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Everything posted by Todd157k

  1. Start simple. 1) clogged air cleaner. 2) carb cleaner. 3) carb sync
  2. I am as of a few weeks back. 2001 1800. Very sweet machine and pretty dang quick.
  3. I had one too, but it was a Gen 1 FJR. It toasted my left leg like a backyard bbq. Not fun on hot days. I guess they corrected that a few years later. I'm 5'9" and didn't get any buffetting. After installing bar risers and keeping the windshield up all the way, I realized I was kinda done with the mid-sport riding position.
  4. Just a quick THANKS to all those contributing on this thread, and referenced threads. Mine was squealing in the mornings so I took the advice given here, put some lightweight oil in the cable tube and used some compressed air (somewhat low pressure) and blew it up to the speedo. Now it's quiet day/night.
  5. They used to sell a gizmo for cars that would mount between the wheel and the drum that had a 'donut' of sand on it. It was supposed to do the same thing as mentioned here... and it did. My brother had a set. The problem with it (as would be for putting stuff in our tires) is that when you hit a pot hole, it would throw the sand off balance and the rotation wouldn't allow it to re-position itself. Kinda like your washing machine when somehow the clothes bunch up to one side and it goes on the spin cycle. For some reason, my wife always yells 'gettyup' at that point. IDK.
  6. Cost of Marriage = $xxx.xx Cost of Divorce = $xxxxxxxxx.xx Cost of Sanity after divorce = PRICELESS! been there.. done that.. 3x
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