafeteria and I started to chat with him. Turned out that he was running from the Chinese government of that time since he was Christian and that was illegal in China. I drove back up to northern Wisconsin to pick him up, found him a place to live, hired him at my company, and tried to prove that he had made the right choice by coming here. It was fairly painful since he wasn't able to do anything that needed to be done in our electronics production. Just an old guy a long way from his family. The point is: these Chinese government freaks have been grinding their people for many years. It is totally time to shut them down. zag
  21. Time to make those bastards pay the price. I'd suggest stopping all imports from China immediately. They have started a secret war with the rest of the world. zag
  22. If your pipes are not loud enough, then I'm not use what horns might do. zag
  23. Well, now I am depressed! Thanks for the info. zag
  24. In addition to the push button, there is a starter relay which must make a good electrical contact to provide power to the starter motor. If the relay contacts get pitted and make a poor electrical connection, you might hear a "click" as the relay closes but the starter will not get enough power to turn. This arrangement is common to all cars and bikes with electric start. zag
  25. I had to stop at the grocery store for a couple of things and saw that every checkout position had signs stuck to the floor, spaced out at 6 foot intervals, showing where the next person in line should stand. Of course, there was practically nobody in the store. I was happy to notice the employee's wiping down everything with some sort of disinfectant. zag
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